Malevolent Shrine (5e Spell)

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|name= Malevolent Shrine |school=Enchantment |ritual= |lvl= Sakuna |casttime= |range= 300ft |comp= |dur= 20 min |summary= }}

After player uses Sakuna's Finger they can cast Malevolent Shrine once

Malevolent Shrine creates a domain expansion for 20 minutes. All entities with in a 300ft range are forced into the domain and for each round there is a living creature (besides the caster) still in the domain, it deals 100 damage in piercing, slashing, necrotic, fire, psychic, and bludgeoning damage. When you kill an entity with this spell you gain another 40 minutes of Sakuna and another use of the domain. At anytime you can break the domain on your own will or if entities on the outside deal 50 points of damage it also breaks. If the domain is broken on the outside Sakuna takes 50 points of bludgeoning damage.

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