Ruzthurian's Sapphire Star (5e Spell)

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Design Note: This page was created using the Epic Magic (10th+ Level Magic) Variant Rule.

Ruzthurian’s Sapphire Star
Casting time: 1 action + 1 bonus action
Range: Indefinite
Components: V,S,M (indescribable amount of pure arcane energy granted by wish spell or roughly 25 mythallars could supply that amount of arcane energy needed for a spell )
Duration: Indefinite

You conjure a 5-foot cube droplet shaped bluish light within 60 ft. of yourself. The bluish light cannot be dispelled, and a faint blue aura will emerge from the bluish light, expanding in all directions by 60 ft. every one hour. Within the area of the aura, everything will be under the effects of the dispel evil and good and dispel magic spells at 10th level. All creatures will automatically fail the save, and any portal in the area will be destroyed. Any creature in the area cannot plane shift nor channel any power from the different plane of existence, and the area engulfed by the spell will be forever completely disconnected from every other plane of existence. After a certain time, the droplet shaped bluish light will materialize and become a crystal storing a pure energy capable of casting another Sapphire Star. Destroying this crystal will cause an explosion and dimensional rift all over the radius of 254 ft. Every creature in the area of explosion will receive 500 force damage, and every construct will be deleted from existence.

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