Possess (5e Spell)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Incomplete. Which type of damage does this spell deal? The target should get a save to resist the effect. The At Higher Levels section refers to spell levels, not character levels. 00:30, 20 June 2024 (MDT)

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5th-level Enchantment
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 20 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

One day the goddess Notyep was practicing random incantations when she got to "Körper ändern" and a greenish ooze shot out of her chest into a nearby sheep. As she came to her senses she was keen to tell her cousin Tasha about it.

An useful spell that has an extremely dangerous downside if you roll bad. Roll a 1d20 on a roll of 10 or above you successfully cast Possess and your soul is now inside the chosen creature (nonhumanoid). You gain the creature's stats and abilities within 20ft. If you roll lower than a 10 you take 1d8 points of damage. While you cast this spell you acctual body is incapacitated and paralyzed until concentration is broken. If you are attacked while you are using this spell the damage is doubled. If any of your comrads attack the creature you are possessing, that creature automatically breaks out of the spell and is only focused on the person who hit it and who cast the spell on it.

At Higher Levels. When your character reaches level 7 you can possess anything you desire When you reach level 10 you can either decrease the number by 5 or increase it by 5, but you take 50% less self inflicted damage. At level 17 you can either have the spell always hit or increase the number by 3, but you take 50% less damage when you are possessing the creature.

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