Page Name |
'Dude' (5e Creature) |
Why does 'Dude' have two alignments? How long does Nuke's effect last? 15:17, 26 December 2023 (MST)
1911A1 45. ACP Majestic (5e Equipment) |
Uses some weird combination of the 5e and D20M weapon templates. "Pistol" is not a valid weapon type, 5e uses simple/martial melee/ranged weapons (in this instance, this should be a martial ranged weapon). "Ballistic" and "bloodening" are not valid damage types. Everything in the "Game Rules" section (which is a vague name, pretty much everything outside of the description is a game rule) could be removed, since this page already has a cost, and the section is written like this is intended for a single campaign, when 5e weapons are generally supposed to be universally applicable. Conceptually, this is already in the DMG as the Automatic Pistol, which deals significantly more damage (2d6). Range doesn't match 5e's 1:3 ratio for firearm ranges, also established in the DMG, and is completely lacking any other properties. All together, this barely uses 5e rules.
38. Revolver (5e Equipment) |
Where is the description? Page 296 of the Dungeon Master's Guide already has an automatic pistol that covers pistols of any caliber.
45. Pistol (5e Equipment) |
Where is the description? Page 296 of the Dungeon Master's Guide already has an automatic pistol that covers pistols of any caliber. "Risk of jamming" is not a valid property.
4 Elements: Baldur's Gate 3 Edition (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
5E Crystal Sphere Preload |
This is a copy of 5e Crystal Sphere Preload. 03:41, 7 May 2024 (MDT)
5e Background Preload |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
5e Boss Preload |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
5e Class Design Guide |
As a community guideline, this page will forever be incomplete. Feel free to jump in and add your wisdom and insight to the community's standards!!
5e Classes (Darenfell Supplement) |
5e Classes Reimagined |
Incomplete by design. Feel free to add your own reimaginings!
5e Creature Preload |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
5e Disease Preload |
A page just created is rarely finished. When it is complete, remove this tag.
5e Equipment (Darenfell Supplement) |
5e Monsters Reimagined |
Incomplete by design. Feel free to add your own reimaginings!
5e PECR Creature Preload |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
5e Quest Preload |
5e Race Design Guide |
As a community guideline, this page will forever be incomplete. Feel free to jump in and add your wisdom and insight to the community's standards!!
5e Race Preload |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
5e Race Variant Preload |
5e Races Reimagined |
Incomplete by design. Feel free to add your own reimaginings!
6-Foot Human (5e Race) |
Is this supposed to be april fools?
9mm Pistol (5e Equipment) |
Page 296 of the Dungeon Master's Guide already has an automatic pistol that covers pistols of any caliber.
ABOLISHER (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
A Banania (5e Race) |
This should be an AF race like the two it takes its inspiration from. Some of the fluff for this race is also just ripped off the other two? And the traits as well? This should be made to be more different. Like, there are "speed demons" so that would be an idea to go off of. Banana demons.
A Halfling's Guide to Weaponry (5e Sourcebook) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Aardvarkin (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade (5e Creature) |
World Ender mentions Turn the Tables, but no such feature or action exists on this page. 02:23, 9 October 2023 (MDT)
Abber Flu (5e Disease) |
Beholder's blood is not currently an item on the wiki, and I don't believe it exists in 1st party material, so presumably the item doesn't exist 'in the wild'. Locking down a rarity would be appreciated for playing with this disease.
Abdullah the Slaver (5e Creature) |
No Fluff.
Aberration Summoner (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Abomination G (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Abomination of Mother Nature, Variant (5e Race) |
Missing lore, h/w graph, and otherwise seems to be incomplete.
Abraham (5e Creature) |
This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 14:09, 19 September 2024 (MDT)
Abyssal Returner (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Abyssal Spear of the Demon Prince of the Abyss (5e Equipment) |
Missing SRD links. Is this an artifact or a rare item? 18:31, 3 June 2024 (MDT) |
Accursed Wish (5e Spell) |
Adaga com corrente (5e Equipment) |
Magic weapons should use the 5e Magic Weapon Preload.
Adamantine Guard (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. Split and Merge calls hit points life points. Why are the reactions written in German? 15:25, 9 February 2024 (MST)
Adapted Human (5e Race) |
Administrator (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Advanced height and weight (5e Variant Rule) |
Variant rule needs to clearly describe the effects on gameplay, not be met with one sentence of fluff and no real explanation save for one table with, what I presume, are changes to height based on abilities, or limits, or maybe bonuses or penalties? It is not explained how to interpert that
Adventuring Gear within the walls (Walls of Elisia Supplement) |
Aefling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Aerokaval (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Aeruem (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Aetherwing (5e Race) |
This could use some more fluff? They kind of feel like flying elves, minus fey ancestry. The history is also very vague and could be made more unique.
Agent (5e Class) (Valorant) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Agent of Shadow (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Air Hammer (5e Spell) |
Airbender, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Airdrake (5e Creature) |
Hit points and passive Perception aren't calculated correctly. 15:33, 5 October 2023 (MDT)
Ajimu's Children (5e Race) |
This thing seems like it should have more fluff and history explaining this Ajimu person and these powerful children. Also, is this derivative content or something? These styles and such are not detailed in the page and don't sound like 5e
Ajin Soldier (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Akashan (5e Class) |
The spell list is missing.
Aknamkanon (5e Creature) |
Medium creatures have d8 hit dice, not d12. Saves and skills are incorrectly calculated. Many actions aren't under the section for actions. 22:37, 25 November 2024 (MST)
Akoum Hellhound (5e Creature) |
Missing CR and description.
Akura'm Soldier (5e Creature) |
Extremely lacking Fluff. 23:10, 31 August 2024 (MDT)
Alaghi (5e Race) |
Incomplete RHW table.
Alebrijes (5e Race) |
A race page is never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Alia Borealis (5e Creature) |
No description.
