Aetheric Reconstruction (5e Spell)

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Aetheric Reconstruction
1st-level Transmutation (ritual)
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of dirt and gem dust worth around half of the items worth)
Duration: Instantaneous

You touch one Medium or smaller object and manipulate its individual time stream to a previous state. Any damage or wear the item has received within the last ten years is restored by the spell. The spell may repair magical equipment but cannot restore magical properties to them. The spell cannot be used on any living material such as plants or creatures.

At Higher Levels When you cast this spell at higher levels the size of the item which you can manipulate increases. At 3rd level you can manipulate a Large or smaller object, a Huge object at 5th level and a Gargantuan object at 7th level.

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