Flowing Rivers of Sand (5e Spell)

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Flowing Rivers of Sand
7th-level Transmutation
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 240 ft
Components: V S M (A broken hour glass filled with as much sand as it can hold and a gem embedded in the sand of the hour glass that is worth 500 gp witch the spell consumes.)
Duration: 8 hours

You summon a large area of rivers that flow sand like a river and nowhere is land. This spell is meant to be a trap for the creatures in it and this place seems to rain sand even though that's simply not normal. While creatures are in here you gain the following attacks and benefits.

  • As a bonus action, you make a small area of sand rise from a river in 20 ft radius for the duration, this small bit of risen sand covers a 10 ft radius, any creature below this risen sand must make a DC Strength saving throw or fall prone and be pushed back by 15 ft. This raised sand attacks on the casters turn and attacks any hostile creature unless it's commanded to do other tasks that are possible for it to do. The risen sand is immune to poison damage, poisoned, prone, grappled, restrained and is resistant to fire and bludgeoning damage but is vulnerable to cold damage. This sand can Burrow 30 ft and 75 hit points with an AC of 10 + spell attack modifier. Grappling attack The risen sand can use an action to attack, this sand uses your spell attack and deals 3d8 bludgeoning damage and the target must make a DC Strength saving throw or they become grappled until they are released by a successful check to un-grapple. The risen sand can't grapple other creatures while it carries a grappled target. You can use this twice per usage of the spell.
  • As a reaction, you can summon a flutter of Sand to cover you from an attack, when doing so, you gain a +5 in your AC for that round. You can use this five times per usage of the spell.
  • As an action, you can encrust a creature in hardened sand for one minute, a targeted creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or become encrusted and have similar effects of that of the Petrified condition, the creature can reroll the save after the end of each of its turns. You can use this twice per usage of the spell.
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