Karsus' avatar (5e Spell)

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Design Note: This page was created using the Epic Magic (10th+ Level Magic) Variant Rule.

Karsus' avatar
12th-level Transmutation
Casting time: 1 Day
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (the stone-filled gizzard of a gold dragon into a mixture of Tarrasque blood and 12-headed hydra bile to enchant a platinum dragon scale worth 1,000,000 gold)
Duration: 6 hours
Casters: 16

Choose a god and name it. The primary caster takes on the full power, features, abilities and spells of that god, in effect replacing the chosen god by becoming the god yourself. However, once the spell is complete, any and all aspects of reality the chosen god managed and had power over are no longer managed and stop functioning, similar to how the Weave broke when Karsus first cast this spell. The DM decides what specific effects happen, and this lasts until the primary caster uses their newfound power to take on management of whatever aspects of reality broke.

(3 votes)

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