Astral Movement (5e Spell)

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Astral Movement
1st-level Enchantment
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V
Duration: 1 minute

You Send your Body and Soul into the Astral Plane and your current Plane of existence at the same time, creating a Paradox. You Exist temporarily at 2 Places at once. Trough that you gain the Levitation of the Astral Plane but can use it in your current plane of Existence. But you are still limited trough your current plane. You can only move horizontaly or verticaly. You need to define what you want befor casting the Spell.

After the spell takes effect you gain 30 feet of Levitation for 1 min in the direction you defined.

After the Spell ends you get rejected by the Astral Plane and take 1d6 Damage.

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