5e All Spells
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- 10cc of Time Stop
- 6/8 Time Beatdown
- 617 Pages
- 7th Shot
- A Comedy of Errors
- A Little Help
- A Really Rousing Sea Shanty
- A-Bomb
- Aberrate
- Abhorrent Colossus
- Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
- Absolute Zero
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Energy
- Absorb Kinetics
- Absorb Missiles
- Absorb Prosperity
- Abyssal Army
- Abyssal Eruption
- Abyssal Invocation
- Abyssal Invocation, Variant
- Abyssal Strength
- Abyssal Strength, Variant
- Accelerate Self
- Accelerate/Decelerate
- Accelerating Sphere
- Accelerator
- Accursed Strike
- Acererak's Enfeeblement
- Acid Balm
- Acid Rain
- Acid Spray
- Acid Storm
- Acidic Blast
- Acidic Bolt
- Acidic Smite
- Acquire Attendant
- Adamantine Shell
- Add Sending Stone
- Adloquium
- Adula's Moonblade
- Aero Slash
- Aerostrike
- Aether: Ascent
- Aether: Quickdraw
- Aetheric Aura
- Aetheric Ballista
- Aetheric Blade
- Aetheric Reconstruction
- Affect
- Afraid of the Dark
- Afterburner
- Aganazzar's Scorcher
- Aging Bolt
- Aging Hands
- Agitate Metal
- Agni Shine
- Agonizing Smite
- Agony Warp
- Air Bubble
- Air Bubble, Variant
- Air Cannon
- Air Cushion
- Air Punch
- Air Removal
- Air Shield
- Air Slash
- Air Step
- Air Wave
- Al-Taraj's Fulgursphere
- Al-Taraj's Shockspire
- Alacrity
- Alchemical Bomb
- Alchemical Grenade
- Alice's Chaos Recall
- All Consuming Light
- Allegro Velocità
- Allowance
- Almighty Strike
- Alpha Demiplane
- Alpha Radiation
- Alter Appearance Permanently
- Alter Object
- Alter Race
- Alter Size
- Alter Terrain
- Altered Time Dilation
- Alternate Reality
- Alternate Self
- Amanuensis
- Ambush Shard
- Ambush, Variant
- Amorphous Pixie
- Amplify
- Amplify Damage
- Amplify Emotions
- Amusement
- Analyze
- Analyze Creature
- Analyze Item
- Ancestral Recall
- Anchor Howl
- Ancient Death Rancor
- Ancient Dragon's Lightning Spear
- Ancient Dragon's Lightning Strike
- Ancient Path
- Ancient Tether
- Anemo Guide
- Anesthesia
- Angel Beat
- Angel's Arrow
- Angelskin
- Animal Conduit
- Animal Madness
- Animal Mind Switch
- Animal Resurrection
- Animate Army
- Animate Breath
- Animate Dead Legion
- Animate Energy
- Animate Minor Object
- Animate Plants
- Animate Rope
- Animate Shadow
- Animate Skeleton
- Animate Stal
- Animate Undead Worker
- Annihilation
- Annihilation Runic Field
- Anointment
- Anpumose's Amazing Arid Assault
- Antagonist's Poultice
- Antagonize
- Anti-Evil-Protection
- Anti-Fireball
- Antimagic Blast
- Antimagic Blast, Variant
- Antimatter Beam
- Antimodes Greater Fireball
- Apocalypse from the Sky
- Apocryphic Zone
- Apogee
- Apostle's Black Flame
- Apostle's Black Flame Blade
- Apostle's Black Flame Ritual
- Apotheosis
- Aqua Axe
- Aqua Push
- Arachnid Transformation
- Arc
- Arc Bolt
- Arc Bolt Grenade
- Arc Bolt Grenade, Variant
- Arcana Rune
- Arcane Arrow
- Arcane Attraction
- Arcane Barrage
- Arcane Battery
- Arcane Blade
- Arcane Blast
- Arcane Bolt
- Arcane Crush
- Arcane Defense
- Arcane Deflection
- Arcane Explosion
- Arcane Fusion
- Arcane Gate
- Arcane Grenade
- Arcane Guard
- Arcane Juggernaut
- Arcane Mark
- Arcane Mill
- Arcane Needle
- Arcane Runes
- Arcane Shield
- Arcane Shroud
- Arcane Sight
- Arcane Sluggers
- Arcane Smite
- Arcane Sneak Attack
- Arcane Spear
- Arcane Sphere
- Arcane Storage
- Arcane Strength
- Arcane Strike
- Arcane Tether
- Arcane Warp
- Arcaning
- Archer's Eye
- Arctic Tempest
- Argent Blessing
- Aria's Dancing Main-Gauche
- Armor of Agathys
- Armor of Avernus
- Armor of Flesh
- Armor of Othrys
- Armor of Prometheus
- Armor of Shavarran
- Armor of Thorns
- Armour of Jenova
- Arms of Hadar
- Army of One
- Army of the Dead
- Arrow of Dusk
- Arrow of Force
- Arthur's Infinite Inferno
- Artisan's Blessing
- Ascertain Inventory
- Ashallian's Tower
- Ashardalon's Stride
- Ashkin's Spazzledazzle
- Ashlyn's Armor of Rot
- Aspect of the Crucible: Horns
- Aspect of the Crucible: Tail
- Aspect Of the Fallen One
- Aspect of the Hunter
- Aspect of the Reaper
- Asphyxiate
- Assay
- Astral "Wall"
- Astral Barrier
- Astral Cannon
- Astral Entity
- Astral Guardian
- Astral Light
- Astral Movement
- Astral Release
- Astral Sacrifice
- Astral Shielding
- Astralshrine
- Astromancy
- Asura-Kannon
- Atakast's Existential Cure-All
- Atlantean Weapon
- Atomic Bolt
- Attract
- Attract Object
- Atum's Guidance
- Augment Stars
- Aura of Blades
- Aura of Blood Transfusion
- Aura of Embers
- Aura of Invisibility
- Aura of Life
- Aura of Purity
- Aura of Shade
- Aura of Solar Fire
- Aura of Time
- Aura of Truth
- Aura of Victory
- Aura of Vitality
- Aura Pulse
- Aura Sphere
- Aural Scan
- Avalanche
- Avert Force
- Avian Assault
- Awaken Ooze
- Awaken Self
- Awaken Undead
- Awaken Warforged
- Axion Bolt Grenade
- Aysa's Plasma Cage
- Azrael's Vicious Flock
- Baator’s Essence
- Babu Slime
- Backstep
- Bakudo 1
- Bakudo 30
- Bakudo 4
- Bakudo 8
- Bakudo 81
- Bakudo10
- Bakudo21
- Bakudo26
- Bakudo37
- Bakudo39
- Bakudo58
- Bakudo62
- Bakudo77
- Bakudo9
- Balance of Soul
- Baleful Polymorph
- Baleful Regression
- Ball Lightning
- Ball of Blackwater
- Ballad of Song
- Ballistakinesis
- Balor's Wrath
- Bane Bow
- Bane Shot
- Banish Cringe
- Banishing Smite
- Banshee Wail
- Barbarian Knowledge
- Bardcraft
- Barkskin - Body Armor
- Barrage
- Barrak's Black Fangs
- Barrier
- Barrier of Chaos
- Barrier of the Four Kings of the World
- Baryte Communion
- Beamos
- Beast Bond
- Beast Sense
- Beastmask
- Beckon Kraken
- Beckoning Order
- Become Fear
- Beguile Person
- Bend Perspective
- Bestial Bloodlust
- Bestial Empowerment
- Bestial Vitality
- Bestow Inconvenience
- Bhahoozun's Disintegration Fist
- Bhahoozun's Hex
- Bhahoozun's Maddening Gale
- Bind Creature Ritual
- Bind Lesser Being
- Bind Skeletal Familiar
- Binding Pact
- Bites the Dust
- Black Arrow
- Black Blizzard
- Black Candle
- Black Fire
- Black Flame
- Black Flame Blade
- Black Flame Empowerment
- Black Hole Beam
- Black Snow
- Black Storm
- Blackfire
- Blade Bane
- Blade Lightning
- Blade Meld
- Blade of Blood
- Blade of Disaster
- Blade of Grass
- Blade of Justice
- Blade Shift
- Blade Storm
- Blade Storm, Variant
- Blade Surge
- Blade Volley
- Blade Ward
- Blast
- Blast Everything in That Direction
- Blastbolt
- Blasting Beam
- Blasting Bolt
- Blasting Smite
- Blaze Net
- Blaze of Wrath
- Blaze-Storm
- Blazer
- Blazing Counterstrike
- Blazing Slash
- Blazing Smite
- Bleeding Ricochet
- Bleeding Strike
- Bleeding Wounds
- Bless Water
- Blessed Poultice
- Blessing of Chaos
- Blessing of Kings
- Blinding Bolt
- Blinding Flash
- Blinding Heal
- Blinding Necrostrike
- Blinding Smite
- Blink Slash
- Blink Step
- Blink Strike
- Blink, Variant
- Block Seed
- Blocking Blade
- Blood Bind
- Blood Blade
- Blood Blade, Variant
- Blood Boil
- Blood Boiling
- Blood Bolts
- Blood Casting
- Blood Exchange
- Blood Feast of the Vampire Lord
- Blood Flame Blade
- Blood Lance
- Blood Lust
- Blood Manipulation
- Blood Minion
- Blood Moon's Blessing
- Blood Orb
- Blood Parasite
- Blood Punch
- Blood Rain
- Blood Revenant
- Blood Rush
- Blood Sense
- Blood Splatter
- Blood Surge
- Blood Swarm
- Blood Teleport
- Blood Tentacles
- Blood Thirst
- Blood Transfer
- Blood Transfusion
- Blood Trick
- Blood Whip
- Bloodbridge
- Bloodbridge, Variant
- Bloodied Spittle
- Bloodletting
- Bloodshot Eyes
- Bloodsurge
- Bloodtap
- Bloodwhirl
- Bloody Sacrifice
- Bloody Shell
- Bloody Smite
- Blow Mind
- Blue Breath
- Blue Death
- Blue Shield
- Body Enhancement
- Bodysnatch
- Boil Blood
- Boil Cistern
- Bolster
- Bolt of the Storm
- Bolt of Time
- Bolt Strike
- Bolts of Tiamat
- Bomb
- Bombos
- Bond with Reality
- Bonded by Blood
- Bone Cleaves Steel
- Bone Crushing Hug
- Talk:Bone Crushing Hug
- Bone Lore
- Bone Pile
- Bone Read
- Bone Rush
- Bone Shield
- Bone Telling
- Bone Trap
- Bones of the Earth
- Bonesword
- Bonesword, Variant
- Boom Beat Arrow
- Booming Blade
- Booming Shield
- Booming Word
- Booming-ammunition
- Borca's Improbability Zone
- Bore Hole
- Boreal Strike
- Boreale's Deep Strike
- Borrowed Knowledge
- Bottle of Bravery
- Boulders of Winter
- Bound Dead
- Bound Item
- Bound Weapon
- Bound Weapon, Variant
- Bounding Flame
- Boy II Man's Curse
- Brain Wash
- Brambles
- Brand
- Brand of Undeath
- Breath of Malice
- Breathless Cyclone
- Briars of Punishment
- Briars of Sanguar
- Briars of Sin
- Brittleskin
- Broken Ward
- Bronip's Orbiting Hammer
- Brutal Blade
- Bubble
- Bubble Blast
- Bubble of Chaos
- Bubble Spray
- Bullet
- Bullet Rain
- Bulletproof
- Burning Coals
- Burning Orbs
- Bursting Shot
- Butterfinger
- Butterfly Frenzy
- Bèta Radiation
- Cacophonic Shield
- Calamitous Strike
- Calamity
- Calculated Strike
- Calder's Starry Sky
- Call Bird
- Call Bird, Variant
- Call Guardian
- Call of Crusaders
- Call of the Sussura
- Call of Valors
- Call Shadow
- Call Society
- Call Spectator
- Call Spirit Swarm
- Call to Adventure
- Camel's Drink
- Cannon of Haima
- Cantillate
- Capture Soul
- Carian Greatsword
- Carian Phalanx
- Carian Piercer
- Carian Retaliation
- Carian Slicer
- Carpet of Shadow
- Carrion Beetles
- Cascade of Thunder
- Cataclysm
- Catapult
- Catastrophic Devastation
- Catnap
- Catoblepas' Breath
- Caul of Shadow
- Cause Fear
- Cause Unease
