Gotthänder (5e Subclass)
Work In Progress |
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From the Slayers anime by E&G Films |
Cleric Subclass
This particular cleric subclass is not strictly tied to a domain. Rather, the cleric themselves specializes in a faith that allows them to become a conduit for their god, but far short of an avatar. For brief moments of time a gotthänder cleric can wholly channel their deity through themselves, through a technique known as manifestation. This is anextremely haphazard method that you should talk with your DM about. Establish your deity and flesh out their powers and personality.
|extrasonright=4 |extra1_name=Manifestation |extra1_1=2 |extra1_2=2 |extra1_3=3 |extra1_4=3 |extra1_5=3 |extra1_6=4 |extra1_7=4 |extra1_8=4 |extra1_9=4 |extra1_10=4 |extra1_11=5 |extra1_12=5 |extra1_13=5 |extra1_14=5 |extra1_15=5 |extra1_16=5 |extra1_17=6 |extra1_18=6 |extra1_19=6 |extra1_20=7 |extra2_name=Miracles |extra2_1=- |extra2_2=2 |extra2_3=2 |extra2_4=2 |extra2_5=3 |extra2_6=3 |extra2_7=3 |extra2_8=3 |extra2_9=4 |extra2_10=4 |extra2_11=4 |extra2_12=4 |extra2_13=5 |extra2_14=5 |extra2_15=5 |extra2_16=5 |extra2_17=6 |extra2_18=6 |extra2_19=6 |extra2_20=7 |extra3_name=Spell Level |extra3_1=- |extra3_2=1 |extra3_3=2 |extra3_4=2 |extra3_5=3 |extra3_6=3 |extra3_7=3 |extra3_8=3 |extra3_9=4 |extra3_10=4 |extra3_11=5 |extra3_12=5 |extra3_13=6 |extra3_14=6 |extra3_15=7 |extra3_16=7 |extra3_17=8 |extra3_18=8 |extra3_19=8 |extra3_20=9 |extra4_name=Deity Die |extra4_1=1d4 |extra4_2=1d4 |extra4_3=1d4 |extra4_4=1d4 |extra4_5=1d6 |extra4_6=1d6 |extra4_7=1d6 |extra4_8=1d6 |extra4_9=1d6 |extra4_10=1d6 |extra4_11=1d8 |extra4_12=1d8 |extra4_13=1d8 |extra4_14=1d8 |extra4_15=1d8 |extra4_16=1d8 |extra4_17=1d10 |extra4_18=1d10 |extra4_19=1d10 |extra4_20=1d10
Vow of Conduit[edit]
You pledge yourself, body and soul, to divinity to become their mouthpiece and instrument. At 1st level, choose a subclass from the Vow of Good, Neutral Vow, and Vow of Evil, all detailed towards the bottom of the class description. You gain features from your subclass at 1st, 6th, 10th, and 18th levels.
Deity Die[edit]
Starting at 1st level, you have a special divine favor within you coalesced in the deity dice. This dice is used for numerous features in this class and increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown under the Deity Die column.
Starting at 1st level, you can manifest certain aspects of the deity of which you are the mouthpiece. As an action, you can change your appearance and your voice. These changes should reflect the deity you serve. You can also adjust your height and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. Your clothing and equipment aren't changed by this trait. You stay in the new form until you use an action to revert to your true form or until you die. You can use this feature a number of times as shown under the Manifestation column of the class table.
Divine Collateral[edit]
As part of your bondage to the divine, you gain a divine gift that marks you as their loyal servant. Starting at 1st level, you gain one of the following features of your choice:
- Tool of Destruction
You can use your bonus action to summon forth your divine gift. This gift takes the form of either a weapon, instrument, or single piece of gear, like a tool. The form of this gift cannot change once selected. This gift has its normal combat and non-combat functions (i.e., you can still hit with a weapon, and you can still play if it's an instrument). Your gift disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the gift (no action required), or if you die.
