Summon Greater Spirit (5e Spell)

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Summon greater spirit
5th-level Necromancy
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: 60ft
Components: V.S.
Duration: 4 hours

You summon a spirit or group of spirits of your choice to fight for you appearing in spaces you can see within range. Choose one of the following that appears.

  • One allip
  • One wraith
  • One banshee
  • One ghost
  • Two sword wraith warriors
  • Two will-o’-wisps
  • Three specters
  • Four shadows
  • Four skulks

These spirits disappear back to where they came when their hit points drops to 0 or when the spell ends. The summoned spirits are friendly to you and those you tell it not to attack. Roll initiative for the summon spirits as a group which has its own turns. You are psychically linked with the spirits and they will obey any command, psychic or verbal that you issue them. This psychic link makes it so that you take a quarter of any psychic damage the spirits take. If you issue no commands they will continue the last command you issued and defend themselves from any hostile creatures.

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