- Caustic Blood
- Celebrimbor's Battle Glyph
- Celestial Storm
- Cell Decomposition
- Ceremony
- Cerg's Fortification Fortification
- Cerg's Icy Gambit
- Chain Heal
- Chain of Corruption
- Chain Pain
- Chains of Ice
- Chains of Justice
- Chameleon
- Change Sex
- Changestaff
- Channel Divine
- Channel Divinity
- Chaos Ball
- Chaos Blade
- Chaos Bolt
- Chaos Control
- Chaos Hand
- Chaos Orb
- Chaos Storm
- Chaos Surge
- Chaotic Rift
- Chaotic Rocket
- Chaotic Smite
- Charged Blade
- Charged Magic Missile
- Charged Weapon
- Charm Monster
- Charm of Hummingbirds
- Charnel Claw
- Chastise
- Cherry Bomb
- Chill Boomerang
- Chill Fire
- Chill Rune
- Chilling Smite
- Chilling Wind
- Chitin Chain
- Chloromorpho
- Choke
- Chord
- Chords of Dissonance
- Chorus of Awe
- Chorus of Destruction
- Chromatic Bile
- Chromatic Bolt
- Chromatic Explosion
- Chromatic Missile
- Chromatic Orb
- Chromatic Spray
- Chromatic Weapon
- Chrono-deceleration
- Chrono-regression
- Chronobleed
- Chronomancer Class)/Time Stop Variant )
- Chronos Field
- Chronoshift
- Ciao's Corrosive Coating
- Ciao's Magic Missile
- Circle of Lightning
- Circle of Magic Resistance
- Circle of Power
- Circle of Privacy
- Circle of Rmatos
- Circumambulant Hedge
- Claws of Agathys
- Claws of the Dragon
- Cleanse the Blood
- Cleanse Wound
- Cleansing Flame
- Clear Thought
- Clinging Darkness
- Clinging Slime
- Cloak of Shadow
- Clockwork Sphere
- Clockwork Winding
- Clothes Beam
- Cloud of Daggers
- Cloudbed
- Clover's Pace of Quickness
- Clover's Quickend Song
- Clover's Tip-Tap
- Coagulate
- Cobra's Spit
- Coin Bag
- Coin Lore
- Coin Sending
- Coin Shot
- Coinify
- Cold Flame
- Coldslinger
- Collapsing Stars
- Collective Unconscious
- Color
- Column of Time
- Combat Avatar
- Combat Messaging
- Combat Nab
- Combat Time Stop
- Combustion
- Comet
- Comet Azur
- Cometstrike
- Command Projection
- Command, Variant
- Commune With Death
- Compel Suicide
- Compelled Duel
- Conceal Item
- Concealed Shot
- Concealment
- Concealment, Variant
- Conceive
- Concuss
- Concussion
- Concussive Blast
- Condense
- Condense/Suffuse
- Conduct
- Coned Blast
- Conflagulated Breath
- Congress of Shadows
- Conjunctive Gate
- Conjuration of Chaos
- Conjuration Raven
- Conjure Ammunition
- Conjure Barrage
- Conjure Blade
- Conjure Bladestorm
- Conjure Creature
- Conjure Dragon
- Conjure Dream Creature
- Conjure Elemental Weapon
- Conjure Explosive
- Conjure Gemstone
- Conjure Glass Eye
- Conjure Greater Elemental
- Conjure Greater Explosive
- Conjure Lesser Dream Creatures
- Conjure Mannequin
- Conjure Marionettes
- Conjure Minigun
- Conjure Minor Devils
- Conjure Monster
- Conjure Object
- Conjure Ordinance
- Conjure Plant Creatures
- Conjure Potion of Healing
- Conjure Shield
- Conjure Skeletons
- Conjure Spirit Wolf
- Conjure Stones
- Conjure the Crimson Claws of Night
- Conjure Tiny Fairy
- Conjure Twin Foxes
- Conjure Volley
- Conjure Water
- Conjure Weapon
- Conjure Wraith
- Conjure Zora
- Conjured Boundary
- Conjurer Joke
- Consecrate Strike
- Consecrate Weapon
- Conspiracy Theory
- Construct Homunculus
- Consume Essence
- Consume the Fallen
- Consumptive Malice
- Consumptive Touch
- Contained Apocalypse
- Contained Horrors
- Continual Light/Darkness
- Continuous Frosty Ray
- Control Air
- Control Blood
- Control Electricity
- Control Elements
- Control Flames
- Control Living Skeleton
- Control Monster
- Control Person
- Control Plants
- Control Polarity
- Control Sunlight
- Control Undead
- Control Winds
- Convalescence
- Copy Book
- Coral Blast
- Corazon's Tiny Glyph
- Cordon of Arrows
- Corpse Explosion
- Corroding Strike
- Corrosive Aura
- Corrosive Bile
- Corrosive Flame
- Corrosive Hands
- Countertrip
- Cover
- Crabbo's Grasp
- Crackle With Power
- Cradle of Jade
- Craftsmanship
- Crash and Burn
- Create Air
- Create Bonfire
- Create Building
- Create Construct
- Create Demise Armor
- Create Elemental Undead
- Create Ghost
- Create Greater Undead
- Create Greater Undead, Variant
- Create Guardian
- Create Homunculus
- Create Horror Knight
- Create Magen
- Create Magic Item
- Create Major Helm
- Create Minor Helm
- Create Pit
- Create Portal
- Create Soul Gem
- Creation of Wings
- Creeping Darkness
- Crimson Aura of Death
- Crimson Enhancement
- Crimson Skin
- Crimson Strike
- Crippling Darkness
- Crippling Pain
- Critical Blood Transfusion
- Critterkill
- Crono's Energy
- Crowley's Complicated Combustion
- Crown of Madness
- Crown of Stars
- Crown of Stars, Variant
- Crucify
- Crumble
- Crusader's Mantle
- Crush
- Crushing Despair
- Crushing Gravity
- Crushing Wave
- Cry of the Ancestral Druids
- Cryo Manipulation
- Cryonis
- Crystal Barrage
- Crystal Burst
- Crystal Release
- Crystal Shard
- Crystal Spike
- Crystal Torrent
- Crystal Wave
- Crystalline Chamber
- Crystalline Jades
- Crystalline Sanctuary
- Crystallize
- Crystallized Spell
- Cubes from God
- Culdir's Orb of Fire
- Cure Disease
- Cure Heavy Wounds
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Curing Mist
- Curse
- Curse of Comus
- Curse of the Diminished Soul
- Curse Water
- Curse Weapon
- Cursed Tablet
- Curtain of Shadow
- Cut Down
- Cutter Boomerang
- Cyclone
- Dalamar's Antilife Dome
- Dalamar's Chasm Chains
- Dalamars Arm of Fire Deamon
- Dalamars Unerring Strikes
- Damage Deflection
- Damian's Wanderer's Mark
- Dance of Shadows
- Dancing Plague
- Dancing Rune Weapon
- Dancing Shadows
- Danmaku
- Danse Macabre
- Dareun's Overexertion
- Darius's Selfless Shield
- Dark
- Dark Abyss
- Dark Air or Water
- Dark Bead
- Dark Chant
- Dark Dive
- Dark Dome
- Dark Exchange
- Dark Fire
- Dark Flare
- Dark Force
- Dark II
- Dark III
- Dark Matter Blast
- Dark Matter Pulse
- Dark Meteor
- Dark Mote
- Dark Nebula
- Dark Orb
- Dark Reach
- Dark Shovel
- Dark Soul
- Dark Star
- Dark Striking Thunder
- Dark Tentacle
- Dark Transformation
- Dark Transport
- Dark World
- Darkbolt
- Darkest Fear
- Darkmoon Blade
- Dartboard
- Darude
- Darunia's Explosive Boulder
- Dashing Strike
- Daunting Volt Blade
- Dawn
- Dawnbrand
- Dawndragon's Vitality Steal
- Daze
- Daze Monster
- Dazzling Glare
- Dead Again
- Dead Man's Volley
- Death Armor
- Death Blade
- Death Blade, Variant
- Death Blossom
- Death Bolt
- Death Cloud
- Death Coil
- Death Finger
- Death from the Heavens
- Death Grip
- Death March
- Death Sight
- Death Strike
- Death Touch
- Death's Garrote
- Death's Scythe
- Death's Touch
- Deathly Polymorph
- Deathly Servant
- Deathtouch
- Deathwatch
- Death’s Caress
- Death’s March
- Decaying Ground
- Decaying Necrostrike
- Deceiving Bolt
- Decompose
- Decrepit Hands
- Deep Forest Emergence
- Deep Identification
- Deepen Shadows
- Deeppockets
- Defender of Life
- Defense Lattice
- Defensive Dome
- Defensive Edge
- Defiant Overflow
- Defibrillate
- Deity's Jaw
- Dekkard's Captured Image
- Delay
- Delay, Variant
- Delayed Beam Dissolution
- Delayed Blast Time Bomb
- Delayed Impact
- Delayed Spell
- Deliberate Surge
- DeLiszt's Dirty Little Secret
- Dellmudes Hammer
- Delta Divide
- Dementia
- Demiplane Portal
- Demon Skin
- Demonic Visage
- Denaliah's Dark Chains
- Dendro Growth
- Dendromorph
- Denial
- Depression Spell
- Deprotect
- Descent
- Desecrate Strike
- Desecrate Weapon
- Desecration
- Desert Coffin
- Desert Wall
- Deshell
- Desiccate
- Desolation Aura
- Destinguish
- Destroy Wall
- Destruction Bolt
- Destructive Slash
- Destructive Teleport
- Destructive Wave
- Detect Amount
- Detect Arcane Residue
- Detect Aura
- Detect Elements
- Detect Enchantment
- Detect Fire
- Detect Outsider
- Detect Secrets
- Detect Weapons
- Determine Lineage
- Detonate
- Devilish Brand
- Devilish Charm
- Dhoulramses' Glutinous Flame
- Diamond Dust Maelstrom
- Diamond Storm
- Diero's Pocket Plant
- Diluvian Wave
- Dimension Slash
- Dimensional Anchor
- Dimensional Lock
- Din's Fire
- Dire Charm
- Direct Lightning
- Direct Strike
- Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
- Disable
- Disarm
- Disarming Cry
- Disassemble Molecules
- Discern
- Discern Lies
- Discord Bolt
- Disintegrating Smite
- Disintegration Cube
- Disjunction
- Dismantle
- Dismiss Stranger
- Dispelling Smite
- Disrupting Weapon
- Dissolving Grasp
- Dissonance Field
- Dissonant Whispers
- Distill Essence
- Distort Value
- Divination of Chaos
- Divine Arcane Attraction
- Divine Armor
- Divine Empowerment
- Divine Intervention
- Divine Judgement
- Divine Mission
- Divine Power
- Divine Punishment
- Divine Revelation
- Divine Ruin
- Divine Spark
- Divine Strike
- Dome of Discombobulation
- Dome of Light
- Dominating Smash
- Dominus Ex
- Dongle's All-Purpose Mending
- Dongle's Frozen Fire Bolt
- Dongle's Frozen Fireball
- Doom
- Doomhound
- Doozel's Dome of Kinectic Redirection
- Doppelganger
- Dorsatum's Deterrent
- Double-Edge Dance
- Double-Edge Dance, Variant
- Dovar's Brutal Beam
- Dovar's Disturbing Diversion
- Downy
- Dowon's Energy Deflection
- Dowse Location
- Dr. Nefario's Battery Zap
- Draconic Domain
- Draconic Skeleton
- Draconic Strike
- Draconic Transformation
- Drago Bolt
- Dragon Form
- Dragon Knight
- Dragon Meteor
- Dragon Rage
- Dragon Rage, Variant
- Dragon Rend
- Dragon Rises from the Sea
- Dragon's Breath
- Dragon's Skin
- Dragon's Stolen Breath
- Drain
- Drain Smite
- Drain Warmth
- Draining Fungus
- Draw Blood
