Star Walk (5e Spell)

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Star Walk
9th-level transmutation
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 8 hours

You and up to ten willing creatures you can see within range assume a form of pure light for the duration, appearing as miniature stars. While in this star form, a creature has immunity to all damage and conditions, does not need to breathe, and can move at the speed of light (1,116,000 miles per round). The only actions a creature can take in this form are the Dash action or to revert to its normal form. Reverting takes 1 minute, during which time a creature is incapacitated and can't move. Until the spell ends, a creature can revert to star form, which also requires the 1-minute transformation. The 8-hour duration of this spell allows a creature to travel 5.36 billion miles, which for reference is enough distance to travel from Earth to Neptune (the furthest planet in our solar system from Earth), twice over.

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