Alien Guard (Dragon Ball Supplement) |
this is unfinished I don't know how to edit everything correctly here so I took the blanks from the sheet of the peaceful alien all the other sheets of other mobs are closed and I can't take the blanks for the same combat techniques or ki so I can't finish this page if someone is not too lazy you can do it.
Alkilith, Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Alkilith (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (5e Equipment) |
This is a vehicle, and as such should use the 5e Mounts and Vehicles Preload.
AllinOne (5e Race) |
Unplayable, clearly a joke page with an overdone joke.
Aloota's Man-portable Ballista (5e Equipment) |
Lack of a load-aim-fire system and being man-portable implies this should be a standard weapon like Light Ballista (5e Equipment), or possibly even a Large heavy crossbow.
Alquimist (5e Class) |
Study of Volatility and Study of Toxicity are lacking Feats.
Altered Magus Conflux (5e Feat) |
What are Arcane Points? How do you get them and how many of them do you have? Feats shouldn't be class-specific. 05:01, 2 September 2024 (MDT)
Alu Devon (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Aluminus (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Alux (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Amber Knight Ring (5e Equipment) |
Some description a little vague (Focused Blast, Charged blast). "Based on your Wisdom save DC", but it doesn't require attunement by a specllcaster with wisdom as their spellcasting ability.
Amogus (5e Class) |
Imcomplete, not sus enough.
Anacondri (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ancestral Bow (5e Equipment) |
This should be a magic item, not a mundane weapon.
Anchortail's Legacy |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Ancient (5e Race) |
Incomplete H&W table.
Ancient Devourer (5e Deity) |
Barely any Fluff. Is this a creature or a deity? 19:05, 10 June 2024 (MDT)
Ancient One (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Ancient Purple Titanium Dragon (5e Creature) |
Ability scores can't go above 30 in 5e. 22:17, 14 November 2023 (MST)
Angel-Supernatural Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Angel of Perverseness (5e Creature) |
Praise the Pestilence is missing a damage type. Is rotting a variant rule condition? Half damage, or no damage on Beautiful Blasphemy? HP Dice do not match the given HP. Missing description. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Animajin Armor (5e Equipment) |
How exactly this armor "absorbs" other magical armor's properties needs to be better defined (is there a rarity limit, how many pieces of armor can you absorb, ect.). Does absorbing destroy the item or render it non-magical?
Animated Doll (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Animated Hat (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Animated Ice Cream (5e Race) |
Missing society of attitudes/beliefs. Incomplete Height & Weight table. Several traits are not mechanically faithful to 5e or irrelevant. Melty doesn't have a damage type.
Animated Paper (5e Spell) |
Animated Statue (5e Race) |
Incomplete description
Animatronic (fnaf) (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ano (Corrupted) (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Anotherma (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ao Oni (5e Creature) |
Barely any Fluff. 16:43, 6 May 2024 (MDT)
Apocalypse Knight Summon Necro Soul (5e Creature) |
This creature can't decide whether it wants to be a shadow or a necro soul. 02:05, 22 November 2024 (MST)
Aqua Folk (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Aquan (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Aquare (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide. Lacking interesting features.
Arachnid Shift (5e Spell) |
What classes cast this spell?
Araldo Vile (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Arbiter of Order (5e Class) |
There are 2 conflicting spell lists. Incomplete Multiclassing information. No features past level 15. Missing some starting proficiencies and equipment. Hold leviathan is not available.
Arcane (5e Creature) |
Far too weak for CR 8. 23:04, 17 November 2024 (MST)
Arcane Battery Artificer (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Arcane Blacksmith (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Arcane Craftsman, Variant (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Arcane Diffusion Bomb (5e Spell) |
Which classes can cast this spell? 02:18, 3 November 2024 (MST)
Arcane Energy Engineer (5e Subclass) |
Description of arcane extractor is somewhat unclear. Are the limited uses for mana absorption, or mana conversion, or both. This could be exploitable and bend/break the resource economy of most classes.
Arcane Firearm Modifications (5e Variant Rule) |
Heavy barrel is missing details on what changes.
Arcane Mechanist (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help. Entry lists that this is subclass for many classes but lists zero subclass tables.
Arcane Rogue (5e Class) |
Some class features are missing the mechanics to play them. Missing subclasses.
Arcane Scholar (5e Feat) |
How exactly can one be proficient in "creating"? How does a feat grant items? The concept of "grimoire with infinite pages" would work much better as a magic item.
Arcane Shot (5e Subclass) |
Arch Wizard (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Archer, Variant 2 (5e Creature) |
No description.
Architect (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Arcovinge (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Arden Reaver (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Area (5e Spell) |
Incomplete. Missing components. Only Teleport states what kind of action you need to use it. 05:37, 27 January 2023
Aria (5e Equipment) |
What does Cyclone do? 00:15, 13 November 2024 (MST)
Arm of Eno (5e Equipment) |
What kind of armour is this? 15:33, 11 July 2024 (MDT)
Arma da Alma (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Armor (Walls of Elisia Supplement) |
Armor of Resounding Force (5e Equipment) |
Fortitude saving throws and enchantment bonuses don't exist in 5e. 19:55, 21 May 2024 (MDT)
Arquitecto Dimensional (5e Feat) |
This is an English site
Artist (5e Class) |
Artorias the Abysswalker (5e Creature) |
Ability scores are way too high. If abysswalker's splintmail is a custom item, a link should be provided. 20:26, 22 November 2024 (MST)
Asmodeus (5e Creature) |
Attack and damage roll modifiers for the attacks are inconsistent. 19:29, 16 October 2023 (MDT)
Aspiring Adventurer (5e Class) |
Aspis Shield (5e Equipment) |
A round shield made of wood reinforced with metal sounds a lot like a normal shield. Why would a certain shield teach you a particular stance (such a thing is usually a fighting style or maybe subclass feature). Any shield can be used to bash (see improvised weapons).
