Whaler (5e Subclass)
Fighter Subclass
Whaler Fighters are deadly hunters with an unyielding bond to the ocean’s fury. Skilled in throwing weapons, especially harpoons, they strike with precision, reeling in their prey with terrifying force.
They carve powerful bone charms into their weapons, allowing them to attack repeatedly and control the battlefield with the power of storms. Whether from a distance or up close, Whalers are relentless, using their strength, speed, and mastery over their weapons to dominate foes and bring down even the most monstrous enemies.
- Sea Hunter
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Vehicles (Sea) and with Survival. In addition, you have Advantage on all Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track aquatic creatures of Large size or larger.
- Strong Arm and Quick Hands
At 3rd Level, your mastery of thrown weapons is unparalleled, allowing you to attack with precision and speed. You gain the following benefits when fighting with thrown weapons:
- For every 10 feet of range with thrown weapons, you gain an additional 5 feet of range with that weapon.
- When you throw a weapon, you deal an additional 1d4 damage. This increases to 1d6 at 18th level.
- You can draw a light weapon as part of the same action used to attack with it.
- You can throw a weapon with the Thrown property as a bonus action.
- Scrimshaw & Bone Charms
At 7th Level, the ancient art of scrimshaw allows you to carve powerful charms that imbue your weapons with mystical properties. You gain proficiency with the Woodcarver's tools, which you can use to carve bones. After spending 8 hours carving an ivory or bone charm, you can attach it to a thrown weapon. This charmed weapon is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances to non-magical damage, and returns to your hand after hitting or missing a target, allowing you to immediately throw it again on your next turn without the need to draw it.
The charm lasts indefinitely. You can have only a single charm at any given time, and carving a new charm causes the previous one to lose power.
- Titan's Grip
At 10th level, your bond with thrown weapons becomes unbreakable. You wield them with immense strength and can reel in your enemies for devastating follow-up attacks. On a hit with a bone charmed thrown weapon, you can pull the target up to 10 feet closer to you, as though reeling them in with a harpoon.
- Calypso's Tempest
At 15th Level, you have learned to command the winds and storms, a manifestation of your deep connection to the ocean and its fury. As an action, you can conjure a violent storm centered on you, creating a 60-foot radius of chaotic weather (rain, hail, or snow). The storm imposes the following effects:
- Creatures of your choice within the storm have disadvantage on ranged attack rolls.
- Creatures within the storm have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to see beyond 10 feet due to the physical obstruction of the storm.
- Creatures within the storm take 2d6 bludgeoning damage at the start of their turn. A Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier) halves this damage.
Once you use this feature, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.
- Barbed Harpoon
At 18th Level, you have learned how to modify your thrown weapons to deal devastating damage, especially when they strike with precision. When you hit a creature with a charmed weapon, you can choose to cause them to start bleeding. A bleeding target loses 3d6 hit points at the end of each turn. The bleeding lasts until the target receives magical healing or succeeds on a Constitution saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier at the start of their turn.
You can have only one target affected by this feature at any given time. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining its uses after finishing a long rest.
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