Astral "Wall" (5e Spell)

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Astral "Wall"
2nd-level Conjuration (ritual)
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S, V
Duration: 10 min

You target space and make a tiny but long rip to the Astral Plane.

You make a 1 nanometer by 15 feet long rip to the Astral Plane. (It Excist between the 2 Spaces and is basicly a Line on the Encounter Map)

Everyone, including you, who moves trough the occupied space takes 2d6 Damage.

The Line in Space is slightly "off" with the world and you can See trough it but everything on the other Side seems to be slightly blury.

Nothing can move trough these rips to or from other Planes.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3th level or higher you can increase the lenght of the Line by 10 feet horizontly or by 5 feet Verticaly per 1 Level above the 2th Level.

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