Assassin, Variant (5e Class) |
Assassin (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Astra (Valorant) (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Astral Communication (5e Spell) |
This spell is a clone of contact other plane with a different downside for failing the saving throw. What about this spell makes it different enough from COP to warrant being its own page?
Astral Ward (5e Spell) |
Missing the classes that cast this spell.
Astralborn (5e Race) |
Only Fluff. Missing all statistical information for the race.
Astronomer (5e Class) |
Missing a description, questions to help the player develop character, overall needs more fluff.
Asuramaru (5e Equipment) |
Athena's Saint (5e Class) |
lacking description, some of the cloths are incomplete
Atlira Draconic Sorcerer (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Atlira Oracle (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Atlira Setting Cosmic Sorcerer |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Atlira Traveler Warlock |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Attribute Shield (5e Spell) |
No function at a gaming table should require any more complex arithmetic than addition and subtraction. D&D is not an age-gated hobby - revise until a child could understand this.
Audax (5e Creature) |
Attack and damage modifiers for the attacks are all over the place. Foul Progeny is listed as an action when it clearly isn't one. Suffocation is not a damage type.
Aura Elementalist (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Aura Manipulation (5e Class) |
Automaton, Variant (5e Race) |
Automaton Forged (5e Creature) |
What's the sleep condition? Is this meant to be unconscious? How does this creature become level 15 and 20 if it's always half of the creator's level. Is this supposed to be linked to an Overleveling or Overpowered Creatures variant rule? If so, that should be linked in the Design Disclaimer as well.
Avatar, Source of Imagination and Destruction (5e Creature) |
Akasha isn't a creature type. No hit dice.
Avatar of (God) (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Avatar of Myrkul (5e Creature) |
Missing hit dice. The special items should be linked. Missing description. 14:44, 10 July 2024 (MDT)
Awaken Fetish (5e Spell) |
What do you mean fetish can concentrate on the spell? like a spellcaster, instead of a caster? If yes, then this is a no go, either way clarification is needed
Awaken Skeleton (5e Spell) |
This spell is functionally a redundant copy of awaken undead.
Awakened Flame (5e Race) |
Far too many racial traits. 01:39, 1 September 2024 (MDT)
Axolot (5e Race) |
The fluff is extremely lacking. Also, the traits are missing the scores.
Azazog, The Black King (5e Creature) |
Hit points, attack bonus and damage rolls are incorrectly calculated. Does this creature have legendary actions or not? 21:46, 8 May 2024 (MDT)
Azeroth Demon Hunter (5e Class) |
Talk:Azure Mage, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Azure Mage (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
B.Cirno Sword (5e Equipment) |
Clearly a magic item but doesn't use 5e Magic Weapon Preload.
BackTank (5e Equipment) |
How does the tank work? How heavy is it? How much can it hold? 14:36, 17 February 2024 (MST)
Backliner (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Bad Omen (5e Spell) |
Which classes can cast this spell?
Badgener (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff. A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Bag of Holding level V (5e Equipment) |
This is just a better bag of holding at the same rarity. 03:59, 12 August 2024 (MDT)
Bag of Tricks, Patchwork (5e Equipment) |
Tables need completion.
Bai Tian Xian (5e Creature) |
Missing the description. Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Balance Breaker (5e Class) |
Balancing Huge Player Characters (5e Variant Rule) |
Baldur's Gate 3 (5e Variant Rule) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Rule Design Guide if you need help.
Balloon Mage (5e Background) |
This is an extremely niche idea that makes it difficult to build a character around. Rather, was it supposed to be a joke?
Balloonfolk (5e Race) |
This page is sorely lacking in fluff. Really empty, actually.
Banana Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Banshee (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Bantmaster (5e Background) |
Bond table is empty. 20:32, 16 December 2023 (MST)
Barbarian, "Old School" Variant (5e Class) |
Barbarian, Alternative Variant (5e Class) |
Unfinished, missing subclasses
Bardbarian (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Bardlock (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Barrier Specialist (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
This doesn't seem completed. Campaign Setting breadcrumb may be partial and require further extensions.
Battle Mage (5e Subclass) |
Is this a class or a subclass? 03:31, 17 March 2024 (MDT)
Battle Servant (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Battle Smith, Variant (5e Subclass) |
Battlefield Tactician (5e Feat) |
While the mechanics are different, this concept is done better with martial adept.
Be'Lakor (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Beacon of Hope (5e Feat) |
Many non-5e terms throughout (is this "Inspiration" the same as the bard Bardic Inspiration feature or inspiration as in the DM reward tool or as in the Inspiring Leader feat? 5e has saving throws, not Saving Throw Rolls. 5e doesn't have a "knockout" mechanic. 5e has initiative, not "combat".
Bear Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Bearfolk (5e Race) |
Bearnaur (5e Race) |
This race could use some more fluff, especially some history to better integrate them
Beast Tamer, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Beast Within (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide. Missing Arcane Beast subclass.
Beaverfolk (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Beeforged, Variant (5e Race) |
Utterly devoid of fluff, lore, history, or other description
Beetle (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Behemoth (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 16:04, 8 May 2024 (MDT)
Behemoth (FFXI) (5e Creature) |
The attack bonus of the attacks is incorrectly calculated. Creature stat blocks should call the creature by name, not just "the user" or "this creature". 20:50, 19 October 2023 (MDT)
Behold (5e Equipment) |
How do you determine the rays with the 4d10? 00:17, 30 August 2024 (MDT)
Beholden (5e Race) |
Fluff is rather thin.
Beholder Spawn (5e Race) |
Missing rhw table and summary line.
Beholderbane (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Belial (5e Deity) |
Missig rank (greater, lesser, etc.). Artifacts should have their own pages.