- Drawmij's Instant Summons
- Drawmij's Scent Mask
- Dream of the Blue Veil
- Dreams, Nightmares, and Fantasies
- Dreamworld
- Dredge
- Drill Beam
- Drive the Battlefield Crazy
- Drizonym's Spectral Dagger
- Drop the Bass
- Drop the Myc
- Drought
- Drowning Pull
- Druid Grove
- Druidhome
- Duplicate
- Duplicate Self
- Durnash's Flames
- Dusk and Dawn
- Dust Devil
- Earth Barrier
- Earth Glide
- Earth Hammer
- Earth Rune
- Earth Shatter
- Earth Slide
- Earth Spike
- Earth Tremor
- Earth's Crush
- Earthbind
- Earthen Bullet
- Earthen Dive
- Earthen Onslaught, Dagger
- Earthen Onslaught, Handaxe
- Earthen Onslaught, Mace
- Earthen Onslaught, Quarterstaff
- Earthen Pillar
- Earthen Prison
- Earthen Servant
- Earthshatter
- Earworm
- Ebb And Flow, Dagger
- Ebb And Flow, Handaxe
- Ebb And Flow, Mace
- Ebb And Flow, Quarterstaff
- Echo Spell
- Echoes
- Echoes of Agony
- Echolocate
- Eclipse
- Eclipse Life
- Eco Dolor
- Ego Whip
- Eidolon
- Eihwaz the Yew Rune
- Eilistraee's Moonfire
- Eilistraee's Moonfire, Variant
- Elden Stars
- Eldritch Armor
- Eldritch Blade
- Eldritch Blast, Variant
- Eldritch Burst
- Eldritch Cannon
- Eldritch Legerdemain
- Eldritch Portent
- Eldritch Rebuke
- Eldritch Revival
- Eldritch Serpent
- Eldritch Strike
- Eldritch Strike, Variant
- Eldritch Strikes
- Electrical Handaxe
- Electro Power
- Element Blast
- Element of Chaos
- Elemental Ammunition
- Elemental Armor
- Elemental Arrow
- Elemental Arrows
- Elemental Bane
- Elemental Beckoning
- Elemental Blade
- Elemental Blast
- Elemental Blessing Rune
- Elemental Blow
- Elemental Bolt
- Elemental Edge
- Elemental Hex
- Elemental Infusion
- Elemental Maelstrom
- Elemental Shield
- Elemental Storm
- Elemental Strike
- Elemental Weapon
- Elemental Weapon, Variant
- Elemental Wrath
- Elfin Wave
- Elixir of Life
- Elixir of the Alchemist
- Elixir of the Gods
- Elonia's Glamour
- Elusive
- Ember
- Ember Blast
- Ember Strike
- Emberbolt
- Emerald Splash
- Emit Spores
- Empowered
- Empowering Sacrifice
- Emyhr's Rhyme
- Enchant Item
- Enchanted Quiver
- Enchantment of Distortion
- Enchantment of the Wind
- Encode Thoughts
- Endless Null
- Endrian Slash
- Endure Elements
- Enemies Abound
- Enemy Insight
- Energizing Smite
- Energy Beat
- Energy Burst
- Energy Drain
- Energy Drain, Variant
- Energy Immunity
- Energy Ray
- Energy Resistance
- Energy Rupture
- Energy Strike
- Energy Vortex
- Enervation
- Enervation, Variant
- Enforcing Touch
- Enhanced Darkness
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Permanency
- Enhancement
- Enhancement of Chaos
- Enigma's Paper Seal
- Enlighten Undead
- Enraged Enhancement
- Enroot
- Ensemble of Elegance
- Ensnaring Strike
- Enspell
- Entropy
- Entropy Field
- Ephemeral Image
- Ephemeral Storm
- Eradication Flame
- Erase
- Erase History
- Erase Memory
- Erasure
- Erect Obstruction
- Erode Defenses
- Erratic Bolt
- Erupting Earth
- Eruption
- Eruption Counter
- Eruption, Grisaire Supplement
- Essence of Deception
- Essence of Lifespark
- Essence of the Elements
- Essence Siphon
- Essence Theft
- Estate
- Eternal Darkness
- Eternal Memory
- Eternal-Force Blizzard
- Ether
- Ether Reforged
- Ethereal Forge
- Ethereal Hunter
- Ethereal Limbs
- Ethereal Wisps
- Etheric Tethers
- Etzel’s Bolstering Bands
- Evard's Black Tentacles
- Evergreen Army
- Everlasting Poison
- Eversion
- Eviscerate
- Excarnate Corpse
- Exile of Chaos
- Exit Beam
- Expand/Contract
- Expecto Patronum
- Expiate
- Explosion of Death
- Explosion!
- Explosion, Variant
- Explosive Arrow
- Explosive Frog
- Explosive Ghostflame
- Expose
- Exsanguinate
- Extended Stasis
- Extra
- Extrasensory Strike
- Eye of the Euryale
- Eye of the Storm
- Eye of the Storm (Cataegis Cantrip)
- Eyes of Fate
- Eyes of Time
- F-Bomb
- Face in the Crowd
- Fade
- Faerie Glitter
- Fairy
- Fairy Fountain
- Faithful Dead
- Fall Control
- Fallen Marionette
- Fallen Meteor
- False Ballad
- False Blade
- False Death
- False Tracks
- False Vision
- Fantastic Arcane Contraption
- Fantasy Heaven
- Fantasy Seal
- Far Jaunt
- Far Sight
- Far Step
- Farron Dart
- Farsee
- Fast Friends
- Fast Reading
- Faust's Card Flourish
- Fayne's Fiery Flagellation
- Fayne's Transmuted Fire
- Feast of Ashes
- Feather Glide
- Feign Death
- Feign Life
- Fell the Greatest Foe
- Fellhammer
- Fermentation Explosion
- Feu Sans Nuit
- Fia's Mist
- Field of Fear
- Field of Vineyards
- Fiend Fire
- Fiendish Claws
- Fiendish Desecration
- Fiery Beam
- Fiery Dance
- Fiery Disengage
- Fiery Twin
- Fighter's Arms
- Fighting Words
- Fimbulwinter
- Final Gambit
- Final Move
- Final Stand
- Final Stroke
- Find Animal Companion
- Find Extraordinary Steed
- Find Greater Familiar
- Find Greater Steed
- Find Lesser Dragon Familiar
- Find Memory
- Find Omega
- Find Pack of Familiars
- Find Person
- Finger Gun
- Finger Guns
- Finger of Chaos
- Fingers of the Necromancer
- Finnegan's Forceful Fusillade
- Firaga IV
- Fire Avatar
- Fire Bolt Grenade
- Fire Boom
- Fire Covenant
- Fire Dragon's Iron Fist
- Fire Dragon's Wing Attack
- Fire Enchantment
- Fire Enchantment, Variant
- Fire Flow
- Fire of Cupid
- Fire Orb
- Fire Punch
- Fire Seeds
- Fire Shot
- Fire Spin
- Fire Splash
- Fire Spray
- Fire Swing
- Fire Tornado
- Fire Volley
- Fire Whip
- Firebeads
- Firebrand
- Firecracker
- Fires of Entanglement
- Firestaff
- Firesweep
- Firewater
- Fitzgeralts' Fast Inverse Mender
- Fitzmyr's "Conjurer's Hands"
- Fitzmyr's Sage Hands
- Five Sided Shelter
- Fizban's Fabulous Fashion
- Fizban's Platinum Shield
- Flaccid Splash
- Flame Arrows
- Flame Blast
- Flame Blast, Variant
- Flame Burst
- Flame Charge
- Flame Charge, Variant
- Flame Cloak
- Flame Edged Bolts
- Flame Jump
- Flame Mastery
- Flame of Life
- Flame Ring
- Flame Shot
- Flame Spiral
- Flame Step
- Flame Swathe
- Flames of Destruction
- Flames of Hephaestus
- Flames of the End
- Flare Blade
- Flare Blitz
- Flare Counter
- Flare Shot
- Flare Wave Explosion
- Flareball
- Flash Freeze
- Flash Powder
- Flash Step
- Flash Sweat
- Flask of Holding
- Flaskbang
- Flatten Self
- Flatten Target
- Flay
- Fleeing Spirits
- Fleeting Distraction
- Flesh Clone
- Flesh Fails
- Flesh Mending
- Flesh to Bees
- Flesh to Jelly
- Fleshcraft
- Flicker
- Flight of Fire
- Fling Self
- Floating Figment
- Flock of Familiars
- Flood of Shadow
- Floor of Ice
- Floormaster's Grasp
- Floortilting
- Flounder
- Flower Requiem
- Flowing Rivers of Sand
- Flowing Undead Wrath
- Flurry
- Flurry of Magic
- Flurry of Missiles
- Flurry of Strikes
- Flurry Rush
- Flux Grenade
- Flux Wall
- Fly Eye
- Flèche Chromatique Himo
- Focus Flame
- Focus Strike
- Focused Shout
- Fog Bank
- Fog From the Void
- Font of Anguish
- Fool's Gold
- Fool's Speech
- Forbidden Knowledge of the Ancients
- Force
- Force Armor
- Force Arrow
- Force Beam
- Force Bulwark
- Force Cannon
- Force Lightning
- Force Nova
- Force Streak
- Force Surge
- Force Wave
- Force Whip
- Forced Movement
- Forced Teleportation
- Forceful Breeze
- Forceful Flash
- Forceful Hand
- Forceful Smite
- Forceful Strike
- Forceful Strike, Variant
- Forceful Strike, Variant 2
- Forcewave
- Foreseeing Shield
- Forest of Bone and Sinew
- Forge of the Elements
- Forge Radiance
- Forget
- Form Contract
- Form of Sea, Air, and Land
- Formula 202
- Fortify
- Fortune Shift
- Fortune Shift Variant
- Fortune’s Favor
- Foster's Instant Anvil
- Foul Form
- Fountain of Night
- Fox Fire
- Franklin's Funny Missiles
- Freedom of the Winds
- Freezing Burst
- Freezing Clutch
- Freezing Gale
- Freidyne
- Frenzy
- Friends
- Friends, Variant
- Frigid Darkness
- Frigid Javelin
- Frigid Rebuke
- Frigid Smite
- From the Brink
- Frost Bolt
- Frost Breath
- Frost Fingers
- Frost Lance
- Frost Line
- Frost Strike
- Frostball
- Frostbite
- Frostburn
- Frostfall
- Frostfire Bolt
- Froststrike
- Frostwave
- Frozen Armament
- Frozen Blood
- Frozen Defenses
- Frozen Fragment Field
- Frozen Tomb
- Fulgur
- Full Counter
- Furious Charge
- Furious Unleashment
- Fury Fugue
- Fusion
- Fusion Grenade
- Gaiastrike
- Galder's Speedy Courier
- Galder's Tower
- Gale Arms
- Gale Arrows
- Galvanize
- Gamma Radiation
- Gandr Shot
- Ganon's Fist
- Gaslight
- Gather
- Gavotta's Ragnarok
- Gaze of War
- Gem Containment
- Gemstone Aura
- Gemstone Phalanx
- Gemstone Sentinel
- Gender Bend
- General Inventory
- Genesis
- Genetic Reshuffle
- Gentle Impact
- Geo Control
- Geyser
- Ghost Light
- Ghost Puppet Creation
- Ghostly Clone
- Ghostly Encirclement
- Ghostly Hands
- Ghoul Touch
- Giant Size
- Gift of Alacrity
- Gift of Gab
- Gilded Wave
- Glacial Armor
- Glacial Blast
- Glacial Crash
- Glacial Pass
- Glacier
- Glacies
- Glare
- Glass Cannon
- Glass Form
- Glass Spray
- Glass Storm
- Gliding Light
- Glintblade Phalanx
- Glintstone Pebble
- Glitterdust
- Glitterlance
- Glomi's Quick Friends
- Gloom Walk
- Gluttonous Maw
- Glyph of Oath-binding
- Glyph of Pain
- Glyph of Teleportation
- Glyph of Tracking
- Glyph Trap
- God Hammer
- God Time
- Golden Experience
- Golden Vow
- Golden Wind
- Goldweaver's Ray
- Golem
- Goo
- Good Hope
- Good Lich
- Gordian's Tripwire
- Gorgath's Rock-Volver
- Gorgon Breath
- Gorgon's Glare
- Grain of Sand
- Grand Alchemy
- Grand Kingdom
- Grant Power
- Grasp
- Grasp of the Void
- Grasping Shadows
- Grasping Souls
- Grasping Vine
- Gravitational Anomaly