- As an action, while this gift is summoned and you hold it, you can choose one object or creature within 60 feet of you. The mark of destruction or wrath of your god, appears on the target. At the end of your next turn, if the target has not died or been destroyed, roll your deity dice. The marked creature takes Xd6 force damage as punishment from your deity, where X equals the deity dice value. If this damage reduces the target creature or object to 0 hit points, the object or body is destroyed immediately. You can use this feature once, regaining use when you finish a long rest.
- Protectors Vestments
You use your action to touch the set of armor or clothing you are wearing. The attire takes on a more glorified appearance, decorated with the motifs of your deity. You can touch it again with an action to dispel this divine armor. While this enhancement is active, your armor gains the following properties depending on its type:
- Heavy Armor: You can add your Dexterity modifier to your AC.
- Medium Armor: You gain an additional 5 feet of walking speed.
- Light Armor: Your AC increases by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus.
- Clothes: You gain resistance to one damage type of your choice from the following: fire, radiant, necrotic, cold. You can change your choice each time you manifest this armor.
- Divine Extension
Your service to your god has imprinted onto you in the form of a sacred mark that cannot be concealed or removed from your body unless the part of the body on which it is branded is also removed. Depending on where this mark is branded on your body, you gain special properties that can be interpreted as extensions of your god's powers. Choose two of the following locations where you are branded on your body.
- Arm, Hand: As a bonus action, your hands shimmer with the strength of a deity. You can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the next Strength or Dexterity-based ability check or saving throw you make. You can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The effect then ends.
- Leg, Foot: You gain an additional 5 feet of walking speed.
- Back: Once per combat, as a bonus action, you can fly to any unoccupied spot within 30 feet of you, ignoring difficult terrain. This movement still provokes opportunity attacks.
- Chest, Torso: You gain advantage on saving throws against diseases and being poisoned.
- Head: You gain proficiency in 3 Intelligence based skills of your choice. You can swap these proficiencies for tool proficiencies or languages.
- Great Sign
Your divine reverence is symbolized in a talisman of sorts, which can manifest in forms like an amulet, a pennant, and such. This serves as a powerful ward and god omen for you, who carries the will of the deity within. When the wearer fails an ability check or saving throw they can add their Deity Die to the roll, potentially turning the roll into a success. This benefit can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest.
If you lose the sign, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to designate a different object with a mark of your patron as your new sign. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous sign. The sign crumbles when you die.
- Divine Servant
You learn the find familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual. When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms: imp, pseudodragon, quasit, monodrone, awakened shrub, or sprite.
Divine Miracle[edit]
Starting at 2nd level, the divine power you serve allows the creation of grand and glorious miracles. Miracles you can evoke are lesser than one caused directly by a deity, but they are nonetheless awe-striking. You evoke these miracles with an action. When you use this feature, you roll your Deity Die to see what miracle you invoke. As you gain higher levels in this class and the size of the deity dice increases, you gain access to the rest of the miracle table.
d10 | Miracle | Duration |
1 | A nonflammable object within 60 feet of you that is no bigger than a 5-foot cube spontaneously combusts and is turned to ash. | Instantaneous |
2 | A sonorous chanting can be heard around you and your visage becomes momentarily deific. You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. | 1 minute |
3 | A creature or object no larger than 1 cubic foot within 60 feet of you ages 20 years within the span of an instant. | Instantaneous |
4 | A creature you touch has their movement doubled until the end of their turn. | Instantaneous |
5 | A creature or object that you touch is suddenly under the effects of the enlarge/reduce spell. You can choose which effect occurs when you touch them. | 1 minute |
6 | A body of water with volume no bigger than a 30-foot cube within 30 feet of you instantly freezes solid or evaporates into steam. | Instantaneous |
7 | A swarm of insects manifest, as though you cast insect plague at its lowest level, centered on yourself. This sphere of biting insects moves with you. You alone are immune to the spell's effects. | 1 minute |
8 | You gain the benefit of the tongues spell as though it were casted on you. | 1 hour |
9 | All creatures within 60 feet of you suddenly drop prone, prostrating themselves in your direction. | Instantaneous |
10 | You gain 120 feet of truesight. | 10 minutes |
Your miracle ends early if you are knocked unconscious or incapacitated.