Bell (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Beloved Wallower (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Belt of Benefits (5e Equipment) |
Devoid of any semblance of fluff or character
Bend (5e Spell) |
Just copies the effects of the four elemental cantrips as a sixth-level spell
Berserker GUTs (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Bestiary (Broadbarrel Supplement) |
Betelgeuse (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Bewildering Kiss (5e Spell) |
Bewitch Person (5e Spell) |
Big Dipper (5e Class) |
currently working on flavor and balance changes
Biscore-Zabbet (5e Campaign Setting) |
Missing society page.
Black Air Forces (5e Equipment) |
Despite the design note, this page doesn't link to anything and nothing links to it. This should have the April Fools template.
Black Plague Corruption (5e Disease) |
Should be rewritten to use 5e D&D rules.
Black Smoke Armor (5e Equipment) |
This seems to be a magic item using the mundane item preload. 04:49, 13 June 2024 (MDT)
Blackhound (5e Creature) |
Abyssal is a language, not a damage type. 02:54, 27 September 2023 (MDT)
Blade Mage (5e Class) |
Missing subclasses.
Blade of the Ashen Hills (5e Equipment) |
Normal attacks don't exist in 5e. A katana already deals 1d8 slashing damage. 08:07, 15 December 2024 (UTC)
Bladelinked Archer (5e Class) |
Summon Projection (5e Spell) has a maintenance template. Missing multiclassing information. Is Legendary Spell supposed to be the projection list? Legendary Projection List should have mechanics behind it, not just a description. If based on equipment, the equipment should have their own pages and be linked to from there.
Blaster Rifle (5e Equipment) |
Properties incomplete, missing futuristic tag, 5e doesn't use "credits", missing Star Wars copyright disclaimer template.
Blazen Soul (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Blight Ganon I (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Blighted Bat (5e Creature) |
Missing CR and description. Making the failed save a condition would seem to simplify Distraction.
Blood Blade, Variant 2 (5e Spell) |
Which classes can cast this spell? 03:25, 25 February 2024 (MST)
Blood Blade (5e Equipment) |
Missing SRD links. 5e doesn't use round counting. The Fluff suggests this should be an artifact. 03:52, 12 August 2024 (MDT)
Blood Dragon Construct (5e Creature) |
Missing a description.
Blood Elemental, Variant (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 13:48, 5 November 2023 (MST)
Blood Mage, Variant 2 (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Blood Mouther (5e Class) |
Blood Rogue (5e Class) |
Missing multiclassing information. Bleeding damage doesn't have a type (bludgeoning, slashing, etc.) Clear division and association of whatever comes before the features from the table needs to be made. 5%, 25% max health slows combat. Blood Massacre doesn't have an action, potentially others.
Bloodbeast (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 13:48, 5 November 2023 (MST)
Bloodhammer (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Bloodhunter (5e Race) |
What exactly makes this a race? It reads a bit like X race took on some blood power class, which does not a race make.
Bloody Diamond (5e Disease) |
A page just created is rarely finished. When it is complete, remove this tag.
Bloom and Doom Plant (5e Race) |
As alluded to in the physical description, each subrace should have a preface including their appearance for players not familiar with the games.
Bluebird of Happiness (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Bone Ballista (5e Equipment) |
If this is capable of moving and firing on its own, shouldn't this be a creature? That notwithstanding, if these are "created by [necromancers]", wouldn't that make them magic items?
Bone Battering Ram (5e Equipment) |
If this is capable of moving and firing on its own, shouldn't this be a creature? That notwithstanding, if these are "created by [necromancers]", wouldn't that make them magic items? What is a "2x2 Square"?
Bone Catapult (5e Equipment) |
If this is capable of moving and firing on its own, shouldn't this be a creature? That notwithstanding, if these are "created by [necromancers]", wouldn't that make them magic items? What is a "3x3 area"?
Bone Tamer (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Boneyard of the Titans (5e Environment) |
This needs more. At the moment an adventure in the boneyard consists of walking across a barren plain and looking at shrubs and seagulls, and then maybe finding a big skull. This isn't anything a DM couldn't just make up on the spot. Any interesting locations? What's the weather like?
Boo (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Boogeyman (5e Class) |
Book Monster (5e Race) |
This sounds more like a monster than a player-controlled race for a character. The sections of this page also reflect this, as there is a lack of fluff that would help better integrate this as an actual player race into a world. It's almost written as if it were april fools.
Boon of True Believing (5e Epic Boon) |
This seems to misunderstand epic boons as feats+. 00:13, 9 December 2024 (UTC)
Boon of the Gold Dragon God (5e Blessing) |
Bootlicker (5e Feat) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help. Needs to be renamed, waiting for current feat name to be deleted.
Boreas God of Ice and Death (5e Creature) |
Missing description
Born Bladesman (5e Race) |
Lacking Fluff. Incomplete H&W table. What does 'tier' mean? Born to Fight is missing a damage type. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Bot (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Bottle Cannon (5e Equipment) |
How can a weapon be light and two-handed? 02:33, 22 November 2024 (MST)
Bount (5e Race) |
This has very little fluff, for what the source seems to have. Also, was the history just copied from the Bleach wiki?
BountyHunter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Bounty Hunter, Variant (5e Class) |
Incomplete introduction and multiclassing information. Only one subclass. Trick Shots appear to be missing.
Bounty Killer (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Bracer of Upcasting (5e Equipment) |
How this item works is extremely unclear. 3 gems to 2 casts. Does this mean each gem can hold up to 2 spells each, or that the 3 gems can hold 2 spells (in total)? Is there a new casting time for the upcast spells (1 minute, 1 hour)? Are there additional, required components for the upcast? Do users expend their own spell slot when casting 8th level spells with this ring?