- Gravity Anchor
- Gravity Bomb
- Gravity Bomb, Variant
- Gravity Fissure
- Gravity Force
- Gravity Hammer
- Gravity Sinkhole
- Gravity Sphere
- Gravity Surge
- Grease, Variant
- Great Chaos Fireball
- Great Lightning Spear
- Great Scorching Bolt
- Greatblade Phalanx
- Greater Animate Dead
- Greater Animate Skeleton
- Greater Blade of Grass
- Greater Blood Orb
- Greater Contingency
- Greater Darkness
- Greater Disguise Self
- Greater Dragon's Stolen Breath
- Greater Geas
- Greater Gentle Repose
- Greater Harmfield
- Greater Heal
- Greater Mending
- Greater Moment
- Greater Necrostrike
- Greater Polymorph
- Greater Purge
- Greater Returning Weapon
- Greater Transference
- Greater Zone of Euphemisms
- Greatspear of Justice
- Greatwyrm's Wrath
- Greed
- Green-Flame Ammo
- Green-Flame Blade
- Grey Goo
- Grip of Death
- Gromph's Eye of Examination
- Grove Enroot
- Gruff's Radical Rebirth
- Grum's Fix 'em/Hurt 'em
- Grum's Flavorable Flesh
- Grum's Greater Fix 'em/Hurt 'em
- Grum's Lesser Mojo Transfer
- Grum's Pop
- Grum's Popping Bubble
- Grum's Spectral Melee Weapon
- Grum's Stinky Steed
- Guard of the Peacetalker
- Guardian of Nature
- Guardian of the Living
- Guided Strike
- Guided Strikes
- Guiding Hand
- Guise over Necrosis
- Gula's Compulsion
- Gurgle
- Gurranq's Sling
- Gush of Ash
- Gust
- Hado 1
- Hado 31
- Hado 32
- Hado 4
- Hado 58
- Hado 90
- Hado11
- Hadō Sōren Sōkatsui
- Hail of Thorns
- Hailstone
- Halaster's Blackcloak
- Halitosis Tonic
- Hallowed Armor
- Hallowed Ground
- Hallowed Lances
- Hallowed Rain
- Hallucinate
- Halo
- Halo of Lightning
- Halo of Rejuvenation
- Halt
- Hand of the Dead
- Hand of the Undead
- Hand of Winter
- Hand of Workers
- Handcannon
- Hands of Elements
- Haptic Counter
- Hardened Stone
- Harmfield
- Harrowing Insanity
- Hart's Incredibly Hot Lightning Laser
- Hashnad's Shadowy Tendrils
- Hateful Lance
- Haunting Whispers
- Hayzenbyrg’s Superposition
- Heal Major Injury
- Heal Minor Injury
- Heal Zone Rune
- Healer of Multitudes
- Healing Chains
- Healing Dagger
- Healing Elixir
- Healing Fire
- Healing Flame
- Healing Mist
- Healing Rain
- Healing Ray
- Healing Spirit
- Healing Spores
- Healing Touch
- Healing Wall
- Healing Wind
- Heart Jumpstart
- Heart of the Sea Gods
- Heart Strike
- Heartbreaker
- Heartstop
- Heat Beam
- Heat Shot
- Heated Hands
- Heatsense
- Heatvision
- Heaven's Door
- Heavenly Fall
- Heavenly Lightning
- Heavenly Prison
- Heavenly Rebuke
- Heavenstrike
- Heavy Mage Armor
- Heavy Words
- Heighten Mobility
- Hell Smite
- Hell Speak
- Hell Storm
- Hell's Lightning
- Hellfire
- Hellfire Armor
- Hellfire Bolt
- Hellfire Chains
- Hellfire Harpoon
- Hellfire Sphere
- Hellhole
- Hellish Flames Explosion!
- Hellish Spawn
- Hell’s Gaze
- Helotry
- Hemomancy
- Hemorrhage
- Heritage Rebuke
- Hermit's Wisdom
- Heroic Intervention
- Hex
- High Octane Explosion
- Hindering Light
- Hissing Darkness
- Hive Leech
- Hoarfrost Blade
- Hold Beast
- Hold on the Gullible
- Hollow Resurrection
- Holy Blade
- Holy Exodus
- Holy Spear
- Holy Weapon
- Homing Needles
- Homing Shards
- Homing Soulmass
- Hone Senses
- Horace's Hirsute Binding
- Horrific Vicissitude
- Horrific Visage
- Hot Dogs
- Howling Wraiths
- Hræsvelgr's Glory
- Hunger of Hadar
- Hunger/Thirst
- Hungry Earth
- Hunting Trail
- Hurricane Blade
- Hush
- Hush, Variant
- Hydra
- Hydro Barrier
- Hydro Order
- Hyetomancy
- Hymn of Battle
- Hyper Compress
- Hyper Voice
- Hyperion
- Hyperion Lance
- Hypnotizing Motion
- Ice Assassin
- Ice Axe
- Ice Beam
- Ice Blade
- Ice Bolt
- Ice Coffin
- Ice Eruption
- Ice Javelin
- Ice Knife
- Ice Reave
- Ice Rupture
- Ice Shards
- Ice Shock
- Ice Spear
- Ice Spike
- Ice Ward
- Ice Wave
- Icebound Fortitude
- Icelance
- Icicle Crash
- Icy Weapon
- Igneous Suffocation
- Ignite
- Ignite, Variant
- Ignitions
- Ijuyr's Symphony
- Illumination
- Illumination, Variant
- Illusion of Chaos
- Illusionary Box
- Illusoid
- Illusory Dragon
- Illusory Light
- Illusory Phantom
- Illusory Torrent
- Imbue Harmlessness
- Imbue Personality
- Imbue with Spell Ability
- Imbued in Flames
- Imbuing Ritual
- Immolation
- Immolation, Variant
- Immortality
- Immovable Object
- Impart Knowledge
- Imperial Blight
- Imperial Bolt
- Imperil
- Impermanence of Being
- Implode Poison
- Improved Familiar
- Improved Magic Missile
- Incendiary Grenade
- Inception
- Incinerating Impacts
- Incite Greed
- Incomplete Chord
- Incongruous
- Incorporeal Object
- Indestructible Form
- Indomitable Presence
- Infernal Binding
- Infernal Calling
- Infernal Law
- Infernal Rain
- Inferno
- Inferno, Handaxe
- Inferno, Mace
- Inferno, Quarterstaff
- Infestation
- Infinite Pockets
- Inflate Ego
- Inflict Exhaustion
- Inflict Greater Wounds
- Inflict Minor Wounds
- Inflict Positive Energy
- Infuse Weapon
- Inquisitor's Strike
- Inspire Survival Instinct
- Instant Audience
- Instant Dash
- Instant Fancy Clothes
- Instant Strike
- Instil Pain
- Instill Madness
- Instrument of Life
- Intellect Fortress
- Intensify Emotions
- Interference Field
- Internal Incineration
- Intimidating Presence
- Intoxicate Blood
- Inumaki Word "Blast Away"
- Inumaki Word "Crush"
- Inumaki Word "Die"
- Inumaki Word "Don't Move"
- Inumaki Word "Explode"
- Inumaki Word "Plummet"
- Inumaki Word "Return"
- Inumaki Word "Run Away"
- Inumaki Word "Sleep"
- Inumaki Word "Stop"
- Inumaki Word "Twist"
- Inumaki Word Variant Command
- Inumaki Word Variant Eviscerate
- Inumaki Word Variant Ignite
- Inumaki Word Variant Mute
- Inumaki Word Variant Power Word Heal
- Invade Host
- Inversion
- Investiture of Acid
- Investiture of Darkness
- Investiture of Flame
- Investiture of Green
- Investiture of Ice
- Investiture of Light
- Investiture of Lightning
- Investiture of Poison
- Investiture of Sand
- Investiture of Sand, Variant
- Investiture of Stone
- Investiture of Water
- Investiture of Wind
- Invincibility
- Invisibility Purge
- Invisibility to Undead
- Invocation of Ate, Lord of the East
- Invocation of Gedula, Lord of the South
- Invocation of Markt, Lord of the North
- Invocation of Ve, Lord of the West
- Invoke Boargeist
- Invoke Scarecrow
- Invoke Wolfgeist
- Invulnerability
- Irascible Spear
- Iridescent Ray
- Iron Flesh
- Iron Maiden
- Iron to steel
- Ironwood
- Isaac's Missile Swarm
- Isaz the Ice Rune
- Isband's Freezing Chains
- Item Box
- Ivory Flesh
- Ivote's Delivery Service
- Jallarzi's Storm of Radiance
- Jalthier's Impending Boom
- Jim’s Glowing Coin
- Jim’s Magic Missile
- Jolt Cadaver
- Judge's Familiar
- Judgment
- Jumpstart
- Kagerou
- Kaleido Star Cannon
- Kamikaze
- Karno's Instant Pie
- Karsus' avatar
- Kathandrion's Last Inquiry
- Kaunan the Fire Rune
- Keen Cut
- Keen Weapon
- Kelpie's Poison
- Kerrhylon’s Magic Missile
- Killing Shadows
- Kinetic Fusillade
- Kinetic Garrote
- Kinetic Jaunt
- Kinetic Redistribution
- Kinetic Throw
- King Crimson
- Kira's Explosive Touch
- Kiss of the Petals
- Klee's Fireball
- Knee-Jerk
- Knight of Honor
- Knight's Puissance
- Knitkwick's Missile Shield
- Know Direction
- Know Recipe
- Know the True Form
- Know Thy Foe
- Knowledge
- Kraken's Tentacle
- Krupa's Syncopated Spell
- Kunai of Ice
- Label
- Label, Variant
- Laborer's Bane
- Lady of the Deep Water's Torrent
- Lafayette's Lavish Blade
- Lake of Fire
- Lambent Lance
- Lances of Condemnation
- Landscape of Fear
- Languor
- Lanky's Long Arm
- Last Act
- Last Laugh
- Last Stand
- Last Words
- Laughing Skull
- Launch Bolt
- Lava Burst
- Lava Line
- Lazarus Pit
- Leaf Barrage
- Leafify
- Lee's Fume Punch
- Lengthen Gladius
- Leomund's Shield
- Leomund's Trap
- Leonardo's Everflowing Chalice of Missiles
- Leonardo's Imploding Shell
- Leonardo's Magic Card
- Leonardo's Projected Force
- Leonardo's Pulsing Shield
- Leonardo's Splinter Armor
- Leonardo's Splinter Shell
- Lesser Animate Dead
- Lesser Baja Blast
- Lesser Blood Orb
- Lesser Confusion
- Lesser Control Weather
- Lesser Mind Blast
- Lesser Polymorph
- Lesser Purge
- Lesser Reflection
- Lesser Regeneration
- Lesser Smite
- Lesser Wish
- Lesser Zone of Euphemisms
- Lethal Weapons
- Lethargy
- Leticia's Ward
- León's Small Wind
- León’s Imbuement of Air
- Liberate Flame
- Life Boost
- Life Drain
- Life Fades
- Life Flare
- Life Manipulation
- Life Sap
- Life Seed
- Life Tether
- Life Transfer
- Life Transference
- Light Arc
- Light Beam
- Light Binding
- Light Blood Transfusion
- Light Drive
- Light Inversion
- Light of Blinding
- Light of Celestia
- Light of Courage
- Light Orbs
- Lightning Arrow
- Lightning Charge
- Lightning Cloak
- Lightning Field
- Lightning Field, Variant
- Lightning Lasers
- Lightning Leap
- Lightning Lure
- Lightning Orb
- Lightning Rain
- Lightning Rush
- Lightning Spear
- Lightning Spear, Variant
- Lightning Stake
- Lightning Storm
- Lightning Strike
- Lightning Surge
- Lightning Tendrils
- Lightning Whip
- Lights Mark
- Limb Growth
- Limited Sight
- Limited Spell Immunity
- Lindwurm Conflagration
- Lingering Flame
- Lingering Poison
- Lion Elemenacy: Holy
- Liquid Arrow
- Liquid Night
- Litany of Proper Death
- Liveoak
- Lloyd's Lie Whisper
- Local Inventory
- Locate Portal
- Locate Remains
- Locate Water
- Location Transposition
- Lock of Guilt
- Lockhart's Fireball
- Lockspell
- Locusts of Tartarus
- Lofting Breeze
- Log to Lumber
- Lolth's Bloodline
