Tear Drop Tragedy (5e Spell)

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Tear Drop Tragedy
9th-level Evocation
Casting time: 1 reaction
Range: Self (300ft radius - sphere)
Components: S,M(5g of 100% PURE Uranium 238, the caster's tear [Tear must be real and cannot be caused by any artificial way, forced or chemical])
Duration: Instantaneous

The caster must produce a real tear in order to cast the spell. This tear cannot be forced, artificially created, caused by an event that would actually make the caster genuinely cry, and must be approved by the DM. e.g. favorite NPC dies, a family heirloom or other item that is personally important the caster is lost/destroyed/taken/other, or the caster receives bad news such as silksong being delayed again. The caster uses the tear and Uranium to create a explosion that deals 40d6 force damage to all creatures in the area except the caster. The explosion leaves radioactive fallout that sets in after 2 rounds in a 150ft (radius) sphere which deals 1d4 poison damage to all creatures (including the caster). All creatures (except the caster) make a Constitution save. if successful the creature takes half damage and isn't affected by the fallout for 5 rounds.

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