Planar Imprisonment (5e Spell)

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Planar Imprisonment
9th-level Abjuration
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 60 Feet
Components: A piece of a creature with a Challenge Rating 25 or more, which is consumed by the spell.
Duration: Instantaneous

You point your finger at one creature within range, summoning magical chains that shackle the target creature and transport them to a inaccessible space between planes. The chains cannot be dispelled by magic and cannot be broken or moved by force. While bound this way, all Strength and Dexterity saving throws made by the target automatically fail, its AC and Speed are 0 and it cannot cast any spells. While affected by this spell, the creature doesn't need to breathe, eat, or drink. If the creature is mortal, treat it as if it is immortal, completely paused in time at the exact age and physical condition they were imprisoned in.

The creature may attempt a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC to escape its imprisonment.

On a fail, it remains bound to its chains and cannot attempt another save for 24 hours. The creature also takes 2d8 psychic damage as the spell rebuffs its attempts to free itself. If the creature fails the save after seven attempts, they remain imprisoned between planes indefinitely unless the caster passes into the afterlife or dismisses the spell.

On a success, the chains fall off of the creature and takes 5d10 force damage as they return to the original plane they were imprisoned from. Simultaneously, regardless of where and what plane you are in, you become aware that the creature is free and that the spell is threatened as soon as they return to the physical plane. As a reaction, you can force the creature to make a Strength Saving Throw against your spell save DC as you attempt to force them back in-between planes. On a fail, the creature takes an extra 5d10 force damage and return to their imprisonment between planes. They regain their seven chances to escape imprisonment. On a success, the creature takes half damage and remains free from your grasp. The creature is entirely immune to you casting this spell on them again for as long as its imprisonment lasted, and it will have advantage on the wisdom save should you attempt to cast it.

If spells are cast on the imprisoned creature that would return it to its plane or remove its bindings (such as Wish, Dispel Magic, etc.), that spell would rather instead grant the imprisoned creature an a chance to make a Wisdom Saving throw with advantage that does not count against the original seven saves they can make against the spell. This wisdom save can also be made once the seven save window has passed regardless of how long it has been since the spell was cast.

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