Bracers of Spiderkind (5e Equipment) |
Needs to be fleshed out more. What can you use the "extra set of small limbs" for? Can they use weapons? 14:30, 18 July 2024 (MDT)
Brain Slugs (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Brckven (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Breaching Shield (5e Equipment) |
How is a shield big enough to make multiple creatures impossible to hit, but small enough wield in one hand? Redundant content (see Ballistic Shield (5e Equipment)).
Bread Chef (5e Class) |
Being revised by Vershze
Breather (5e Class) |
Incomplete multiclassing, and features. Also missing hit dice.
Brimstone (Valorant) (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Broadbarrel (5e Campaign Setting) |
Broker (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Brood Mother (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 13:19, 26 November 2023 (MST)
Brute ,variant(Human) (5e Race) |
If this is a variant of human, it should be remade as a Race Variant. 13:48, 20 January 2024 (MST)
Brutes (5e Creature) |
Bubble Witch (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Buckler, Variant (5e Equipment) |
Why would a buckler's AC bonus be dependent on the type of attack but not a normal shield (or any armor for that matter)?
Bucky the Aarakocra (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Buff Mimic (5e Subclass) |
no description
Burst Wyvern (5e Creature) |
No actions.
Businessman (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Byrgen (FFXI) (5e Creature) |
No actions or Fluff. 14:53, 18 February 2024 (MST)
CRT Robot (5e Race) |
The flavor is lacking.
CRanger (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 (5e Equipment) |
This should be mechanically identical to any other SMG.
Cactem (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Cafae Latte (5e Campaign Setting) |
Needs to be broken up into multiple pages (commented out races and items should be moved to the Races and Weapons subpages (though based on their text the weapons might belong more to the Treasure subpage)).
Caged (5e Background) |
Displays a misunderstanding of background design guidelines, see Background Design (5e Guideline)
Calamity Host (5e Class) |
Calandil (5e Equipment) |
Shortswords already have finesse and light. How much damage does this weapon deal with versatile? Shortswords don't deal slashing damage. Turn Undead is a class feature, not a spell. 07:32, 15 December 2024 (UTC)
Calcifer (5e Equipment) |
Doesn't do anything, sentience is missing most of the necessary aspects.
Calypso, the Night Stalker (5e Creature) |
Missing the description. Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Cancer (5e Spell) |
Clearly meant to be a joke page, but is unfunny and in horrible taste.
Candice Catnipp (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Candy Scientist (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Candyman, Candy Maker Version (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Capachos (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Captain's Sword (5e Equipment) |
Claims not to be a magic item, yet the captain's swords have effects that clearly must be magical in nature. 05:28, 28 September 2024 (MDT)
Card Mage (5e Class) |
The Spellcard subclass is missing a feature at 15th level.
Cards (5e Equipment) |
See talk page. 16:23, 23 January 2024 (MST)
Cards of a Master (5e Equipment) |
Wording is very unclear, and barely reads like D&D rules. Lacks a destroy clause, which is necessary for artifacts.
Carnivalite (Deadman Wonderland) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Castaway (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete. I will come back to finish the rest soon
CatNap (5e Creature) |
The legendary action does not work well as a legendary action; it would only reasonably work once per encounter. 15:17, 16 February 2024 (MST)
Catkins (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Cavaliere dei Draghi (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Cave of the Black Hammer (5e Quest) |
Celestial Bond (5e Feat) |
The name should be changed (Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names).
Celestial Bond (5e Spell) |
Celestial Judgement (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Cenid (5e Race) |
Cerberbuss (5e Equipment) |
Ambiguous mechanics, see talk page
Cercopithies (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Chain Weapons Warhammer (5e Equipment) |
This reads more like a material-based magic item (i.e. adamantine armor; not necessarily magical but acts as a template that can be applied to multiple weapons) than a traditional weapon. If this were to become a mundane weapon, this would need the modern or futuristic category and its own properties, and would be redundant to Chainsword (5e Equipment) and Chain-axe (5e Equipment).
Chainblade (5e Equipment) |
This is just a slightly heavier greatsword. This also seems more like a modern or futuristic weapon.
Chained (5e Class) |
Chained Damage (5e Variant Rule) |
Is this a 'may' or a 'must'. It would feel bad to get "lucky" while wiping out a significant number of power charges.
Chains of Heaven and Hell (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Chainsaw, Variant (5e Equipment) |
Description needs expanding. How is this a WMD when it's hardly even a weapon? This should have the modern category.
Chainsaw Maniac (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Chairmaster (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Chakra Wielder (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Champions (League of Legends Supplement) |
Chaneque (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Chaos Cleaver (5e Equipment) |
This is clearly a magic weapon, but doesn't use the 5e Magic Weapon Preload. "Chaos" is not a defined property in 5e, and the special property is very poorly written (5e doesn't have a "critical range" term (see 5e SRD:Fighter#Champion for how such a thing should be worded), and even assuming how this is meant to work can I only crit on a roll of 54 (18 x 3)? Or can I crit on an 18, 19, and 20 and deal 3 times the damage, which would be far too powerful for a mundane weapon). It also seems like this weapon's whole concept could be simplified by having it cast Chaos Bolt (5e Spell) on the target on a hit. I could also see changing this from a weapon to a spell that acts as a less damaging version of Chaos Bolt that can be cast as a cantrip on a hit with any weapon.
Characters Beyond 20th level (5e Variant Rule) |
Charged Longsword (5e Equipment) |
This seems to be a magic weapon and should be remade using the preload found at 5e Magical Weapons. 16:33, 3 July 2024 (MDT)
Charlatan Thief (5e Background) |
Surely you could just use the charlatan or criminal backgrounds in the PHB? 20:14, 16 December 2023 (MST)
Charming Halfling (5e Subrace) |
A subrace page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Chemical Weapon Exposure (5e Disease) |
This is still untested content, and may not be balanced properly, or not fun.
