Conjure Monster (5e Spell)

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Conjure Monster
8th-level Conjuration
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S, M (see below)
Duration: Instantaneous

Using your own imagination as the canvas and raw magic as a skeleton, you pull material from the surrounding area and attempt to spin it into the form of a new creature. Choose a point within range and think of a creature. You can either select a creature with predetermined statistics, let your DM choose one for you, or work with your DM to create one from scratch. Then, roll 1d100, and consult each table below and apply the highest or lowest modifier from the table. The following happens depending on the circumstances.

Modded Roll Result
1 or lower The spell backfires terribly. You take 40 force damage that can't be reduced or negated by any means from the shock, and gain a level of exhaustion.
2-19 The spell backfires spectacularly. The built-up magic explodes. Each creature within 20 feet of the point you targeted must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d10 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
20-49 The spell backfires, and instead creates a random creature of a similar CR rating.
50-69 The spell succeeds somewhat. It creates the desired creature at a random point within range.
70-99 The spell succeeds proficiently, and creates the desired creature at the designated point.
100+ The spell succeeds perfectly, and creates the desired creature at the designated point. The new creature becomes charmed by you for 1 week, and is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Its disposition towards you afterward depends on how you treated it during that time, as well as the creature's alignment.

If the spell suceeds, the chosen creature spawns into existence at the point designated by the table. It is constructed from nonmagical material, and thus cannot be dispelled. If or when the creature dies, it crumbles into dust and disintegrates.

Conjure Monster Modifiers[edit]

Mod Amount Physical Evidence (Apply only the highest applicable modifier)
-10 The desired creature has never existed before.
0 You have no physical evidence.
+5 You have within line of sight what you believe to be physical signs of the desired creature's previous presence; such as a footprint, handprint, or other marking.
+10 You have within reach a crude visual depiction of the desired creature.
+10 You have within reach a tiny body part of the desired creature; such as a tooth, eye, or finger.
+20 You have within reach a detailed visual depiction of the desired creature.
+20 You have within reach a small body part of the desired creature; such as a hand, foot, bone, or horn.
+40 You have within reach a large body part of the desired creature; such as an arm, leg, or head.
+60 You have within reach a heavily decayed corpse, heavily damaged corpse, or full skeleton of the desired creature.
+70 You have within reach a fresh corpse of the desired creature.
+90 You have within reach a living instance of the desired creature.
Mod Amount Visual Confirmation (Apply only the highest applicable modifier)
0 You have never seen the desired creature before.
+5 You have within reach a written description of the desired creature's appearance, or have had the desired creature verbally described to you before.
+5 You have seen the desired creature at least once before.
+10 You have seen the desired creature at least once before in the last month.
+20 You have seen the desired creature at least once before in the last 24 hours.
+30 You have seen the desired creature at least once before in the last hour.
+40 You have seen the desired creature at least once before in the last 10 minutes.
+50 The desired creature is within line of sight.
+90 The desired creature is within line of sight and has been standing relatively still for the duration of the casting.
Mod Amount Creature Complexity (Apply only the lowest applicable modifier)
+60 The desired creature's CR is 0.
+30 The desired creature's CR is 1/4 or lower.
+15 The desired creature's CR is 1/2 or lower.
+10 The desired creature's CR is less than one-tenth of your level.
+5 The desired creature's CR is less than one-half of your level.
0 The desired creature's CR is less than or equal to your level.
-5 The desired creature's CR is higher than your level.
-10 The desired creature's CR is 5 or higher.
-20 The desired creature's CR is 10 or higher.
-30 The desired creature's CR is 15 or higher.
-40 The desired creature's CR is 20 or higher.
-50 The desired creature's CR is more than twice your level.
-70 The desired creature's CR is 30 or higher.
Mod Amount Creature Size (Apply only the lowest applicable modifier)
+5 The desired creature's size is Small.
0 The desired creature's size is Medium..
-5 The desired creature's size is Tiny or Large.
-10 The desired creature's size is smaller than Tiny, or Huge.
-15 The desired creature's size is Gargantuan or larger.
Mod Amount Creature Detail (Apply only the lowest applicable modifier)
+5 The desired creature is a generic example of its kind.
0 The desired creature is a generic creation with 1-3 specified parameters (e.g. size, height, age, color).
-5 The desired creature is a copy of a creature you can see witin range.
-10 The desired creature is a generic creation with 4 or more specified parameters.
-10 The desired creature is a copy of a creature you can see.
-15 The desired creature is a copy of a creature you have seen detailed depictions of.
-20 The desired creature is a copy of a creature you have seen only crude depictions of.
-25 The desired creature is a copy of a creature you have heard much about but never seen before.
-30 The desired creature is a unique creation with few, if any, specified details.
-35 The desired creature is a copy of a creature you have barely/never heard about nor seen before.
-40 The desired creature is a unique creation with very particular specified details (e.g. the shape of its eyes).

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level, the casting time becomes 1 action.

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