Brachiation (5e Spell)

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1st-level Conjuration
Casting time: 1 bonus action
Range: 40 Feet

By pointing to a target location (including an unoccupied point in space) you magically tether yourself to that point. The Choice must be made while casting whether this spell will pull the caster to the target or of the caster will swing from the target. Physics applies, so if you tether yourself 40ft in the air and pull straight there, you fall back down. Swinging will allow the caster to move up to (roughly) double the distance of the spell's range. If you are within melee range of an enemy at the time of casting, that enemy gets an attack of opportunity on you if available.

This spell CANNOT be used to pull the target to the caster

Warning: misuse of this spell may result in physical injury of the caster. Do not use this spell under the effect of mind-altering substances or spells.

Credit to SpacialDorito

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher increase the range by 5 feet per level

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