Zealousy (5e Spell)

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5th-level Enchantment (ritual)
Casting time: 1 day, during which time rests may be taken.
Range: 30ft
Components: V, S, M (a uniform worth at least 100gp, which is given to the target for them to keep, rare incense and cermonial drinks worth 50gp, which are consumed.)
Duration: instantaneous

Touch one willing creature with an intelligence score of at least 4. For the duration of casting, this creature must stay within 30 feet of you, be able to hear you speak, and understand at least some of your words. You perform a ceremony with the creature in the process of casting zealousy, at the end of which you both partake of ceremonial drinks, and you present the creature with a uniform, symbolizing its entry into eternal servitude in your name.

The creature must be aware of what the ceremony will do, and be willing for the entire duration of casting, in order to be considered willing for the purposes of the spell. Creatures that can't be charmed are immune to the effects of this spell.

When the ceremony is finished, the creature becomes immune to further charm effects. It cannot defy any command given by you, even if that command would cause harm to the target, the target's loved ones, or even you. It is considered charmed by you. Unless commanded not to, it must take any action necessary, including self-sacrifice, to protect you or advance your interests.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one additional creature per slot level above 5th.

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