Updrafts (5e Spell)

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7th-level Transmutation
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 60 Feet
Components: S, M (a bronze whistle)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You gather the winds around you to lift up and bolster you and your allies, making you light and nimble as the air itself. Chose up to 4 allies you can see within range and no more than 30 feet apart to be affected by the spell. Creatures affected by the spell gain the following benefits:

  • May not be targeted by Opportunity Attacks
  • Have advantage on Dexterity saving throws
  • Creatures gain +2 AC
  • Affected creatures gain a flying speed equal to their speed,

though they must maintain no more than 10 Feet from the ground or the spell ends for them.

  • When a creature affected by the spell makes a melee or

ranged weapon attack, it deals an additional 2d4 Wind damage

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