Astralshrine (5e Spell)

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2nd-level (ritual)
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

You ask the benevlent Stars for there Help and they Answer with clarity and focus.

Everyone in Radius gets showerd in Starlight that is cleansing to the soul and Mind.

In the Souls of those who are effected by this Spell Shines temporarily a beatiful image of the Pillars of Creation who produce over these 6 seconds exactly 1 Star that shines in the Color of the Soul.

The Star remains for as long as the soul is willing to let it inhabitate it. You can have more then 1 Star in your Soul.

Effects for everyone in the Radius:

  • Every Ability or Spell that requires concentration loses the need for concentration for this round and the next.
  • You can take Spells, of which you have lost concentratin in the last round, on again without using a spellslot.
  • Everyone in the radius can do an failed Saving throw against Mental Effects such as: Fear, Possesion, Charmend, Madness,..., again with adventage.

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