Imbued in Flames (5e Spell)

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Imbued in Flames
2nd-level Transmutation
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: S,M (a heated up holy water or a burning feather)
Duration: duration:1 minute (concentration)

Spell Description: When you cast this spell, your skin burn with flames that originates from otherworldly energies. bright light shines from you in a 20-foot radius, and dim light shines 20 feet beyond that. the first melee, ranged or spell attack on each of your turns for the duration deals additional fire damage equal to your proeficiency bonus + 1d4. whenever you deal fire damage from another source other than this spell additional damage, add a d4 fire damage to damage roll.

Limit Breaking: Flames of the Beliver- If you are a Cleric, Warlock or a Paladin when you cast this spell, you can use an adittional two 1st level spell slots and one 2nd level spell slot to this spell when casting it. For the duration, the spell then grants resistance to fire damage and any spell or ability that deals radiant damage or necrotic damage that originates from you, you can chose to deal fire damage instead. Any radiant, fire or necrotic damage dice that are below a d8, becomes a d8 fire damage dice for you when you use this benefit. you can declare this change after you hit an attack, but before the damage roll.

Limit Breaking: Flames of True Magic- If you are a Wizard or a Bard when you cast this spell, you can use an adittional two 1st level spell slots and one 3rd level spell slot to this spell when casting it. For the duration, the spell then grants resistance to cold damage and you have advantage on the first saving throw against magical effects you do until the beginning of your next turn. once per turn you can use a bonus action to concede this spell limit break effects listed above to another creature that is 20 feet or less close to you, the effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn. adittionaly, any hostile creature that starts it's turn 20 feet or less close to you takes 1d10 fire damage.

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