Kathandrion's Last Inquiry (5e Spell)

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Kathandrion's Last Inquiry
5th-level Divination (ritual)
Casting time: 10 Minutes
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (A personal object that will be with you at the moment of your death)
Duration: 10 minutes

By casting this spell, you reach beyond time itself, summoning an apparition of your future, deceased self at the moment of death. This spirit is a reflection of who you will become, shaped by your accumulated knowledge and experiences. Until the spell ends, you can ask your future self five questions as if you had cast the spell "Speak with Dead".  Answers are usually brief, cryptic, or repetitive, and they are under no compulsion to offer a truthful answer. 

The spirit is prevented by forces unknown from revealing the circumstances of their death. Instead, they may answer questions regarding their experiences, knowledge, and history.

The spirit comes from the caster’s final death—if they have been resurrected before, the spell will always pull from the last true moment they pass on. If the caster is permanently erased from existence (e.g., consumed by an eldritch horror, turned into an undead, erased from time), the spell still works—it captures their final moment of awareness.

If the caster never dies (e.g., becomes immortal), they are instead visited by an entity from the End of All Things. This being may possess knowledge beyond mortal comprehension, and its answers may be incomprehensible or dangerous to hear.

When the spell ends, the spirit vanishes—returning to its final moment to move on.

This spell can only ever be cast once per lifetime.

If the spell is cast by the same person more than once it instead summons the spirit of someone nearby who has recently passed away and functions in an identical manner to "Speak With Dead".

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