Longtime Hivemind (5e Spell)

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Synaptic Concord
8th-level Necromancy
Casting time: 1 Hours
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a red ruby worth 200 GP per creature to be bound, which is consumed)
Duration: 7 days (Renewable with a 1-hour ritual)

You can See what the others See who you are connected to. You share your thoughts and emotions with them. You can look into the memories of the connected. You all are one and the same, you are in Concord. You know everything about another and can fight more efficient because of that, you share everything and are stronger as one then alone.

While connected, all members gain the following benefits:

  • **Telepathic Network:** All members can communicate telepathically across any distance on the same plane.
  • **Sense Sharing:** Any member can use an action to perceive through another member's senses.
  • **Proficiency Sharing:** The Concord shares **one skill proficiency and one saving throw proficiency** among all members, using the highest modifier among them (chosen when the spell is cast).
  • **Mental Resilience:** Members are immune to being **charmed, frightened, possessed, or having their memories or personality altered**.
  • **Shared Consciousness:** Whenever a member of the Concord takes psychic damage, they may choose to **distribute the damage evenly** among all connected members (rounded down). This shared pain bypasses **psychic resistances and immunities**.**

The More people there are the Stronger you all get:[edit]

Members Ability Bonuses Save Advantage Max Ability Score Cap
2-3 +1 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence Wisdom 22
4-5 +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence Wisdom, Charisma 22
6-9 +3 Wisdom, +3 Intelligence Wisdom, Charisma, Intelligence 24
10 +3 Wisdom, +3 Intelligence, +1 Charisma All Mental Saves 24

Loss of Self[edit]

Each week, creatures linked to the Concord for at least 24 hours must succeed on a **DC 15 Wisdom saving throw** or suffer **Synaptic Drift**, rolling on the table below:

Synaptic Drift
d6 Effect Duration
1-2 Minor hallucinations (whispers, shadowy figures) 24 hours
3-4 Disadvantage on Insight and Persuasion checks 24 hours
5 Cannot distinguish own thoughts from others 24 hours
6 Automatically fails saving throws against mind-altering effects Until the Concord ends

A creature can leave the Concord voluntarily by meditating for **1 hour**, severing their link. The spell ends when only one creature remains connected.

If a Concord member dies, all remaining members must make a **DC 18 Charisma saving throw** or take psychic damage equal to **50% of their maximum hit points** and gain **1 level of exhaustion**. On a success, they take half damage and no exhaustion.

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