Rebirth (5e Spell)

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4th-level Conjuration (ritual)
Casting time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a token of the creature being resurrected's memory [not consumed], an egg from a creature of the same size class of the creature being resurrected.)
Duration: 1-6 hours, see description.

A ritual pentagram is drawn, and the surrogate mother is laid down in the center. The token is presented to them, and they hold it close to their womb. The egg is then brought into the circle, where it is transformed into essence. After passing over the token, the essence then enters the womb, where gestation begins. This gestation has a separate time to finish, depending on how powerful, well known, or knowledgeable the entity being revived is or was, up to DM discretion. When the gestation and birth is finished, the resurrected creature will be of the race of the surrogate instead of their previous race, and quickly, magically age to the point of time when they died. As such, this spell cannot be used to resurrect those who have died of old age. They will retain all memory and abilities, being otherwise identical to their previous life.

This spell has a different end result if the creature being resurrected was of an oviparous (egg-laying) race: The surrogate must also be oviparous, and they will resurrect as the race they were before, with no possibility of becoming the surrogate's race, nor a mix of the two.

When cast at 6th level, the resurrected creature can choose whether to keep his old race, become the race of the surrogate, or, under DM discretion or if one exists already, a mix of the race of the surrogate and the former race of the resurrected creature.

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