Truth Domain (5e Subclass)
Truth Domain[edit]
Cleric Subclass
Disclaimer: This subclass is more roleplay oriented than DPS. If you prefer more DPS, this subclass is not for you.
Clerics of truth are ones that wish to draw out the nasty "truth" out creature to free them of some burden or use the truth to their advantage and in some cases, use extreme measures to draw out the truth like taking something from the creature. Additionally, clerics of this domain primarily use divination spells to know the truth or use something to their advantage that they know about the creature. Clerics that follow this Domain don't particularly worship a god of absolute truth but instead ones based around that factor like Savras which is the god of divination and fate, divination in particular due to that school of magic relating to anti-lying magic or Torm, god of duty, loyalty, and righteousness, loyalty is the key factor due to loyalty requires the truth if you are truly loyal to someone or something like an idea. Lastly, another one could be Oghma, god of knowledge and intervention. Intention being the most important one due to intervention acknowledging the need for the truth like help, knowing one's self, etc.
Roleplay idea: Clerics that follow this Domain never lie and give truth to any creature needing to hear it so, when creating a character with this subclass, the player character is compelled to never lie.
These spells don't count against your spells known.
Cleric Level | Spells |
1st | Morgrave's Clear Mind, Sense Emotion |
3rd | DeLiszt's Dirty Little Secret, Eyes of Fate |
5th | Aura of Truth, Expose |
7th | Hermit's Wisdom, Atum's Guidance |
9th | Unmoored Ego, Deep Identification |
At 1st level, your god has made you become insightful, when rolling an insight check, you can add twice your proficiency modifier. Additionally, you know the Blood Sense cantrip. The cantrip doesn't count against your spells known.
Bonus Proficiencies[edit]
Also at 1st level, you gain proficiency in persuasion and insight checks.
Channel Divinity: Compel Truth[edit]
At 2nd level, as an action, you present your holy symbol and compel the truth to any creature in a 15 ft range, any creatures in this range (besides allies) must make a DC Wisdom saving throw or the creature is forced to tell you, only using 10 words to answer the question of any truth you wish to be revealed. The affected creature must answer in the clearest and direct answer possible. If you revealed a lie the creature directly spoken, you can choose to make the creature take 1d8 radiant damage as punishment for the deceitment. The damage increases by 1 on levels 5th, 8th, 10th, 14th, and 17th.
Channel Divinity: Mark of Truth[edit]
At 6th level, as a bonus action, you present your holy symbol and create a mark to put on a creature that speaks thousands of words to all truth domain clerics, they are an unruly liar. A creature within a 40 ft range for one minute, While the creature is marked, they are unaware of the mark until the duration is over. While marked, the creature feels it needs to tell the truth and be gentler on those who do not lie. Additionally, the creature has disadvantage on deception checks, if it fails the check, the creature is compelled to tell the truth, the creature has a -2 in their attack and damage rolls if the creature attacks a person who hasn't lied to them, and the creature has the mark that all Truth domain clerics know, attacks against the marked creature deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage. The damage increases by 1 on levels 6th, 8th, 14th, and 17th.
Certain Truth[edit]
At 8th level, you have advantage on insight checks. Additionally, if you are casting any divination spells, you can target an additional creature.
Aura of Absolute Truth[edit]
At 17th level, as an action, you can create an aura that expands in a 20 ft range, any allies in this aura have advantage on insight checks but disadvantage on deception checks and a +2 in wisdom saving throws and checks. Hostile creatures in this aura have disadvantage on deception checks and saving throws, -2 in wisdom saving throws and checks, and they must make a DC wisdom saving throw or becomes unable to lie for 8 hours. If they succeed the saving throw, they are immune to the aura for 24 hours.
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