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You create an area called "Room" in which you can control all matter inside the area to your will. You Gain 5 features while you are inside the area:
- Heart
You may force an enemy to make a Constitution saving throw, on a success they take half damage and become immune to this effect for 10 minutes, on a failure they take 6d6 necrotic damage and have their heart removed.
When you take an enemy's heart, it will be stuck in a transparent cube which may vary its size and weight depending on the owner of the heart. You can press the heart, dealing xd12 damage to the owner, forcing them to make a Constitution saving throw or fall prone from the immense pain. (With X being your Strength modifier.)
- Gamma Knife
You can coat a melee weapon you have proficiency with energy. When you hit a melee weapon attack the target will take 4d8 force damage along with the original attack.
- Swap
You can swap people's appendages to change their physical appearance, changing their body parts. When you mix body parts, any illnesses in certain parts of the body will stay in that part of the body and spread to the new body.
- Teleport
As a bonus action, you can teleport anywhere in your area.
- Shambles
You Can Swap The Locations Of You And Anything Such As An Object Or Person.
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