- Long Beam
- Longtime Hivemind
- Looped Projectile
- Lord Knows
- Love Extract 69
- Love Stealer
- LSD Arrow
- LSD Splash
- Lucent Singularity
- Lucid Control
- Luck Brew
- Lucky Charm
- Lucky Coin Tossing
- Lucky Star
- Luis Gustavo's Aura of Blades
- Lullaby
- Lulling Spores of Harmonious Sleep
- Luminescent Blessing
- Luminous Globe
- Lunae
- Lunar Blast
- Lunar Branding
- Lunar Luck
- Lunar Serenity
- Lunar Spirit
- Lungs to Gills
- Lux Umbra Balance
- Lycanthrope's Gift
- Mad Mage's Rage
- Mad Winds of Pandemonium
- Maddening Darkness
- Made In Heaven
- Maelstrom
- Maelstrom, Variant
- Mage Fist
- Mage Plate
- Mage Strike
- Magechain
- Magi Mine
- Magia Erebra
- Magic (Mobius)
- Magic Boulder
- Magic Brand
- Magic Burst
- Magic Card
- Magic Concerto
- Magic Dart
- Magic Fang
- Magic Fang, Greater
- Magic Glintblade
- Magic Missile Barrage
- Magic Missile Massacre
- Magic Missile Storm
- Magic Pocket
- Magic Resistance
- Magic Robbery
- Magic Scimitar
- Magic Shield
- Magic Ship
- Magic Speed
- Magic Staff
- Magic Stone
- Magic Strike
- Magic Talisman
- Magic Vestment
- Magic Warhead
- Magic Warship
- Magical Blade
- Magical Blast
- Magical Deflect
- Magical Spell Tinkering
- Magma Storm
- Magnesis
- Magnet Orb
- Magnetic Field
- Magnetism
- Magnetize
- Magnify Gravity
- Magnokinesis
- Major Inventory
- Major Mark
- Major Polymorph
- Major Stasis
- Majority World
- Makankōsappō
- Malcador’s Fallen Star
- Malignant Blast
- Man's Best Fiend
- Mana Shield
- Mana Shield, Variant
- Mana Siphon
- Mandom
- Manic Manacles
- Manipulate Hearing
- Manipulate Metal
- Manipulate Snow and Ice
- Mantle of Command
- Manus Semoto
- Mark
- Mark of Nirvana
- Mark of Syrix
- Marsh's Dodgeball
- Marty’s Miraculous Self Improvement
- Marvin's Gutterball
- Mass Arcane Cure
- Mass Blade Bane
- Mass Blood Transfusion
- Mass Death Ward
- Mass Disintegrate
- Mass Exsanguination
- Mass Flesh Fails
- Mass Harm
- Mass Immolation
- Mass Inflict Wounds
- Mass Life Fades
- Mass Mental Binding
- Mass Mind Wipe
- Mass Polymorph
- Mass Power Word Kill
- Mass Transcription
- Mass Traumatic Teleport
- Massacre
- Massage
- Massive Magic Missile
- Master of the Four Winds
- Master Spark
- Master's Touch
- Materialize Trap
- Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp
- Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
- Maxwell's Marvelous Mantle
- Maya's Symphony
- Medicinal Prayer
- Medusa's Gaze
- Megascale Flight
- Megaton Punch
- Melf's Minute Meteors
- Melody of Lasting
- Memory Graft
- Mending Sinews
- Mental Barrier
- Mental Bindings
- Mental Prison
- Mental Shred
- Mergewall
- Meritorious' Mind Wipe
- Merrow's Song
- Merruns Perfect Lock
- Mesmerising Shade
- Mesmerize
- Message Connected
- Message to the Masses
- Metabolic Boost
- Metabolic Control
- Metal to Wood
- Metaphysical Smite
- Meteoric Barrage
- Miasma of Death
- Miasma of Death, Variant
- Microcosm
- Midas' Touch
- Midwife's Spell
- Might of Annam
- Might of Giants
- Mighty Fortress
- Mika's Existential Dread
- Mike's Hard Lemonade, Variant
- Mind Blast
- Mind Control
- Mind Flay
- Mind Fog
- Mind Freeze
- Mind Kill
- Mind Pain
- Mind Scour
- Mind Sliver
- Mind Spike
- Mind Spike, Variant
- Mind Steal
- Mind Swap
- Mind Switch
- Mind Trauma
- Mind Wipe
- Mindshriek
- Mineral Armor
- Mineralize Weapon
- Mini Tornado
- Miniature Fabricate
- Miniaturize
- Minor Animate
- Minor Arcane Turret
- Minor Blood Infusion
- Minor Blood Orb
- Minor Distortion
- Minor Fabricate
- Minor Hex
- Minor Implosion
- Minor Inconvenience
- Minor Inventory
- Minor Mark
- Minor Polymorph
- Minor Prophecy
- Minor Psychometry
- Minor Stasis
- Minor Step
- Minor Summoning
- Minor Telekinesis
- Minor Telekinetic Field
- Minor Transmute
- Minor Ward
- Minor Wish
- Miracle Moon
- Miracle's Crucible
- Mirage
- Mirage of Despair
- Mirror of Fate
- Mirror Variant
- Missile Lore
- Mist of Inhibition
- Misty Gate
- Misty Step, Variant
- Mithral Form
- Mitotic spindle
- Moat of Lava
- Moist Flame
- Mold Earth
- Mold Metal
- Molten Blades
- Momentary Relapse
- Monolith
- Monomorph
- Moody Blues
- Moon Pulse
- Moon-Touched Weapon
- Moonbeam Bolt
- Moonblast
- Moonburst
- Moonlight
- Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee
- Mordenkainen's Force Missiles
- Mordenkainen's Magnificent Magical Mauling
- Mordenkainen's Spirit Burst
- Morgrave's Clear Mind
- Morifn’s Deathly Wind
- Moth Swarm
- Motivational Speech
- Mourning Mist
- Moving Platform
- Muffle
- Mummify
- Murakumo
- Murder of Crows
- Murder of Moths
- Mute
- Myrsta’s Soulfire
- Mystic Reflections
- Mùspelflame
- Nahal's Reckless Dweomer
- Nathair's Mischief
- Nathaniel's Undead Army
- Nature's Ward
- Nauseate
- Nayru's Love
- Necro Blast
- Necromancer's Enervation
- Necromancer's Flames
- Necromancer's Mask
- Necromantic Summons
- Necropolis
- Necrosh
- Necrostrike
- Necrotic Boom
- Necrotic Breath
- Necrotic Overchannel
- Necrotic Overlay
- Necrotic Overlay, Variant
- Necrotic Reconstruction
- Necrotic Sickles
- Needle Hex
- Negative Energy Flood
- Net of Shadows
- Neutralise Aura
- Nexus Weapon
- Niflbolt
- Night Guardians
- Nightly Terrors
- Nightmare
- Nightmare Hex
- Nightscar
- Nightwalk
- Nilin's Bolt
- Non-Destructive Scan
- Noro's Puppet Master
- Noro's Siphon Scythe
- Notes of lesser death
- Noxious Blast
- Nuclear Missile
- Null Bolt
- Nurture
- Nyan's Ball Lightning
- Nyan's Investiture of Lightning
- Nyan's Light Speed Dash
- O'Bannon's Siege Missiles
- Obfuscation
- Obliterate
- Obliterate Soul
- Oblivion Mirror
- Oblivion Wave
- Obscure Illumination
- Obscured Garden
- Observer Ward
- Ode of the Emperor Penguin
- OGC:Astromancy
- OGC:Conjure Deep Abomination
- OGC:Dreaming Tide
- OGC:Drowning
- OGC:Eclipse
- OGC:Herculean Force
- OGC:Putrefy Food
- OGC:Universal Potion
- Omega Finishing Blow
- Omen
- Ommon's Heat Exchange
- One Inch Punch
- One with Nature
- Ophis Transformation
- Orb of Charm
- Orb of Deception
- Orb of Discord
- Orb of Harmony
- Orb of Light
- Orb of Sacred Fire
- Ordinance
- Oreseer
- Organic Graft
- Origamist
- Orilia's Beastly Action
- Orilia's Devil Resistance
- Orion's Bolts
- Ostrichize
- Other
- Otherworldly Polymorph
- Otherworldly Tendrils
- Otto's Chime of Release
- Otto's Crystal Rhythms
- Otto's Drums of Despair
- Otto's Gong of Isolation
- Otto's Imperative Ambulation
- Otto's Rousing Anthem
- Otto's Silver Tongue
- Otto's Soothing Vibrations
- Otto's Sure-Footed Shuffle
- Otto's Tin Soldiers
- Otto's Tonal Attack
- Otto's Tones of Forgetfulness
- Otto's Triple Chime
- Otto's Warding Tones
- Otto’s Crystal Rhythms
- Ouroboros's Mark
- Overcompensated Weaponry
- Overload
- Overward Smite
- Paddle Star
- Pain Share
- Palpitate
- Pancea
- Paradox Rift
- Paradoxal Grotto
- Paralysis Blow
- Paralyzing Smite
- Paranoid Pact
- Parasitic Link
- Para’s Portalable Place
- Part Water
- Pass into Shadow
- Pattern Screamer
- Patternweave
- Pebble Blink
- Peek-a-boo
- Peel Back Scars
- Peltskin
- Penetrate Disguise
- Perceive the Unseen
- Perfect Cube
- Perfect Illusory Self
- Perfect Reflection
- Perfect Wish
- Permanence of Being
- Permanency
- Permanency, 2nd Variant
- Permanency, Variant
- Persistent Harrier
- Pestilence
- Petal Glide
- Petrification
- Petty Wish
- Phaerrexis
- Phantasmal Force
- Phantasmal Notebook
- Phantasmal Ship
- Phantom Laughter
- Phantom Orchestra
- Phase
- Phase, Variant
- Philter of Illusion
- Phoenix Climax
- Phoenix Dash
- Phoenix Fire
- Phoenix Phantom
- Phoenix Strike
- Phoenix Wave
- Phoenix's Rebirth
- Phy's Wondrous Acid
- Pictograph
- Piercing Sight
- Pillar
- Pillar of Flame
- Pillar of Sand
- Pillars of Time
- Pincushion
- Pit of Flame
- Pity of Acherus
- Pixie Storm
- Pixie's Gale
- Pixies's Blade
- PK Fire spell)
- Placebo
- Plague Blast
- Planar Arrow
- Planar Calling
- Planar Imprisonment
- Planar Vortex
- Planer Overlay
- Plasma Bolt
- Pleasant Breeze
- Plumbophoresis
- Poe Reprise
- Poison Blood
- Poison Bolt
- Poison Kill
- Poison Matrix
- Poison Mist
- Poisoned Blade
- Polar Ray
- Polarize
- Pomodoro
- Poof
- Poof, Variant
- Pool of Acid
- Porghum's Painful Pun
- Port Port
- Portal Volley
- Porte Ècarlate
- Portent
- Positive Energy Aura
- Positive Energy Blast
- Positive Energy Ray
- Positive/Negative Energy Zone
- Post-Mortem Servitude
- Post’s Glaring Optic
- Poultice of Healing
- Poultice Of Health
- Poultice of Life
- Power
- Power Beam
- Power Bolt
- Power Chord
- Power Within
- Power Word Bind
- Power Word Bleed
- Power Word Break
- Power Word Charm
- Power Word Crash
- Power Word Ecstasy
- Power Word Exile
- Power Word Explode
- Power Word Fall
- Power Word False
- Power Word Forget
- Power Word Freeze
- Power Word Heal
- Power Word Obliterate
- Power Word Pacify
- Power Word Pain
- Power Word Peace
- Power Word Recharge
- Power Word Save
- Power Word Sit
- Power Word Sleep
- Power Word: Soup
- Powerful Punch
- Powerful Strike
- Powerstride
- Prayer of Protection
- Prayer of Strength
- Precipice Blade
- Precise Strike
- Talk:Precise Strike
- Precise Strike, Variant
- Precognitive Perception
- Pressure Sphere
- Primal Savagery
- Primordial Rush
- Primordial Ward
- Prismatic Barrier
- Prismatic Bow
- Prismatic Circle
- Prison of Night
- Prison Realm
- Produce Electricity
- Produce Wind
- Progression: H.A.V.O.C.
