Greater Transference (5e Spell)

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Greater Transference
4th-level Abjuration (ritual)
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Within the Casting Circle
Components: V, S, M(chalk, coal, dust, or other malleable substance used to craft an arcane circle), and at least three other casters of your type (see below)-->
Duration: Variable

Casters involved in this method will be in one of two groups. The first is the Donor or Participant, of which there must be at least three. The second is the Receiver or the Recipient, of which there can be no more than one. Casters participating expend spell slots which add to the overall power of a liquid bank of magic that is left at the receiver’s disposal. The receiver must then make a check with their spellcasting ability modifier, the DC of which is equal to the total number within the spell slot pool. For example, if 5 druids each contribute a fifth level spell slot, the receiver is given a temporary magic pool of spell size 25. A Druid, ranger, or other nature based caster (Paladin (Oath of the Ancients), Cleric (Nature domain or in service of nature deity)), who receives this pool is able to temporarily pull from it.
The total time the magic is available is equal to
where C is the level of the highest slot given to the pool, H is hours of in game time, and N is the total size of the magic pool.
During this time, the receiver is able to cast known spells from the pool, using the total as spell slots; pulling 1 pool point for a level 1 spell, 2 for a level 2 spell, etc, until the pool is expended, at which point the receiver takes a number of exhaustion points equal to 5 minus their Constitution Modifier. Additionally, casters that have previously studied level 10 or higher spells have temporary access to these spells while under the effects of Greater Transference. They may only cast spells they have studied for more than 1 week, or more than one hour as long as they pass a check using their spellcasting ability modifier equal to the spell’s level times 2.
Only certain casters can grant their magic to others, and the types must be similar between each Donator and the Receiver, tho they need not have every type of caster in the ritual.
Participant Type

  • Primal Transference (Nature): Druid, Ranger, Paladin (Oath of he Ancients), Cleric (Deity of Nature domain, or nature domain cleric).
  • Arcane Transference (Learned): Wizard, Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline), Warlock (Pact of the Great Old Ones), Cleric (Deity of Knowledge Domain)
  • Wild Transference (Chaotic): Sorcerer (Wild Magic Bloodline), Warlock (Pacts of Arch-fey or Fiend),
  • Holy Transference (Divine): (Good alignment required) Clerics, Priests, Paladins, and any caster that follows a religion devoutly
  • Dark Transference (Unholy): Wizard (School of Necromancy, or a wizard of evil alignment), Warlock, Sorcerer (requires evil alignment)

Psionic Transference:
The same effect may be achieved by monks, but all participants must be monks. Each participant donates Ki points rather than spell levels and forms a Ki Point pool. The Receiver is granted access to the Ki Point Pool until expended, provides that thy pass a Wisdom Check with a DC equal to the Ki Point Pool total. Recipients have access to higher level monk techniques requiring the use of Ki points, provided they have studied the technique for at least 1 week, or 1 hour if they pass a Wisdom Check with a DC equal to the amount of Ki points required times 3.

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