Child Soldier (5e Background) |
I think this background could probably be covered by the official soldier background. This one has an even more specific flavor, and makes it a more narrowly defined character. The feature is also written in a way that steps on the toes of passive perception.
Chim'Rathi (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Chimera Ant (5e Race) |
This page is sorely lacking in fluff to flesh this race out. Where did these freakish bugs come from? The Ant King subrace is mechanically underdeveloped. Height is just wrong; the 90 inches should shed each full foot, and the feet shouldn't have a decimal. Height mod is 6d12? For a min. of 6, average of 39, and max. of 72". Weight mod is 6d10? The variance is genuinely unbelievable. Height & Weight should describe the playable race at maturity.
Chimney Sweeper (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Chinthe (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Chocolich: Fallout Variant (5e Creature) |
Burning Energy, Poison Energy and Melee aren't damage types. 20:42, 26 September 2024 (MDT)
Chosen Undead (5e Race) |
See talk page
Chrisanthor (5e Race) |
Missing various traits (abilities, age, size, etc.). Several traits lack specific and highly relevant information ("Significant bonus", "powerful nature control", "may be sensitive", etc.).
Chronoblade (5e Class) |
incomplete, lack introduction and two features
Chung (5e Class) |
Cicada (5e Creature) |
Is this a single creature or a swarm? Missing physical description.
Circle of Flora (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Circle of Pokemon (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Circle of Shaman Shapeshifters (5e Subclass) |
Circle of the Primal Essence (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Circlet of Monstrous Dominance (5e Equipment) |
What are the effects of forcing a monster to become your familiar? Creatures immune to being charmed should be immune to this effect. 20:51, 27 November 2024 (UTC)
City of Eyes (5e Quest) |
Not enough information to run. This is a sketch of an idea.
Clan Eshin Acolyte (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Cleansed (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Cloak of Divination (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Cloak of Flustering Shadows (5e Equipment) |
Is this item legendary in all of its states? How do you increase its state? 02:22, 22 November 2024 (MST)
Clockwork Add-On, Variant (5e Class) |
Missing a 5th level feature despite having 5 levels.
Clodsire (5e Creature) |
Missing CR and Hit Dice. Actions and legendary actions are incomplete. What are the 'electric' and 'water' damage types? Is this an variant ruleset/campaign?
Clone Commando (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Cloned Human (5e Race) |
The traits are actually not really traits. They're suggestions, it seems like? It's like how you "may" have regeneration or your abilities "might manifest" in X proficiencies... Please consult how official race traits are written. This sounds like a guideline more than a race with defined properties.
Clover's Step of the Quickest Wind (5e Spell) |
Duration of speed buff uses round-counting instead of typical durations
Clown (5e Race) |
Missing a summary description. For the blessing trait, a table for the inconveniences would be very helpful, since I assume there are certain comedic instances in mind. There is also no more depression spell so that would need to be replaced.
Coffeelock (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Cold One, Variant (5e Creature) |
Missing physical description.
College of the Road (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Colossal Squid (5e Creature) |
A lot of fractions. This could do with some simplification.
Combat Butler Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Combo Class (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Comedian (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Comfortable Doug (5e Race) |
Largely incomplete. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Commandment of Altruism (5e Spell) |
Missing appropriate casters.
Commandment of Love (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide. |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Commandment of Love (5e Spell) |
What classes can cast this spell? Incomplete.
Commandment of Patience (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Commandments of Rest (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide. Missing class features. 20:38, 3 June 2024 (MDT)
Commoner Swarm (5e Creature) |
No CR.
Composite Sword (5e Equipment) |
Confectioner (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Congruent (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Conjurophage (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Constructed Body (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Constructed Skeleton (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Contemporary Drugs (5e Other) |
Seems more like an encyclopedia entry then something designed for D&D.
Contractor (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Cookie Houses (Cookie Run Supplement) |
The game is in monthly updates, so upcoming Legendaries are yet to be expected.
Core Phantom (5e Race) |
Incomplete H&W table. Phase: How do attacks of opportunity work if you slip into/through an object? Phase should probably have limited equal Con modifier or proficiency bonus. Ex. You are in melee combat with an enemy standing next to a pillar. You use Phase to move into the pillar. What happens? etc.
Corginian (5e Race) |
Needs a history section. The phys. decr. could also use some extra work, like the fact they appear to be corgis (not some other dog), as well as what they like to wear, their fur color, etc.
Corona (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Corrupt Priest (5e Class) |
This class is under construction. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Corrupted Citizen (5e Creature) |
I've rewritten this so it works with D&D rules, but it won't be ready for play until the associated disease is fixed
Corvo Attano (5e Class) |
Cosmic Origin (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Cosmological Offspring (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Courier 6 (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Covenknight (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Cow (5e Race) |
Craft Homunculus (5e Spell) |
Missing school and legal casters.
Crafting Magic Items (5e Variant Rule) |
This is not "Crafting Magic Items (5e Variant Rule)", this is "A bit of expanding on failure in Crafting Magic Items (5e Variant Rule)"
Craisty (5e Race) |
This page is missing all the necessary Fluff of a race. Design Note needs to clarified as the intention of this page is not entirely clear.
Crash Out (5e Feat) |
This feat needs a different name. See Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names. Try using the name of your feat to end the sentence "I am a ..." or "I am ...". If it sounds awkward, the name isn't right. If you can't think of a name that fits, it often means the concept of your feat needs adjusting (perhaps you're focusing on a mechanic rather than the narrative behind the feat). 15:16, 15 September 2024 (MDT)
Crawling Hands (5e Spell) |
Missing the classes that cast this spell.
Crazed Piranha (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Create Mythallar (5e Spell) |
Creature Keeper (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Creature Master (5e Spell) |
Missing legal casters (breadcrumbs and categories), and summary.
