Runic Chains (5e Spell)

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Runic Chains
4th-level Abjuration
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft.
Components: V, S, M (an iron chain)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Upon casting, you can choose two creatures that you can see within range; they must succeed a Strength saving throw or be bonded together and suffer the restrained condition, except they can still move at half of their movement speed. If they come to move away from each other of more than 30 ft. the one moving must succeed a new Strength saving throw or suffer 4d6 force damage and be pulled within 15 ft. of the bonded creature. If it succeeds the save the damages are halved and they break free of the bond. Upon cast you can also bond a creature with a place you can see within range as a wall or part of the floor.

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