- Projected Ward
- Projectile Protection
- Projectile Sense
- Projectile Style
- Promised Walk of Peace
- Protection from Harm
- Protection from Negative Energy
- Protection from Projectiles
- Protection from Spells
- Protection of Chaos
- Protective Barrier
- Protector's Mark
- Provoke
- Prying Eyes
- Prying Eyes, Greater
- Pseudopod Strike
- Psionbolt
- Psionic Anchor
- Psionic Blast
- Psionic Drain
- Psionic Hand
- Psionic Kunai
- Psionic Strike
- Psionic Ward
- Psionova
- Psybeam
- Psyblast
- Psyche Drain
- Psyche Drain, Variant
- Psychic Attack
- Psychic Burst
- Psychic Hammer
- Psychic Missile
- Psychic Scream
- Psychic Wrath
- Psychokinesis
- Psydarts
- Psyshock
- Pull of Acherus
- Pulling Shade
- Pulse Grenade
- Pulse Wave
- Pulverize
- Punishing Pitchfork
- Puppet
- Purge
- Purge Evil or Good
- Purity
- Purple Haze
- Pursuers
- Push
- Putrid Gale
- Pyre Siphon
- Pyro Command
- Pyroclasmic Unmake
- Pyrokinesis
- Pyrotechnics
- Qin Xi's Eternal Army
- Quadon's intense pain
- Quantum Shift
- Quasar
- Queen's Touch
- Quench
- Quick
- Quickbolt
- Quicken
- Quicksand
- Quiet Armor
- Quietus Beam
- Quill Hide
- Quill of Duplication
- Quincy's Epic Hammer
- Quincy's Investiture
- Quintessa's Dweomerdrain
- Quintessa's Dweomershield
- Raact'thuul's armor of the dead
- Radar Tracking
- Raddik's Plasmatic Tear
- Raddik's Weakest Link
- Raddik’s Focusing Blast
- Radiant Absorption
- Radiant Armor
- Radiant Aura
- Radiant Blade
- Radiant Blast
- Radiant Chains
- Radiant Death
- Radiant Flame Blade
- Radiant Flare
- Radiant Lance
- Radiant Leap
- Radiant Pulse
- Radiant Revolvers
- Radiant Shield
- Radiant Song
- Radiant Splash
- Radiant Strike
- Radiant Strike, Variant
- Radiant Swords
- Radiative Shield
- Rage Armor
- Ragnarok
- Ragnaul's Rewritten History
- Ragnaul's Systematic Surge
- Raigo
- Railgun
- Rain Blast
- Rain of Fiery Blades
- Raise Ally
- Raise Flesh
- Raise Ghoul
- Raise Mount
- Raise Undead
- Raise Undead Army
- Raise/Sink Island
- Raksha's Wash Cycle
- Rancorcall
- Random Spell
- Random Walk
- Rapid Acceleration
- Rapture
- Rapture, Variant
- Rasenga Uzuhiko
- Raulothim's Psychic Lance
- Raven Bolt
- Raven Slaughter
- Ravenous Void
- Ray of Frog
- Ray of Light
- Ray of Sickness
- Razor Leaf
- Razor Storm
- Razor Tome
- Razored Thoughts
- Reality Break
- Reality Slash
- Reaping Gaze
- Rebirth
- Rebuild Item
- Recite Scripture
- Reckless Lightning Bolt
- Record Memory
- Recovery Blade
- Red-Flame Missile
- Red-Hot Chains
- Redemption
- Redemption, Variant
- Redirecting Shield
- Redistribute Impact
- Redistribute Impact, Variant
- Reflect
- Reflect Spell
- Reflection
- Reflection of Magic
- Reflections of Things that Were
- Reflections of Things to Come
- Reflexive Shot
- Reflexive Shot spell)
- Reforestation
- Regeneration
- Regrowth
- Reincarnate Skeleton
- Reinforce
- Reinforce Armament
- Reinforce Arms
- Reinforce Self
- Reinforcement
- Reinforcement, Variant
- Rejuvenate
- Rejuvenating Light
- Rejuvenation
- Remedy
- Remorseless Winter
- Remote Bomb
- Remote Casting
- Remote Comfort
- Remove Breath
- Rend
- Renew Life spell)
- Renewal
- Renewed Servitude
- Reorientate
- Repair
- Repair/Raze
- Repairs
- Repartition Spell
- Repel
- Replenishment
- Replication
- Reprisal Blitz
- Repulsion
- Rerange
- Reshape Terrain
- Resist Annihilation
- Resistance (That Works)
- Resistance, Variant
- Resistant Veins
- Resonant Shockwave
- Resonating Mind
- Respirance
- Restorative Overflow
- Restore
- Restore Time
- Restore/Bind Soul
- Restoring Field
- Resurrect Skeleton
- Resurrection From Beyond
- Retributive Shock
- Retrocognition
- Returning Weapon
- Reverb
- Reversal
- Reverse Flow Control
- Reverse Morality
- Reverse Time
- Revert Time
- Revitalize
- Rewind
- Rewind Death
- Rewind, Variant
- Ribbit
- Riddle
- Riddle spell)
- Riddle's Rapid Retreat
- Riddle's Rumble
- Riddle’s Reenactment
- Riddle’s Ridiculous Routine
- Rift
- Rift Balance
- Righteous Might
- Righteous Storm
- Rigor Mortis
- Rime's Binding Ice
- Rimeward Strike
- Risen Life Service
- Rising Dragon Soars the Sky
- Rite of The Elemental Blood
- Ritual Circle
- Ritual Circle, Variant
- Rock Pellets
- Rock Spears
- Rock Splash
- Rock Toss
- Rock Wave
- Rockform
- Rocks Fall
- Rod Surge
- Roll the Bones
- Root Walk
- Roriloch's Waveshredder
- Rorim's Lingering Presence
- Rotting Root Lord's Rot
- Roy's Sleep
- Royal Diamond Ring
- Royal Flare
- Ruby Firewall
- Rule Manipulation
- Rumplestiltskin's Catch Missiles
- Rumplestiltskin´s Rainbow Blast
- Rune Blast
- Rune of Bloodlust
- Rune of Distraction
- Rune Strike
- Rune Teleport
- Runic Blink
- Runic Chains
- Rusting Grasp
- Rusting Sands
- Sacred Blade
- Sacred Hunting
- Sacred reinforcement
- Sacrifice Sanity
- Sacrificial Strike
- Sacrificial Summon
- Sacrificial Summons
- Sakanagi
- Salamander Communion
- Salmon's Leap
- Salvi's Ward
- Sand Armor
- Sand Impact
- Sand Replacement
- Sand Shurikens
- Sand Spear
- Sand Tornado
- Sand Wave
- Sand's Body
- Sandblast
- Sandblast, variant
- Sandcast
- Sandstorm
- Sanguine Blast
- Sanguine Defender
- Sanguine Mantle
- Sanguine Minor Mirage
- Sanguine Scythes
- Sanguine Song
- Sanguine Tide
- Sanguis Burst
- Sapphire Hail
- Sapping Slash
- Sapping Smite
- Sapping Sting
- Sasha's Rapid Bolts
- Sawsall
- Scald
- Scan
- Scarecrow
- Scatter
- Scatter Banish
- Scatter Grenade
- Scent
- Scholar's Passion
- Scholar’s Armament
- Scholar’s Shield
- Schrodinger's Von Neumann Wigner Quantum Revival
- Scorch
- Scout
- Scream of Agony
- Screen Stride
- Scrollsee
- Sculpt Corpse
- Sea of Fire
- Seafoam Spray
- Sealing Strike
- Seamless Space
- Searing Blow
- Searing Choker
- Searing Light
- Searing Orb
- Searing Smite
- Searing Sun Fire Burst
- Second Self
- Secret Hado
- See Through
- Seeking Blade
- Seer's Mark
- Sehanine's Blessing
- Selective Invisibility
- Self Implosion
- Self Projectile
- Self-Arcane Eruption
- Self-Destruct
- Self-Sufficient Dead
- Selo's Accelerando
- Sense Emotion
- Sensory Field
- Sentinel
- Separate Energy
- Seppuku
- Serac
- Serious Bomb
- Serpentine Shape
- Serrated Gust
- Serrated Slash
- Servant Permanence
- Shadow Armor
- Shadow Axe
- Shadow Blade
- Shadow Blast
- Shadow Blink
- Shadow Blur
- Shadow Bolt
- Shadow Duel
- Shadow Evocation
- Shadow Flame
- Shadow Garrote
- Shadow Hand
- Shadow Hood
- Shadow Investiture
- Shadow Lord
- Shadow Mist
- Shadow Moil
- Shadow of Moil
- Shadow Plague
- Shadow Pulse
- Shadow Realm
- Shadow Record
- Shadow Shift
- Shadow Skin
- Shadow Snare
- Shadow Spray
- Shadow Step
- Shadow Storm
- Shadow Strike
- Shadow Surge
- Shadow Time
- Shadow Walk
- Shadow Warp
- Shadow Well
- Shadow Well, Variant
- Shadow's Hunger
- Shadowblade
- Shadowcery
- Shadows Fade
- Shadowstrike
- Shadowy Body
- Shadowy Servants
- Shady Visage
- Shake Earth
- Shale's Instant Compass
- Shape Bond
- Shape Flesh
- Shape Light
- Shape Water
- Shapechange Redesigned Variant Rule)
- Shard of Hope
- Share Trait
- Sharp Shadows
- Sharpened
- Shartrund's Energy Blade
- Shata's Rock of Flames
- Shatter Confidence
- Shatter Scream
- Shattering Threads
- Sheer Heart Attack
- Sheikah Meditation
- Shell Bomb
- Shell Kick
- Shenanigan
- Shield Barrier
- Shield of Darkness
- Shield of Honor
- Shield of Stasis
- Shield, Hyrulean
- Shield, Variant
- Shift Balance
- Shift Stone
- Shining Force Blast
- Shinsu Baang
- Shiver
- Shock Coil
- Shock of Flame
- Shocking Blast
- Shocking Bolt
- Shocking Grasp, Variant
- Shocking Reaction
- Short Warp
- Shoulder Touch
- Shrieking Skull
- Shuriken of Darkness
- Sickening Radiance
- Sight Eclipsed
- Sigil Sword Strike
- Silhouette
- Silhouette, Variant
- Silver Bullets of Paradise
- Silvery Barbs
- Simple Moment
- Sinister Manipulation
- Sinister Surroundings
- Siphoning Conduit
- Siren's Call
- Six Eared Hearing
- Six Paths, Five Rings: Kurikara Divine Blade
- Skeletal Warhorse
- Skill Empowerment
- Skin Mimic
- Skull Goblet
- Sky-Fury Bolt
- Sky-Pierce Lance
- Skysmite
- Skyward Strike
- Skyweave
- Skywrite
- Slap
- Slashing Winds
- Sleepy Trouble Bubble
- Slice
- Slight Polymorph
- Slime Shield
- Slimebolt
- Slip
- Sliver of Chaos
- Slogo's Shotgun
- Slow Time
- Smile of the Stheno
- Smite Rune
- Smoke Bomb
- Smoke Ladder
- Smoke Screen
- Snap of Radiance
- Snare
- Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
- Snipe
- Snooze
- Snowball Supply
- Snowy Barrage
- Soaking Hands
- Softwood
- Solar Blitz
- Solar Bolt
- Solar Grenade
- Solar/Lunar Blast
- Solid Darkness
- Solid Fog
- Solid Freeze
- Somaria
- Something
- Song of Courage
- Song of the Awakened Dead
- Sonic Implosion
- Sorcerous Burst
- Sorcerous Possession
- Sorrel's Battering Javelins
- Sorrel's Burst Missile
- Sorrel's Chaining Lances
