Ritual Circle (5e Spell)

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Ritual Circle
1st-level Abjuration (ritual)
Casting time: 1 hour
Range: 50 feet radius
Components: V, S, M (12 diamonds worth 50 gp each)
Duration: Special

This magic is a conversion of elven high magic. To set up this spell you first cast it on all the diamonds connecting them magically, each diamond is invested with 50 hitpoints and become immune to non-magical damage. You then spread them in a circle no larger than the spell range. The spell can be left in this dormant state indefinitely, the diamonds themselves are not individually magical to all forms of detection, if more than one are examined together however magic can be sensed between them.

At any time while within 100 ft of a diamond you can use an action to activate this spell. When you do, an array of magic will paint the air and link all diamonds creating a dome of magic, this process takes 10 minutes. While it is invisible to mundane senses any magically sensitive creature will be able to sense this happening and react accordingly.

Once complete you can cast any spell, that is equal to this ‘Ritual Circle’ spells level or below that can be cast as a ritual onto the diamond used to activate the spell. This diamond does not need to be in the ritual formation, however external magical interference can interrupt long distance activation. You also subtract the 10 minutes ritual casting time and ignore the ranges of that spell. The spells effects are confined to but will encompass the entirety of this ‘Ritual Circle’, the duration of this spell will become that of the spell it is amplifying.

A diamond can be up to 2% of the current radius out of formation and still function correctly within the spell any further than that and it with stop functioning as part of the ‘Ritual Circle’ until it is brought back into a valid formation location. Up to 6 diamonds can be removed or destroyed without ending an active the ‘Ritual Circle’, if a 7th is removed from it the spell ends, however the spell it is amplifying may not. If more than 3 are missing a dormant ‘Ritual Circle’ can’t be activated.

At Higher Levels. You can cast this spell with a spell slot above 1st, when you do this spells range becomes (spell slot level)2 x 30 ft.

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