The Reaper (5e Subclass)

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The reaper[edit]

Rogue Subclass

The Reaper is a fearsome assassin considered by many to be the ultimate opponent one will ever encounter. Most of the time, no one survives a fight with a Reaper. For many, they are the embodiment of death or its representative.

Death Scythe At 3rd level, the Reaper can bond with a scythe. After a one-hour ritual, she becomes a Death Scythe. She gains the magic trait (Regarding resistances) and finesse.

Sneaky Mowing At level 3, as long as the opponent is in close combat with an ally or has already suffered an attack this round, the Reaper can perform the sneak attack on the target even without having an advantage. This skill only works for the Death Scythe.

Skin of Death At level 3, the character unlocks mastery of intermediate armor, Scythe and War Scythe.

Death Strike At 9th level, the character can add his Constitution modifier to the damage of the death scythe. Additionally, he can make two attacks when he uses the attack action with the death scythe.

Aura of Death At 13th level, the Reaper can choose to release an aura of death 5 feet around him. Each target suffers necrotic damage equal to the character's level. The undead are healed by the aura. It can be activated or deactivated by a bonus action. The range of the aura increases at 17th level to 10 feet.

The Reaper At 17th level, the Reaper reaches a higher stage than a mere mortal. As a result, the Reaper gains the undead subtype. In addition, he gains a +4 to constitution (Maximum 24). In addition, each successful attack with the death scythe restores a number of hit points equal to the consti mod. Also, each attack made with the attack action can benefit from the sneak attack. Finally, the aura of death no longer affects only the creatures you have chosen.



2d4 slashing damage, Heavy, reach, two-handed. Common weapon costing 10 GP

War Scythe

2d6 slashing damage, Heavy, reach, two-handed, Special*. War weapon costing 50 GP

Special - Brutal Wounds

When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice a second time and add it to the critical hit's bonus damage.

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