Aegis Domain (5e Subclass)
Aegis Domain[edit]
Cleric subclass
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Cleric armor from Lords of the Fallen, property of deck13 |
The gods of aegis are the gentler gods of their respective pantheon, granting protection to those in need in exchange for prayer and reverence. Most clerics who worship these gods become clerics of light or life, aiming to reverse the evil that's been done in the world. However, some clerics are more brazen with their disrespect of evil, and instead of trying to fix the effects of evil, they train to completely stop it head-on, and become martyrs of invincible ideals, never to be deterred or bent by any blow. These clerics stand high in the face of adversity, and they are always fighting to protect anyone around them.
Cleric Level | Spells |
1st | shield, shield of faith |
3rd | aid, warding bond |
5th | magic circle, remove curse |
7th | death ward, guardian of faith |
9th | circle of power, hallow |
- Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor.
- Shield Protector
At 1st level, you have become used to handling the shield with more proficiency than most trained warriors. For you the shield is a symbol of your faith, unbreakable and impregnable, to be aimed at incoming evils and to safeguard those who would suffer unjust misery at the hands of fate. You gain the following benefits:
When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
If you or a creature within 5 feet of you are subjected to an effect that allows a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can use your reaction to make yourself or a creature within 5 feet of you take no damage on success instead of only half, interposing your shield between the target and the source of the effect.
Channel Divinity: Luminous Barrier
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your channel divinity to create a holy barrier to protect those close to you.
As an action, you conjure a glowing sphere of holy light, creating a solid magical barrier. A sphere of radiant energy with a radius of 10 feet appears, centered around you. Creatures cannot pass into the barrier, and any projectile fired into the barrier is stopped by it and the attack will hit the barrier. A spell’s area of effect cannot pass through the barrier; as this sphere expands around you, any undead creature within the barrier takes your wisdom modifier of radiant damage at the start of their turn. The sphere has an AC equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency modifier, and hit points equal to your cleric level multiplied by your Wisdom modifier, and lasts for up to a minute, or until it drops to 0 hit points. You must concentrate on this ability as if you were concentrating on a spell, and cannot concentrate on any spells while it is active. The barrier does not move, and if you ever move outside of it, it instantly disappears.
Channel Divinity: Bulwark
Starting at 6th level, you can use your channel divinity to glow with a holy light, attracting the attention of nearby enemies. As a bonus action, you can make all enemies within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they are taunted by you and must turn their attention and hostility toward you for a minute. On the turn of an enemy affected by this ability, they must either attack you or move closer to you in order to do so. At the end of each of its turns, an affected target can make a Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends for that target. Within 1 minute after you use this Channel Divinity, You may also spend your reaction in your turn to surround your armor with a holy specter and gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom modifier until the start of your next turn.
- Divine Strike
At 8th level, your shields have become holy symbols of your god and their tenants, manifesting holy energy physically. Shields that you wield count as magical weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance and immunity. you gain the ability to use Shield as a weapon. you can use action or bonus action(if you cast a spell as action in the same turn) to make a melee spell attack at a target within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes one of the following effects:
-The target takes 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier as radiant damage. A razor edge of divine light forms around the edges of your shields.
-The target takes 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier as radiant damage and knocks back 5 feet away from you and prone.
At 14th level, the damage of your shield's damage die increases to 1d12 radiant damage, and the damage dies of your shield bash increases to 1d8 radiant damage, and the bash knockback distance increases to 15 feet.
- Holy Protection
At 17th level, your holy abjuration spreads to those near you. Upon completing a long rest, choose a number of creatures up to your wisdom modifier, including yourself, they gain a bonus to AC and all saving throws equal to 3, and resistance to all damage types, except necrotic and psychic. Whenever a creature with this ability gets hit by an attack or fails a saving throw, the bonus to AC and saving throws decreases by one, and the protection wears off when the bonus is equal to 0 or when you long rest.
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