Once you have called miracles the number of times shown for your gotthänder level in the Miracles column of the class table, you must finish a long rest before you can use them again.
Arcane Channel[edit]
Utilizing the powers of your god, you can channel divine energies to create arcane effects. Starting at 2nd level, you can influence the very fabric of the arcane energies in the world with your divine channeling powers. When you use your Divine Miracle feature, you may manifest the miracle in the form of a spell instead of the miracle tables. The list of spells you can emulate is shown below, sorted by level. The level of spell you can manifest is shown in the Spell Level column of the class table. As you gain more levels in this class, you can emulate higher levels of spells. You also gain more spells you can manifest from your subclass option. Different spell levels can only be manifested a certain number of times a day before you must finish a long rest to manifest them via miracles again.
- Cantrip: message, thunderclap, prestidigitation, thaumaturgy, produce flame, shape water, mold earth, gust, infestation
- 1st-Level: arms of hadar, ceremony, compelled duel, shield of faith, purify food and drink
- 2nd-Level: animal messenger, augury, cloud of daggers, zone of truth, darkness
- 3rd-Level: fireball, create food and water, animate dead, fast friends
- 4th-Level (3 uses only): banishment, compulsion, death ward
- 5th-Level (2 uses only): contagion, dawn, wall of force
- 6th-Level (2 uses only): flesh to stone, globe of invulnerability, sunbeam
- 7th-Level (1 use only): regenerate, temple of the gods
- 8th-Level (1 use only): dark star, control weather
- 9th-Level (1 use only): gate, foresight
If there are spells you would like to change on the list, you are free to discuss with your DM. The list above lacks spells like wish but can be modified to include it.
God Arc[edit]
Starting at the 1st level you have your god arc, and it is yours and yours alone. Your long blade type does 1d12 slashing damage with each attack.
Whenever someone besides you attempts to wield it, the God Arc goes into a berserk rage, since only you are allowed to wield it now. The creature attempting to wield it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC=11). On a failed to save, the creature takes 10d8 necrotic damage and half on a successful. Any creature smaller than medium automatically fails this save. This damage cannot be reduced, regardless of resistances
Oracle points[edit]
Starting at the 1st level You have as many Oracle Points as shown in the table and after a long or short rest, your points will return to that amount. It is also the max amount of Oracle points you can have at that time, and any Oracle points you gain that exceed this amount is wasted.
Oracle points are used for many things as a God eater, mainly so you can use abilities and shoot your gun.
Gun Mode[edit]
Starting at 2nd level change your melee form into its gun form you can do this as a bonus action. Your gun type is the Shotgun type. When you shoot a blast you can shoot 3 bullets at once each bullet does 1d4 and each uses an Oracle point. The amount of bullets you can shoot at once increases by to 4 at the 5th level, to 5 at the 10th level, 6 at the 15th level, and 8 at the 20th level. The range of your gun is 20ft to 60ft.
Starting at the 3rd level your weapon you can Devour living things. As an action, you can devour as an attack that does 1d8 piercing damage. If this attack would kill an opponent you also gain oracle points equal to double the damage dealt. You can also devour recently defeated opponents to gain oracle points equal to the damage that would normally be dealt. When it Devours, it reverts to it's Devouring form for the attack and returns to its previous form when the attack has ended.
- Must be in melee form to use this
Rage Burst[edit]
Starting at the 3rd level your feelings are now more in sync with your god arc, as a bonus action You may now channel the rage inside of you and your god arc, and temporarily give your self a boost. choose one of the following when you activate this ability. This ability lasts for 1 minute. You may use this once per long rest. This increases to 2 times at the 12th level.
