Damage Deflection (5e Spell)

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Damage Deflection
6th-level Abjuration
Casting time: 1 reaction,when you are the target of a magic projectile powered attack against you
Range: Self (line up to 18 Meters)
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Absorb all damage that came your way, making it part of your magical energy. After absorbing this damage, you gain resistance to all damage types except force and gain +2 AC for the duration of the spell.If another source of damage has a higher damage output than what you had absorbed (Example: a spell that deals d8 damage), it will replace the old damage die with a new one. On your next turn, you use your action to unleash a blast of force against your targets.The damage you cast on the target is based on the damage you took from a magical projectile of 6th level or lower(for example: A 4th level fireball deals 9d6 damage, take that damage and convert it as a blast of force).Roll a casting die to hit the target. On a hit, you deal the damage absorbed by you, but in the form of force. If the spell is 7th or higher, you must make a Check of your Spellcasting Modifier against the spell's DC equal to 10 + the spell's level.You, alternatively, can save your turn to keep the energy absorbed into you. If you do this, you must keep performing a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or you will suffer 5d8 force damage, as your body cannot maintain this energy in your body for long. You, also, can divide this damage taken into hitting multiple targets (Example: You want to hit 3 creatures and you have 9d6 damage left, you can replace that damage for each creature with 3d6 if you wish). The spell ends after emptying all absorbed magic, losing concentration, being enchanted, or falling unconscious

When casting the spell as a 9th-level slot, you can absorb any spell damage of any level without requiring concentration.

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