Arcane Mark (5e Spell)

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Arcane Mark
1st-level Divination (ritual)
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Until dispelled

You touch an object or willing creature, creating a magical link between you and your target. This link is represented by a physical Mark that you place upon your target, which you can choose to be either visible or invisible. Regardless of this choice, a creature can always see a Mark that they are the target of, as can any creature using Detect Magic to observe the Marked target.

You can use an action to focus on one of your Marks in order to glean information from it. As long as you and your mark are on the same plane of existance, you learn the direction to and the distance between you and your Mark. You also learn additional information depending upon the nature of the Mark's target. For example, if the target is a coin, you know whose possession it's in. If the target is a door, you know the last person to have touched it and if it is open or closed. If the target is a living creature, you learn its current mental state (angry, frightened, happy, asleep, etc). More information may be available at the DM's discretion. A creature you have marked loses its mark if it dies, or if it uses its action to do so.

The maximum number of Marks you can sustain is equal to your spellcaster ability modifier (min 1). Creating a Mark while at this maximum causes your oldest Mark to be dispelled. You can use your action to dismiss any of your Marks, regardless of distance.

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