- abilities
Jump boost: you now may double the hight of any jump and have an advantage on any and all jump checks while this is active.
Speed boost: your speed now doubles and you have an advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Strength boost: you now have an advantage on strength checks and saving throws.
Attack boost: you now have an advantage on attack checks and you do damage plus strength modifier on top of any other modifier that is active.
Critical boost: your critical hit range is now 18-20.
Devour boost: double devour damage and double Oracle points taken
Sight boost: You have an advantage on perception checks dealing with sight, and when you are using gun mode your max range doubles.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Misty Moon[edit]
Starting at the 5th level you have learned how to swing your sword fast enough that the attack hits twice. As an action, Before you make an attack roll you choose to use this. after you make your attack roll, on a successful hit you roll base damage dice for that weapon after your original attack, this second hit doesn't get any added damage from other abilities. You may use this once per short or long rest. The number of times you may use this increases to 2 at the 15th level.
Sonic Caliber[edit]
Starting at the 6th level, as an action, you collect energy at the tip of your blade. This allows you to swing your sword and create a shock wave straightforward and it will cut anything in a 20ft line. Opponents getting hit must make a dexterity check DC: 10 + Strength modifier. On a successful saving throw, the opponent takes Damage, on a failed saving throw the opponent takes your weapons normal damage and are knocked prone. This attack uses 2 Oracle points to use it.
Honed edge[edit]
Starting at the 7th level, As a bonus action, You can now hone your blade with your energy. By spending one oracle point you focus energy at the edge of your blade and gives you an extra d6 to your attack. You may stack this up to 3 times at once, and has a cooldown of 1 minute. The number of times you may stack this increases to 4 at level 10, 5 at level 14, and 6 at level 17.
Starting at the 9th level as an action you may open a bullet cartridge at the base of your weapon (between the hilt and the blade) and shoot out tiny bullets that will embed into someone or something and blow up after 30 seconds. This does 1d12 damage to the thing it is in, and anyone or anything in a 10ft radius makes a Dexterity saving throw, DC:13. On a failed saving throw they take 1d8 fire damage, and on a successful saving throw, they take half as much. This attack takes up 4 Oracle points per shot. You can only have one active at a time.
Barrier Slide[edit]
Starting at the 11th level you may use a reaction to pull a barrier over yourself and push the attacker back 20ft and they are knocked prone. You may use this twice per short or long rest.
Divine Magic[edit]
Starting at 13th level, the divine power which allows you to perform miracles augments the magic you use as well. When you use a spell through your Arcane Channel, you can use one of the following effects, where applicable:
- Increase its casting level by 1 if applicable.
- Increase its duration up to 1 minute.
- If it forces saving throws, they are all made with disadvantage.
Zero Stance[edit]
Starting at the 13th level, You take the action from this turn and your next turn and on your next turn, you swing your blade down with extream force doing 4d12 slashing damage. This attack uses up 10 oracle points. This attack does 6d12 at the 18th level.
Divine Possession[edit]
Starting at 15th level, losing yourself merely means your purpose as a vessel is filled further by letting your deity take greater control of you. If you take damage that reduces you to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to delay falling unconscious, and you can immediately take an extra turn. During this turn, you can invoke your Divine Miracles with a bonus action or action, and it does not count against your total number of uses. While you have 0 hit points during this extra turn, taking damage causes death saving throw failures as normal, and three death saving throw failures can still kill you. When the extra turn ends, you fall unconscious if you still have 0 hit points.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Deific Manifestation[edit]
Starting at 20th level,
Dome of detonating blows[edit]
Starting at the 20th level, as an action you stab your sword into the ground and it creates a 20ft radius dome (has a blue tint to it) around it and anything (except you) that steps in this dome will slow down, and takes 1 turn in 2 rounds of combat (as long as they are in the dome).
Vow of Good[edit]
Your deity is a being of benevolence that bestows blessings and health onto those it favors
Neutral Vow[edit]
Vow of Evil[edit]
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:
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