Crippled (5e Background) |
Background features shouldn't grant mechanical benefits. 21:24, 16 December 2023 (MST)
Cryomancer, 3rd Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Crystal Golem, Variant (5e Creature) |
Missing passive perc.
Crystoid (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ctalln (5e Race) |
Missing fluff. Only has two traits. The picture wasn't uploaded. As in the PHB, a picture is used in addition to a description, not in lieu of it. Why do so many characteristics revolve around stealing?
Cthonian Wombs (5e Quest) |
Cthulhu, The Great Dreamer (5e Deity) |
There is a huge lack of information on how this deity functions or affects a game.
Cthulhu (5e Creature) |
The Fluff is lacking. 02:12, 19 December 2023 (MST)
Cube of Confusion (5e Equipment) |
Should be converted into a magic item (see Glass Cannon (5e Equipment)).
Cudel (5e Race) |
Culler (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Curse of Unending Hunger (5e Curse) |
You can still breathe, but can't open your mouth. Can you speak or cast spells that require verbal components?
Curse of the Branded (5e Curse) |
Curse of the Sea (5e Curse) |
How does the curse work? There isn't much information here. 01:09, 5 January 2024 (MST)
Cursed, 2nd Variant (5e Background) |
This background's feature seems to imply a very specific method of curse, having the "mark of whom you have failed" and whatnot. It also has a feature very different from the flavor of just "bad luck," going as far as possibly disrupting your rest every night. Overall, this could use some more cohesive writing and maybe even a re-naming. It doesn't really discuss what you did before you became an adventurer either.
Cursed (5e Background) |
Being cursed is a very generalized idea that doesn't well convey the things a typical background does (like what your character did before they were an adventurer). So, more direction and flavor would be appreciated to discuss the different curses, as well as questions to develop possible character stories about how this came to define them.
Cursed Corpse (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Cursed Dragon (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Cursed Energy Master (5e Feat) |
Nothing in base 5e grants "cursed energy", so this page should link to whatever homebrew grants it.
Cursed Life (5e Race) |
Why is all the text for a vampire race? Missing languages. Society or Attitudes/beliefs sections is incomplete. "recovering all data" ?
Cursed Warrior Domain (5e Subclass) |
Custom Hybrid Classes (5e Variant Rule) |
CyberPunk (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Cybernetic Ninja (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Cyenzak's Brainworm (5e Spell) |
What are the mechanical effects of this spell? Does the target get a save to resist or remove it? 20:19, 3 June 2024 (MDT)
Cyklop Stormwalker (5e Equipment) |
"Mishap" is not really explained, what is the "mishap threshold", how is the table used, etc? Weapon attacks are not worded correctly (e.g. as written then are not weapon attacks; appears to be an area of effect but uses an attac roll so how does targeting work, is it one roll per creature in the area?)
Cyper Aasimar (5e Subrace) |
A subrace page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
DDF Fighter Jet (5e Equipment) |
No usable content, could probably use a copyright disclaimer for Skyward.
Daartanhem (5e Race) |
The history is literally the backstory of a single person. How did the race itself come to be? Also, missing summary
Daemon Eater (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Daemon Prince (5e Class) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Special Classes if you need help.
Daikaiju (5e Creature) |
Missing a physical description.
Dalamar (5e Deity) |
Damage (Overwatch Supplement) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Damascus Sword (5e Equipment) |
Items that are unique due to their material should either be magic items (see adamantine armor and mithral armor) or adventuring gear/variant rule (see adamantine weapon and Silver Armor Coating), being applicable to more than one weapon as either.
Dapper Skull (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Dark Curse of Mutation (5e Curse) |
Some effects are duplicated.
Dark Mage (5e Class) |
Dark Matter, Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Dark Searcher (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Darkeater Midir (5e Creature) |
Actions are incorrectly formatted. What does "Agressive 26" mean? Why does Roar of the Dark mention reposting? 03:19, 6 April 2024 (MDT)
Darth Bane (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Dead Steel (5e Feat) |
Considering the heft and that this scales, it sounds more like a subclass feature.
Deadlightkin (5e Race) |
Though they are a shapechanger, they should have a true form, as even changelings and doppelgangers have this.
Deadly Sin (5e Class) |
Immortality, unconditional bonuses, constant healing, etc need to all be changed into something workable. Subclasses do not match levels that they gain features.
Death's Consort (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Death (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Death Born (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Death God's Scythe (5e Equipment) |
Chopping isn't a damage type. Missing Fluff. 04:52, 2 October 2024 (MDT)
Death Scythe (5e Class) |
Deathborne form (5e Creature) |
Hit points are incorrect.
Decay (5e Class) |
Missing subclasses.
Decayed Parasite (5e Creature) |
Needs more Fluff. 13:22, 26 November 2023 (MST)
DeepWave Brine Swamp (5e Environment) |
Lacking adequate fluff, no links, nothing.
DeepWave Caverns (5e Environment) |
Lacking adequate fluff, no links, nothing.
DeepWave Coral Forest (5e Environment) |
Lacking adequate fluff, no links, nothing.
DeepWave Crags (5e Environment) |
Lacking adequate fluff, no links, nothing.
DeepWave Glades (5e Environment) |
Lacking adequate fluff, no links, nothing.
DeepWave Vents (5e Environment) |
Lacking adequate fluff, no links, nothing.
DeepWave Wastes (5e Environment) |
Lacking adequate Fluff, no links, nothing. 14:34, 17 February 2024 (MST)
Deerkin (5e Race) |
Defense Ball (5e Spell) |
Missing school, and appropriate casters. The Sand Points clause needs to be reworked to use spell levels instead.
Deflated Gummabust (5e Race) |
A few areas to fill in.
Defyer of Fate (5e Background) |
This isn't really a background so much as a component of one, or a feature in a divination-based class/subclass.
