Heretic Sword Domain (5e Subclass)

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Heretic Sword domain[edit]

Cleric subclass

The domain of the Heretical Sword is the ancient way of life of clerics. Their lives are connected with a unique weapon with which they have a strong bond. This bond with their weapon goes to such extremes that it violated the rules of humanity and therefore the members of this domain are often hunted. These clerics are more often evil than good and typically they are working as a mercenaries.

Expanded Spell List

Cleric level

 1st	shield of faith, armor of agathys
 3rd	spiritual weapon, mirror image
 5th	spirit guardians, haste
 7th	fire shield, death ward
 9th	circle of power, holy weapon

Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and medium armor.

Channel Divinity: Heroic affinity
At 2nd level, you can access divine magic inside you and channel it into your weapon. As a bonus action, you gain +3 bonus to attack roll with this weapon for 3 rounds.

Extra attack

At 6th level, you can attack twice instead of once when you take attack action.

Gift of believer
At 8th level, when you use a weapon attack to target one creature, you can target two instead but with -3 to attack roll.

Avatar of gods
At 17th level, once per long rest, you can cast any 9th level spell from cleric spellist without expending spellslot, regardless if you prepared that spell.

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