- Sorrel's Forceful Missile
- Sorrel's Greater Magic Missile
- Sorrel's Helpful Harpoon
- Sorrel's Impact Missile
- Sorrel's Inevitable Impalement
- Sorrel's Leaping Missile
- Sorrel's Magic Ballista
- Sorrel's Magic Lance
- Sorrel's Minuscule Missile
- Sorrel's Missile Swarm
- Sorrel's Rending Missile
- Sorrel's Retributive Missile
- Sorrel's Selfless Missile
- Sorrel's Superior Magic Missile
- Sorrel's Unforgiving Missile
- Sorrel's Warding Missile
- Sorrel's Well of Infinite Lances
- Soul Arrow
- Soul Bind
- Soul Blade
- Soul Blast
- Soul Bomb
- Soul Cage
- Soul Change
- Soul Claws
- Soul Drain
- Soul Field
- Soul Gathering
- Soul Gem
- Soul Gem, Create
- Soul Inferno
- Soul Puppet
- Soul Puppet, Variant
- Soul Read
- Soul Reading
- Soul Release
- Soul Restoration
- Soul Shallow
- Soul Slice
- Soul Spear
- Soul Stream
- Soul Strike
- Soul Sunder
- Soul Tap
- Soul Tear
- Soul Tide
- Soul Transfer
- Soul-Stealing Fist
- Soulfire Strike
- Souls Embrace
- Sound Bubble
- Sound Burst
- Sovanna's Animate Tiny Dead
- Spark of Levin
- Spark Shower
- Spatial Distortion
- Speak with Flames
- Speak with Images
- Speak With Skull
- Speak with Wind (Cataegis Cantrip)
- Spear of Rot
- Spectral Hammer
- Spectral Hand
- Spectral Scythe
- Spectral Shield
- Spectral Throw
- Speed of Light
- Speed of the Zephyr
- Spell
- Spell Blade
- Spell Capture
- Spell Mastery
- Spell Rebirth
- Spell Shape
- Spell Shield
- Spell Twine
- Spell Vault
- Spellblade
- Spellblock
- Spellbreaking Smite
- Spelled
- Spellfire
- Spellstrike
- Spellwise Aura
- Sphere of Awareness
- Sphere of Simulated Antimagic
- Sphere of Warded Repulsion
- Spike Grenade
- Spike Stones
- Spike Storm
- Spin Attack
- Spiraling Overgrowth
- Spirit Bird
- Spirit Excalibur
- Spirit Maelstrom
- Spirit Meddling
- Spirit of Death
- Spirit Rush
- Spirit Shotgun
- Spirit Shroud
- Spiritual Arsenal
- Spit Venom
- Spiteful Gaze
- Splashing Spit
- Split
- Split Causality
- Splitbolt
- Splitting Chords
- Splitting Orb
- Spook
- Spore
- Spurn the Supernatural
- Spurt of Weirdness
- Staggering Smite
- Stalagmite
- Stalwart Overflow
- Stamp
- Star Blast
- Star Blazing
- Star Fire
- Star Walk
- Star's Saint's Hand
- Stardown
- Starfall
- Starlight Bolt
- Starry Revelations
- Starry Wisp
- Starvation
- Stasis
- Stasis Mine
- Static Armor
- Static Interference
- Static Shackles
- Static Shock Strike
- Static Shot
- Static Strike
- Stave the Blood
- Steal
- Steal Spell
- Steal Voice
- Steel Body
- Steel Shadows
- Steel Wind Strike
- Steelcurse
- Steelskin
- Stellar Burst
- Stellar Conflagration
- Stellaris Phantasm
- Step
- Step Into Darkness
- Step into Shadow
- Step of Respite
- Step Up
- Sticky Blood
- Sticky Fingers
- Sticky Spellbook
- Stone Bolt
- Stone Bullet
- Stone Drill
- Stone Shelter
- Stone Shield
- Stone Sleep
- Stone Sphere
- Stone Spike
- Stone Tell
- Stone Tent
- Stone to iron
- Stoneburst
- Stonefists
- Storm Front
- Storm Grenade
- Storm of Swords
- Storm Rune
- Storm Shield
- Storm Skin
- Storm Sphere
- Stormblast
- Stormcraft (Cataegis Cantrip)
- Stormstrike
- Strands of Life
- Strands of Success
- Strangulate
- Strength of Shadows
- Strengthening
- Strengthening Flame
- Stretchy
- Strokov's Ferality Inducer
- Strokov's Flying Projectile
- Strokov's Instinctive Defense
- Stumbling Fool
- Stun Monster
- Stun Person
- Stupify
- Substitution
- Succor
- Sudden Awakening
- Suffocate
- Suffocation
- Sugar Rocket
- Summon Abberation
- Summon Aberration
- Summon Anthill
- Summon Astral Beast
- Summon Beast
- Summon Bee
- Summon Bow
- Summon Celestial
- Summon Cell
- Summon Construct
- Summon Corpse
- Summon Dog
- Summon Draconic Spirit
- Summon Dragon
- Summon Elemental
- Summon Exotic Humanoid
- Summon Fey
- Summon Fiend
- Summon Food
- Summon Fungal Warrior
- Summon Giant
- Summon Greater Daemon
- Summon Greater Demon
- Summon Humanoid
- Summon Lesser Demons
- Summon Lesser Spirit
- Summon Living City
- Summon Mahoraga
- Summon Merchant
- Summon Monster Limb
- Summon Monstrous Humanoid
- Summon Mount
- Summon Ooze
- Summon Plant
- Summon Rain
- Summon Shadowspawn
- Summon Shapeshifter
- Summon Spriggan
- Summon Treant
- Summon Tree Nymph
- Summon Umbra
- Summon Umbral Servant
- Summon Undead
- Summon Weapon
- Summon Wight
- Summoning the Water Dragon
- Sun Gleam
- Sun Strike
- Sun Ward
- Sun-Touched Weapon
- Sun-Touched Weapon, Variant
- Sunbeam, Variant
- Sunder
- Sunlight
- Sunlight Spear
- Sunspark
- Super Duplex Barrier
- Super Sonic
- Superiority Complex
- Superspeed Spheres
- Suppress Pain
- Supremacy
- Surge
- Sustain
- Swansong
- Swarm Grenade
- Swarm Grenade, Variant
- Swarm of Harpy Talons
- Swarm of Pests
- Swift Blade
- Swift Blade Bane
- Swift Quiver
- Swift Speed
- Swift Strike
- Swiftbolt
- Swipe
- Swirling Storm
- Switcheroo
- Sword Beam
- Sword Burst
- Sword Glyph
- Sword of Protection
- Sword Split
- Sword Storm
- Sword Trap
- Swordcraft
- Sylph Communion
- Sylvanism
- Sympathetic Vibrations
- Synaptic Static
- Syncopate
- Tablehopper
- Tabrīs’ Holy Fire
- Take Up Arms
- Tale of a Million Nights
- Talisman of Summoning
- Tame
- Tasha's Caustic Brew
- Tasha's Mind Whip
- Tasha's Otherworldly Guise
- Tasha’s Tantalizing Terrarium
- Taunt
- Tear
- Tearout
- Tears of Denial
- Tears of Freyja
- Telefrag
- Telepathic Message
- Telepathy
- Teleport Slash
- Teleport, Variant
- Teleportation Doorway
- Teleportation Glyph
- Teleposition
- Tempered Mood
- Tempest
- Temple of the Gods
- Temporal Blur
- Temporal Buffer
- Temporal Enhancement
- Temporal Link
- Temporal Rift
- Temporal Shunt
- Temporal Slash
- Temporal Surge
- Temporal Twist
- Temporary Expertise
- Tendrils of the Scarlet Mist
- Tenser's Transformation
- Tentacle Arms
- Tentacles
- Terra Tonic
- Tether Essence
- Teuful's Fireball
- Thardion's Frigid Spikes
- Thaumic Irridiation
- Thaumophone
- The blade of the water stream
- The Emptiness of the Beginning
- The Floor Is Lava
- The Fog of the Dead
- The Hand
- The Murderer's Ear
- The Sun, Revealed
- Thief's Feast
- Thirsting Blade
- Thorn Whip
- Thornskin
- Thought Purge
- Thought Shield
- Thoughts of Shadow
- Three Freeze
- Throw Pokeball
- Throwing Knife
- Thrust
- Thumb Trick
- Thunder
- Thunder Shock
- Thunder Shock Last Resort
- Thunder Step
- Thunder Strike
- Thunderbolt
- Thunderclap
- Thundering Whip
- Thunderous Smite
- Thunderous Strike
- Thundershock
- Thunderwhip
- Thuryl's Temporal Torment
- Tiamat's Draconic Temple
- Tiamat's Dragon Shape
- Tidal Front Calamity
- Tidal Surge
- Tidal Wave
- Tide of Steel
- Tidecaller's Blessing
- Tides of Blood
- Tile of Fire
- Time Bomb
- Time Clusters
- Time Control
- Time Dilation
- Time Ravage
- Time Restoration
- Time Skip
- Time Stop Variant
- Time Stride
- Time Trap
- Time Walk
- Timeless Transfer
- Tiny Servant
- To Ashes
- Toad's Tongue
- Toll the Dead
- Tomb of Night
- Tormenting Image
- Tornado
- Toshaka's Gift
- Total Craft Variant
- Touch of Annihilation
- Touch of the Void
- Touch of Unlife
- Touched by Love
- Touched by the Sun
- Touched by the Sun, Variant
- Toxic Cloud
- Toxic Fumes
- Tractor Cannon
- Tractor Ray
- Traitorous Blood
- Transcription
- Transfer Ability
- Transfer Pain
- Transform the Landscape
- Transmogrification
- Transmute Coins
- Transmute Earth
- Transmute Rock
- Transmuted Inventory
- Transport Via Shadows
- Traumatic Teleport
- Trebuchet
- Tree
- Tree of Life
- Tree Shape
- Tremorsense
- Tri-Disaster
- Tri-Element
- Tri-Enchant Weapon
- Tribute to the Dark Ones
- Trip Grenade
- True Annihilation
- True Circle of Rmatos
- True Contingency
- True Dispell
- True Glimpse
- True Level
- True Mind Switch
- True Moment
- True Resurrect Skeleton
- True Seraphim
- True Stasis
- True Strike, 2nd Variant
- True Strike, Variant
- Truer Strikes
- Truth Revealed
- Tsunami
- Turn Tables
- Turn the Blade
- Turning Tables
- Twilight Blast
- Twilight's Reflection
- Twin Bolts of Demonfire
- Twin Sand Attack
- Twisting Tendril
- Twitch
- Tydellbub's Instant Latrine
- Ultimate Earth Spikes
- Ultimatum
- Umber Stride
- Umbra Maledictum
- Umbral Body
- Umbral Hand
- Umbral Touch
- Umbral Visage
- Un-Blight
- Unbalance Emotions
- Uncanny Appearance
- Uncanny Outfitting
- Undead Artisans
- Undead Dragon
- Undead Manual Work Force
- Undead Minion
- Undead Non-Living Bomb
- Undeath to Death
- Undine Communion
- Unearthly Chorus
- Unhinged Willpower
- Unholy Flame
- Unholy Flame, Variant
- Unholy Frenzy
- Unholy Touch
- Unholy Weapon
- Universal Aptitude Utterance)
- Unleashed Shadows
- Unlimited Blade Works
- Unmoored Ego
- Unnerve
- Unparalleled Body
- Unravel Dweomer
- Unstable Sphere
- Unveil
- Updrafts
- Uplifting Fireworks
- Uprooted Sacrifice
- Utility
- Vacuum
- Vacuum Zone
- Vala's Red Powder
- Valkyrie Strike
