Path of the Weapon Master (5e Subclass)

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Path of the Weapon Master[edit]

Barbarian Path

Barbarians who follow the path of the weapon master dedicate themselves to the complete domain and mastery over a single weapon. They are fierce warriors who rely on skill rather than pure fury. Their rage, instead of a uncontrollable surge of emotions, is a controlled trance, that allow all the countless hours of training with a single weapon to emerge, and the techniques to be performed instinctively. Their technique is perfectly ingrained into their minds and body, turning the weapon a extension of their bodies.

Weapon Bond

At 3rd level, you learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and your weapons. You must train with the weapon for 8 hours, which can be done consecutively or not. The weapon must be used throughout the training. Once you have bonded a weapon to yourself, you can't be disarmed of that weapon unless you are incapacitated. In addition, you can use your bonus action to draw or stow the weapon.

In addition, at 6th level your attacks with your bonded weapons ignore resistance and immunity.

Masters Damage

Starting at 3rd level, your battle trance allow you to make perfect strikes. Once per turn while raging, you can choose to cause the maximum damage possible on a hit with your bonded weapon, instead of rolling for damage and you can make weapon attack as a bonus actions.

Masters Defense

Starting at 6th level, when using your bonded weapon and not wielding a shield, you can use your reaction to give yourself +3 to your AC. In addition, while wielding this weapon, opportunity attacks against you are made at Disadvantage.

Masters Edge

At 10th level, you score a critical hit with your bonded weapon on a roll of 19-20 on the d20. In addition, you roll the damage die of your weapon one additional time when you score a critical hit with it.

Master's Critical

When you reach the 14th level, when you hit a creature with an attack from your Bonded Weapon, you can turn that attack on a critical. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain your uses after finishing a long rest.

In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against a hostile creature while raging, you can turn that hit into a normal hit (instead of a critical). If you do so, you regain one use of this feature.

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