Wardstone (5e Spell)

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3rd-level Transmutation (ritual)
Casting time: 1 hour (Sphere Creation), 10 minutes, (Dais attunement), 1 action (activate)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (A Stone Sphere measuring at least 1 ft in diameter engraved with the runes of this spell to become the Wardstone. Optionally, the component materials of spells to be cast through the Wardstone which are consumed, A Stone Dais for the Wardstone to be placed into and Enough Copper Conduit to encircle the area being warded)
Duration: Until Destroyed

The initial creation of the Wardstone is achieved by casting this spell on the Stone Sphere component imbuing it with 100 hitpoints and making it immune to non-magical damage.

Depending on the level of ambient mana it may be required for the Wardstone to be power by a spellcaster in a manner similar to a Spelljammer where spell slots are used to provide active time, in such cases each spell slot level imbued into the Wardstone provides 24 hours of uses. The Wardstone can hold up to 100 spell slots, these do not decay overtime but can be drained by the caster to restore their own spell slots. If the Wardstone is reduced to 0 spell slots as a result of being drained it breaks.

The Dais is similarly enchanted with the runes using this spell and is to be physically linked with Copper Conduit to the warded area that itself is fully encircled by the same network of Copper Conduit. The spell is to be cast on the dais without the Wardstone present to attune the Dais and Copper Conduit to the location and enable it to channel the Wardstone correctly.

The Copper Conduit can be flexible wires not thinner than a finger, solid structure such as copper bars or hollow piping such as water or steam lines however the magic of this spell will heavily infuse any substance that is in contact with the copper. The routing and number of pathway redundancies implemented are up to the caster, copper can be added, replaced or removed at any time provided magical protection is implemented against the Live Conduit lines which deal 2d8 magical damage and 4d8 lightning damage if touched without protection. Encirclement must remain unbroken at all times or the spell will fails but can be reactivated without as an action when the encirclement is restored.

The Wardstone is used as a magical nexus that when placed into the Dais can project and control up to 3 of the following spells, these spells can be cast an unlimited number of times without the need of their material components provided they were provided in the creation of the Wardstone otherwise they need to be provided for each cast, regardless of the material components being provided or not their duration is prolonged indefinitely and their range is extended/confined to encompass the range of the copper conduit that the Wardstone is set into:

  • Conjured Boundary
  • Major Image
  • Clairvoyance
  • Utility
  • Wizard’s Tower

At Higher Levels: When cast at 6th level (on the Wardstone only), you gain access to the additional spells:

  • Forbiddance
  • Guards and Wards
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