Whaler (5e Subclass)

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Whaler ,Fighter Subclass

Mercenary and privateers would often work as whalers or fisherman while traveling from contract to contract this lends itself well to war and battle as harpoons and javelins go hand in hand

Strong Arm and Quick Hands

At 3rd lvl, your range on thrown weapons increases by 50% (or an extra 5 feet for every 10 feet of range). This applies to standard and long range. You also deal an extra 1d4 damage when throwing a weapon, You can draw a light weapon as part of the action of attacking with it, You can attack with a weapon with the thrown property as a bonus action, adding modifier(s) as normal.

Scrimshaw & Bone charms

at 5th lvl you are able to spend 8 hours carving a ivory or bone charm that you can attach to your weapons giving the weapons the thrown property and the returning property as well as a range of 30/120.

Barbed Harpoon

At 8th lvl you learn how to modify your weapons leading them to cause heavy bleed to your target, If you take the attack action and hit with your charmed weapon, you can choose to deal an additional 3d6 bleed damage. The bleed damage continues each round unless healed. This is usable a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.

Calypso's Tempest

at 14th lvl you gain the ability to call down violent windstorm that is accompanied by rain, hail or snow, your choice, slams the area around you all creature you chose within a 60 foot radius form you have disadvantage on ranged attacks and are blind beyond 10 feet as heavy physical obscurement blocks their sight you may use this ability once per long rest

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