Death Guard (5e Subclass)

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Death Guard[edit]

Fighter Subclass

"You are the harbinger of Doom for planets. You who shall bring pox and plague to every realm that is within your reach, rotting sons of Mortarion launch upon them the happiness we bring!"- A death guard captain to his charges as they launch an attack

Plagued being

At 3rd level you've become part of the Death guard and no longer suffer any ailment and condition, you gain immunity to any disadvantages from diseases and poisons but can still carry them. You gain advantage on constitution saves while infected with at-least 1 disease. You can no longer feel pain and become a carrier for all diseases you come across. You automatically fail any save to not contract a disease. During a long rest you may spend your time creating blight grenades. You may create a number of grenades equal to your Prof Bonus.

Nurgle's Rot

At 3rd level, you've been gifted nurgles most infamous disease nurgles rot during a short rest you may coat a weapon and 5 times your prof bonus ammunition in the infection. When a creatures is hit with the coated weapon or ammo they must make a con save DC (8 + prof + con) or become poisoned until the start of their next turn. At 6th level any weapon or ammo treated with Nurgle’s Rot will deal an additional 1d10 of poison damage. At 10th level any creatures afflicted with Nurgle’s Rot will have its movement speed halved. At 18th level any damage done with a weapon or ammo treated with Nurgle’s Rot will reduce the target creatures hit point maximum by the same amount.

Rotting Growth

At 7th level, your bodily frame has grown into your armor and given you access to new gifts of the legion, you double your current number of hit die after every level you gain an extra hit die. As an action you can spend a number hit dice to regain Xd10+con hit points where X is equal to the number of hit dice spent. Your bulk has caused your body to become one size larger and you to lose 5ft of movement. At 14th level when you are below maximum health you begin regenerating your con mod + proficiency bonus hp at the start of your turn

Cloak of Flies

At 7th level, you gain the ability to summon a cloak of swarming flies that hover around you. As a bonus action you may spend 1 hit die to summon a swarm of flies. While active the space you occupy and all spaces with in 5 feet are considered Heavily Obscured and Difficult terrain for enemies. At 14th level this aura grows to 15ft and at 17th level it grows to 30ft. You have disadvantage of all stealth checks while this is active

Pox Flesh

At 10th level, you've climbed the ranks of your legion and have attained the rank captain and have mutated more benefits to serve this new rank. You've been gifted the Pox Flesh and a Manreaper as a badge of office. The pox flesh blessing makes it so that you reduce any damage you take by your proficiency bonus. Any poison damage you deal ignores immunity and resistance to poison. Your features now ignore immunity to the poisoned condition and creatures immune to disease. Nurgle’s Rot now lasts for one minute. You lose 5ft additional feet of movement.

Hive Mentality

At 15th level, you've grown a hive of insects inside you, as a bonus action you can spend 2 hit die to summon a swarm of flies to give a copy your Cloak of Flies aura to a ally within 60 feet. This aura will only cover the space occupied by the ally and the five feet around them and last for 10 mins or until dismissed by you or the ally. Any ally with this aura has disadvantage on all stealth checks.

Blightlord status

At 18th level, you've gained one of the highest offices you can achieve without sacrificing autonomy a blightlord, with this you've grown more powerful as a mark of office you have been gifted nurgle's toughness granting you a +4 to your constitution score and score maximum. Your flesh has fused to your armor allowing you to add your con mod to the amount of damage you reduce from the Pox Flesh feature. Your body gains so much mass that you lose an additional 5ft of movement and if you are not huge you are now one size larger.

Manreaper- Filth-Soaked blade. This is a +1 Halberd at level 10 and becomes a +2 at level 15 and +3 on level 18. On a hit, this weapon deals an additional 1d10 posion damage. Each time a creature takes damage from this weapon they have to make a con save DC (8 + prof + con) or become infected with a random disease that infects the blade. (DM choice or role for choice of disease.) Harbinger of Plague. The weapon is infected with all diseases it owner was infected with. This weapon while wielded by a follower of Nurgle, is counted as treated with Nurgle’s Rot at all times. Any creature hit by the weapon becomes poisoned for 1 min. All poisoned enemies gain vulnerability to poison damage while within 30 feet of you. Rot-Wood Handle. The wood used in the handle is magically conductive, allowing this weapon to be used as an arcane focus or holy symbol. Any creature would wields this weapon will have to make a save against each disease this weapon is currently infecting this weapon. The infections last on the weapon for 1 year after not being used.

Blight Grenade- This weapon is made from the noxious toxins and virulent diseases that permeate through the death guard and shoved into a humanoid skull sealed and shaken violently. Properties: thrown 30ft, radius 15ft, special (Special: This weapon combusts on impact. Any caught within the blast radius must make a constitution save DC (10 + your Proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or take Xd6 + your con mod poison damage where X is equal to your proficiency bonus and is infected with Nurgle’s Rot. On a successful save the character takes half damage and is not infected.)

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