Summon Monster Limb (5e Spell)

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Summon Monster Limb
Conjuration cantrip
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M, (wolf bone meal, raven's eye, and a lizard tail).
Duration: Instantaneous

When casting this spell, you choose one creature that you know and is a challenge rating 0 from the monster manual to make a melee spell attack, this creature does not need to be on the same plane of existence as you to work. On hit, you use the creatures melee attack + your spellcasting ability. (For example, you cast it and attack with a spider. The spider does its bite attack, which is 1+ your spellcasting ability plus everything else that bite does, and then disappears. )

At Higher Levels. You can summon any creature that is a cr of 0, 1/8 at 5th, 1/4 at 11th, and 1/2 at 17th.

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