The Floor Is Lava (5e Spell)

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The Floor Is Lava
4th-level Any (ritual)
Casting time: 1 action
Range: max 118 feet (36m)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instant OR Concentration, up to 1 hour

This spell creates an area of burning ground that inflicts 5d10 fire damage each turn to any creature that is less than a meter above the ground. The effect requires concentration and lasts for up to 1 hour, unless it hits a creature for 5 consecutive turns, at which point it disappears.

If the spell is dismissed for any reason aside from cold temperature, the ground remains sufficiently heated for an additional turn, causing 4d6 damage to anyone who touches it during this cooldown turn.

The spell can extend over an area of 118 feet (36 meters).

Metal objects that have contacted the floor before the cooldown phase will experience the same effects as the "Heat Metal" spell.

The Floor Is Lava can be cast from up to 3 meters away, ideally while avoiding contact with the ground to prevent inflicting damage on oneself.

Since the "lava" present on the floor is merely an extremely painful illusion, any creatures unaware of the effects that have not previously been harmed by it may attempt to save with a DC 15 Acrobatics check or a DC 17 Athletics check if possible to avoid touching the ground.

Any holes or deep pits in the ground will not be considered part of the floor, as technically there is no floor present in that area.

This spell is available to Wizards, Clerics, Warlocks, and Sorcerers.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 4th.

Levels Turns Cooling Turns
4 5d10 4d6
5 6d10 5d6
6 7d10 6d6
7 8d10 7d6
8 9d10 8d6
9 10d10 9d6
10 11d10 10d6
11 12d10 11d6
12 13d10 12d6
13 14d10 13d6
14 15d10 14d6
15 16d10 15d6
16 17d10 16d6
17 18d10 17d6
18 19d10 18d6
19 20d10 19d6
20 21d10 20d6
(one vote)

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