Second Self (5e Spell)

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Second Self
9th-level Necromancy
Casting time: 1 Week
Range: Self
Components: Blood and Flesh from yourself in the Amount of your Bodymass, 1 Holy infused Item with a Holy Spell of at least 8th Level, A Location where Reality is Weak or where 2 Planes Collide, Gems equell to 10.000 GP, Something that allows for thoughts to connect to another Consciousness
Duration: Indefinit

You shape the second Body you want to create in the way you want, but it must be your spezies or a spezies where you have analized and disected at least 1000 different Bodys. Then you create a Connectet Consciousness between your second body and yours. The New Body starts at Level 1 and can Level up normally. It has your memorys and thinks in the same way as yourself. Its a You in a new Body.

You can connect yourself with your second Body with a Thought to share Information or Control it Remote.

You can create an indefinit amount of Second Selfs.

Afer you create a second Second Self you can create a third Consciousness to inhabitade your own Body and make your Main Consciousness into the Controller of a Hivemind of Second Selfs.

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