Self Destruct (5e Spell)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Invocation is not a spell school. How long do you fall unconscious if you fail the save? Asks you to make a saving through. 00:18, 24 November 2024 (MST)

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Self destruct
evocation cantrip
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Self 5ft sphere
Components: None
Duration: Instantaneous

As an action, you sacrifice half your max HP to create an explosion of energy around you dealing twice your max’s HP in damage. After casting this Cantrip you make a constitution saving in order to stay conscious and no matter if you succeed or fail your saving after casting this Cantrip you gain a level of exhaustion. The Save DC is your spell save DC

If you fail your savings through you fall unconscious for 1d8 amount of turns.

At Higher Levels in order to stay conscious:' The range of the Cantrip increases: LV:5: 10ft sphere, LV13: ft15 sphere, LV16: 20ft sphere, LV:20 40ft sphere

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