- Valkyries Strike
- Valla's Whirlpool
- Vampiric Aura
- Vampiric Blade
- Vampiric Circle
- Vampiric Cloak
- Vancora's Tentacles of Madness
- Vanishing Trick
- Vankodek's Black Widow
- Vankodek's Bloody Stitches
- Vankodek's Chimeric Transformation
- Vasuu's Oblation
- Vecna's Reanimation
- Veil of Compressed Time
- Veitch's Marvellous Letter
- Vengeful Roots
- Vengeful Trinket
- Venom Strike
- Venomous Ray
- Venomous Spit
- Venomous Spite
- Venomous Sting
- Venomous Succor
- Venomous Web
- Venomstrike
- Vent Anger
- Ventriloquism
- Ventriloquist
- Verdant Reanimation
- Verge
- Vexing Concoction
- Vicious Rant
- Victus's Sonic Boom
- Viktor's Brand Of Undeath
- Viktor's Dark Transport
- Viktor's Mana Zone
- Viktor's Soul Extraction
- Viktor's Soul Link
- Viktor's Soul Rend
- Viktor's Soul Splinter
- Viktor's Withering Ray
- Violent Vandalism
- Violet Inferno
- Viral Tentacles of Zyxos
- Virgil's Blade Flash
- Virgil's Lightning Spear
- Virgil's Thunderous Lightning Strike
- Virion's Viscous Diarrhea
- Virtue
- Virulent Necrostrike
- Virulent Plague
- Visk's Walk-In Closet
- Vital Blast
- Vitality
- Vitrify
- Vitriolic Blast
- Vitriolic Sphere
- Voice of Shadow
- Void Armada
- Void Blink
- Void Bolt
- Void Bombard
- Void Burst
- Void Dismemberment
- Void Dragon
- Void Rupture
- Void Wall Grenade
- Voidbolt
- Volatile Vortex
- Vorpal Touch
- Vortex
- Vortex Gaze
- Vortex Grenade
- Vortex Warp
- Voyage into Shadow
- Wail of the Banshee
- Waist-High Wave
- Wake of Buzzards
- Walk of the Dead
- Wall of Adaption
- Wall of Decay
- Wall of Light
- Wall of Sand
- Wall of Souls
- Wall of Tentacles
- Wall of Time
- Wall of Vines
- Wall of Water
- Wall of Wonder
- War Song
- Warclaw
- Ward
- Warden's Step
- Warden's Volley
- Warding Blood
- Warding Flare
- Warding Wind
- Wardstone
- Warmth
- Warp Dead
- Warp Flesh
- Warp Lightning
- Warp Spell
- Warp Truename
- Warping Step
- Warrior of the Gods
- Warrior's Armor
- Warrior's Vigor
- Warrior's Weapon
- Warrior’s Blessing
- Warsong
- Wary Sphere
- Water Blast
- Water Bolt
- Water Cube
- Water Jet
- Water of Life
- Water Sucker
- Water Surface
- Water Tempo
- Water Tendril
- Water Volley
- Water Whip
- Water Whip, Variant
- Watery Sphere
- Watery Twin
- Wave Lash
- Wave of Obliteration
- Wave of Time
- Waves of Exhaustion
- Weakening Sludge
- Weapon of Radiance
- Weapon Shift
- Weaponized Laughter
- Weaponswap
- Weather Warding
- Weave Shadows
- Weave Warrior
- Web of Alarms
- Weight of 1000 Years
- Weight of 1000 Years, Variant
- Weld
- Well of Lost Lore
- Wendigo's Hunger
- Wheel of Fire's Blaze
- Whirligig
- Whirlwind
- Whirlwind Strike
- Whisper of Despair
- White-Flame Blade
- White-Frost Weapon
- Whiteout
- Wild Burst
- Wild Chaos Blade
- Wild Cunning
- Wild Fire Surge
- Wild Focus
- Wild Spark
- Wild Surge
- Wild Winds of Chaos
- Wildfire
- Will Charge
- William’s Wonderful Word Bomb
- Willman's Rocktomb
- Wind Blades
- Wind Blast
- Wind Slash
- Wind Strike
- Windflower Wind Barrier
- Winds of Change
- Winds of Chaos, Dagger
- Winds of Chaos, Handaxe
- Winds of Chaos, Mace
- Winds of Chaos, Quarterstaff
- Wings of the Phoenix
- Wisplight
- Witch Bolt
- Witchcraft
- Witchfire
- Wither
- Wither and Bloom
- Withering Destruction
- Withering Ray
- Withering Thorn
- Withering/Burning
- Wizard's Tower
- Wizzro's Blast
- Woeful Stab
- Wolfsbane
- Wonderment
- Wood Shape
- Word of Nurturing
- Word of Radiance
- Word of Stumbling
- Word of Virulence
- Worker Command
- Worker Motivation
- World Eater
- Wrath
- Wrath of Morass
- Wrath of Nature
- Wrath of the Gods
- Wrathful Arrow
- Wrathful Smite
- Wreath of Life
- Wrecking Squall
- Wristpocket
- Write Contract
- Writhing Flesh
- Wyrd Reconstruction
- Wyvern Watch
- Xan's Endless Agony
- Xenae's Aquabind
- Xenae's Aquaforme
- Xenae's Bubble Prison
- Xenae's Waterspout
- Youngblood
- Yuya's Tracking Spirit
- Zantetsuken
- Zap
- Zap Bolt
- Zealousy
- Zeno's Death Summon
- Zeno's Grim Reaping
- Zephyr Strike
- Zephyr-Burst Strike
- Zero
- Zodiac Stars
- Zodiac Strike
- Zoltraak
- Zombie Infection
- Zone of Faith
- Zone of Frost
- Zone of Law
- Zone of Lies
- Zone of Power
- Zone of Silence
- Zone of Sweet Air
- Zuzar's Flaming Laser Sword
- Ætherstorm
- Éclair Noir de l'Apocalypse
April Fool's Spells[edit]
- 6 Feet Back, ALRIGHT! (Grum's Social Distancing)
- 8 Sauce Supreme
- Amongus
- Assquake
- Attack
- Awful Joke
- Baja Blast
- Bannana Slip
- Begone Thot
- Begone Thot, Variant
- Blast Cantrip
- Blast Cast
- Can't Trip
- Christmas Wish
- Conjure Rotting Tomatoes
- Crash To Desktop
- Create Healing Spaghetti
- Crunch Wrap
- Cyenzak's Brainworm
- Dodgeball
- Drop Bass
- Eldridge Blast
- Exploding Spaghetti Meteor
- Fast Ball
- Find Quest
- Flavor Blast
- Gaseous Death
- Generic Off-the-Shelf Multipurpose Power Blast Spell
- Glass Canon
- God's Dice
- Grater Restoration
- Greg's Gruesome Gibber
- Grum's Flaming Pile of Poo
- Hershey Squirt
- Hydrogen Bomb
- I'm Banishing You to the Shadow Realm.
- Ishartalot's Stride
- Mass Dodgeball
- Matrix Dodge
- Meateor
- Mike's Hard Lemonade
- Misinterpreted Color Spray
- Negate Omnipotence
- Ni
- No U
- Noval Strike
- Nu-Uh
- Obvious Banana
- Otto's Ear Ringing
- Power Word Bees
- Power Word Buzzkill
- Power Word Die
- Power Word Grill
- Power Word Meow
- Power Word Testicular Torsion
- Power Word: YEET
- Punishment of a Fraud
- Quick Maths
- Realistic Defibrillate
- Realistic Explosion
- Road Roller
- Scathing Insult
- Screw That One Guy Over There
- Silent Fart
- Skinbark
- Snap Into a Slim Jim
- Spaghetti
- Speak with David
- Summon Falling Rocks
- Summon Flounder
- Summon Garlic Bread
- Summon Grinch
- Summon Hutijin
- Summon Iqra
- Summon Smith
- Summon Spirit
- Summon Steak
- Super Brain Hemorrhage
- The Dungeon Masters Key
- The Juice is Loose
- Theme Song
- Thunder Down Under
- Trappus Cardus Eroticus
- Truest Strike
- Turdnado
- Vegetable Projectile
- Workaholic
- You are Going to Бяazil
Incomplete Spells[edit]
Spells with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.
- Abyssal Pet
- Accursed Wish
- Air Hammer
- Animated Paper
- Antimatter Storm
- Arachnid Shift
- Arcane Diffusion Bomb
- Area
- Astral Communication
- Astral Ward
- Attribute Shield
- Awaken Fetish
- Awaken Skeleton
- Bad Omen
- Bend
- Bewildering Kiss
- Bewitch Person
- Blood Blade, Variant 2
- Brachiation
- Cancer
- Celestial Bond
- Celestial Judgement
- Cloak of Divination
- Clover's Step of the Quickest Wind
- Cold Fingers
- Commandment of Altruism
- Commandment of Love
- Craft Homunculus
- Crawling Hands
- Creature Master
- Cyenzak's Brainworm
- Dark Double
- Defense Ball
- Desert Hands
- Dispel Law
- Divine Decree
- Divine Inspiration
- Divine Intervention, Variant
- Dragon Rage, 2nd Variant
- Drain Life
- Effigy of the Master
- Enchanted Receipt
- Explosion of Happiness
- Fate's Finality
- Fate's Intervention
- Flèche Chromatique Snaraach
- Force Speed
- Ghost Projection
- Grand Sand Mausoleum Seal
- Greater Shadow
- Greater Summon Monster Limb
- Gun
- Heavenly Host
- Hemo Detection
- Hermit's Sanctum
- Implosion
- Improved Find Familiar
- Inertial Armor
- Internal Flame
- Inumaki Word Variant Rise
- Julia's Magical Healing Missile
- Kenny's Energy Field.
- Kime's Magic Missile
- Lakyu's Shadowfell Fire
- Larger on the Inside
- Limit Breaker
- Mass Sand Burial
- Material Control
- Minor Creation
- Multi-Elemental Combustion
- Negative Energy Variant Rule)
- Nevinyrral's Antimagic Disk
- Noro's Bone Crush
- Nuh Uh
- Nuke
- Omniscience
- Oracle's Visions
- Partial Polymorph
- Path of Destiny
- Ponder Orb
- Possess
- Power Word Agony
- Radiation
- Rain of Sand
- Reincarnation
- Resonant Strike
- Return To 0
- Reversal of Fortune
- Riddle’s Repulsion
- Rooted
- Ruzthurian's Sapphire Star
- Ryomen's Cleave
- Sacred Duel
- Sanboian Suggestion
- Sand Levitation
- Sand Trap
- Sand Tsunami
- Self Destruct
- Sense of the Sand
- Shadowy Double
- Shield of Prophecy
- Shukaku's Shield, Ultimate Defense
- Solstice
- Sonic Boom
- Soul Explosion
- Soul Gem, Capture
- Soulcraft
- Spell Mine
- Sphere of Influence
- Sphere of Ruin
- Spinjitsu
- Spirit Shackle
- Spiritual Transcendence
- Storm Avatar
- Summon Greater Spirit
- Summon Neon Draconic Spirit
- Summon Projection
- Taris
- Tear Drop Tragedy
- Time Shift
- Transplanar Message
- Ultra Power Awakening
- Unstable Summon Monster Limb
- Vision of Doom
- Vision Quest
- Voodoo Doll
- Whistling Wind
- Widogast's Vault of Amber
- Wild Bolt
- Wondrous Workshop
- Words of Inspiration
- User:ZarHakkar/Living Corpse
- User:ZarHakkar/Manifold Garden
- User:ZarHakkar/Summon Salesman
- User:ZarHakkar/The Gaelic Gamble
Spells that are works in progress.
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