Path of the Enraged Brawler (5e Subclass)
Path of the Enraged Brawler[edit]
Barbarian subclass
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"Epic confrontation" by Wayne Renolds |
An adventurer who has chosen to walk the Path of the Enraged Brawler relies on sheer brute force and will to take out their foes. They train themselves to turn their fists into as deadly a weapon as any club or hammer. After all, what more does a true brawler need than their own two fists?
- Unarmed Striker
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to deliver powerful strikes with your bare hands. While not wielding a weapon or shield, you deal 1d8 damage with your unarmed strikes.
- Aggressive Brawler
At 3rd level while raging, you attack your adversaries with incredible ferocity. As a bonus action on your turn you can move 30 feet and make a unarmed strike. You must end your movement closer to an enemy than when you started, otherwise you can't use this movement.
- Burly Strength
Starting at the 6th level, You have gained immense strength through strong man training. You have the following benefits from this training:
- Deep Bludgeoning. While raging, your fists count as Magical for the purpose of bypassing resistance and immunities to non-magical bludgeoning damage.
- Heavy Smashing Fist: When you take the attack action on your turn, you can replace your unarmed strikes with a smash attack. On a hit, you roll another damage die for your unarmed strike. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain your uses of it after finishing a short or a long rest.
Whether you hit or miss your smash attack, your spending a use for attempting it.
- Unstoppable Force
Starting at the 10th level, your constitution against even magical dangers have been enhanced. While raging, whenever you need to make a saving throw, you can make a Constitution saving throw instead. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining your ability to do so after a short or a long rest.
- Too Angry To Die
Starting at the 14th level, Your Mighty strength and Granite chin have gotten you this far. Through sheer brute force, willpower, and undisputed rage, you always seem ready to beat down your enemy when you get back up from the brink of defeat.
When you roll a 20 on the d20 when using your Relentless Rage feature, you return with your total amount of hit points, instead of 1 hit point.
In addition, you roll your Constitutions saving throw with advantage while raging.
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