Deirdre (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Deity Aspirant (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please include Characteristics, and a description of what this background entails. 05:42, 18 September 2024 (MDT)
Deity Design Guide (5e Guideline) |
As a community guideline, this page will forever be incomplete. Feel free to jump in and add your wisdom and insight to the community's standards!!
Deity of Fireworks & Performances (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Delinquent (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Contributions to the Suggested Characteristics section are welcome. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Delta Knight (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Demi-Fiend (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Demigod of Hermes (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide. Missing class features. 20:31, 14 June 2024 (MDT)
Demigod of Poseidon (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Demon, Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Demon Heir (5e Class) |
incomplete introduction
Demon Killer (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Demon King Avernus (5e Deity) |
Almost no fluff, barely any context or informations to use
Demon Lord (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Demon Paladin (5e Class) |
As per talk page there is an deficiency between the stated subclass (path) features and those presented.
Demon Weapon (5e Class) |
Demon Wielder, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Demon frogdog (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Demonic Death (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Demonic Gunslinger (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Demonic Knight (5e Class) |
Demonic Lord Mage (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Demonic Vassal (5e Class) |
Incomplete class and subclasses`.
Demonkin, Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Deployer (5e Feat) |
Too much is left up to interpretation (see Beast Master (5e Subclass) for what all should be included.
Depths Spearman (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Descendant of Medaka Kurokami (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Descendants of shiva (5e Race) |
Racial traits are garbled enough that they cannot be understood
Desert Hands (5e Spell) |
Missing school, appropriate casters, and concentration time.
Destiny 2 Hunter, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Dethroned Deity (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Detonator (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Devil Binder (5e Class) |
Multiple dead levels.
Devil Forgemaster (5e Class) |
Devil Fruit User (5e Class) |
Devil Hunter (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Devil King (5e Class) |
Missing subclassess, no fluff
Devogolb (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Devourer (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Dharikstalva, the First Vampire (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Diablos (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
OGC:Diabolist (5e Class) |
In the process of being transcribed.
Diamond Sword (5e Equipment) |
Items that are unique due to their material should either be magic items (see adamantine armor and mithral armor) or adventuring gear/variant rule (see adamantine weapon and Silver Armor Coating), being applicable to more than one weapon as either.
Dice Dragon (5e Creature) |
See talk page. 04:39, 9 December 2024 (UTC)
Dice Manipulator (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Diclonius (5e Race) |
Is this from Elfen Lied? It should be properly disclaimered if so
Dimension Trickster (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Dioji (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Dire Rat (5e Creature) |
Missing CR and Fluff. 23:15, 29 May 2024 (MDT)
Dire Wolf, Variant (5e Creature) |
This is just a dire wolf with some extremely minor buffs. No Fluff. 20:15, 20 January 2024 (MST)
Dirt (5e Race) |
This looks like AF?
Dispel Law (5e Spell) |
Not sure how the mechanics work.
Disruptor Rifle (5e Equipment) |
No description. Is the "strength 13" property supposed to be a Strength requirement to use it (which even a greatsword doesn't have), and if so wouldn't the heavy property be more accurate to 5e?
Divine Beast Vah Medoh (5e Quest) |
Divine Deckmaster (5e Class) |
Divine Decree (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Divine General Mahoraga (5e Creature) |
This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 03:09, 5 May 2024 (MDT)
Divine Inspiration (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Divine Intervention, Variant (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Doey (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
DogDay (5e Creature) |
Attack and damage rolls are incorrect. 03:05, 8 February 2024 (MST)
Doom Slayer (5e Class) |
Bullet Hell rune is basically invalidated by barbarous dance. What is proficiency in saving throws (dex and wis), you mean advantage? "your spellsave DC", but this isn't a spellcaster. Hell Walker makes damage magical, but Weapon of Doom does it as well. Weapon of Doom has no "overcoming fear" clause, and unlimited uses.
Doomhowler (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Doomspeaker (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Doomwheel (5e Equipment) |
Is this a Doomwheel, a Doomflayer, or a Doomwflayer? References to "Skaven" mean this should probably have a copyright disclaimer. Unless this uses wood or coal, this should probably have the Modern category, have the Futuristic category, or be converted into a magic item. Cost is currently unusable.
Door Kill Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Doublemaker (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Downtime Activities (Hyrule Supplement) |
Needs rules for Buying/Crafting/Selling Magic items
Dowran (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Draconic Chimera (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Drafter (5e Class) |
Subclasses unfinished.
Dragneel (5e Class) |
Missing subclasses
Dragon Blood Human Hybrid (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff.
Dragon Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Dragon Sage (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Dragon Scion (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Dragon Slayer, Variant 2 (5e Class) |
Dragon Warrior (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Dragon Warrior (Dragonhyme) (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Dragonborn (5e Class) |
Missing a description, questions to help the player develop character, overall needs more fluff.
Dragoon, The Legend of Dragoon (5e Class) |
Dragoonkin (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Dragovian, Variant (5e Race) |
Buffed copy of Dragovian (5e Race). If this page is intended for strictly personal use, please move it to your user page.
Drays cigarettes (5e Equipment) |
Seems to be a magic item and should be remade as a wondrous item. 13:19, 11 December 2023 (MST)
Dread Fiend (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide. Missing height/weight. 15:13, 6 October 2024 (MDT)
Dream Thief (5e Class) |
Missing the subclasses. The uses after a long rest are missing.
Dreamlander (5e Race) |
For Dream, you have this "domain" thing but it's not clear what the details of that place is. Does that count as teleporting and leaving this plane entirely as if by a spell like plane shift? How long can you even trap someone in there? Is it permanent?
Dreamtouched (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Drider’s Plague (5e Disease) |
A page just created is rarely finished. When it is complete, remove this tag.
Drug Master (5e Class) |
How long does Trip Hive Mind last? How long does Drug Bond last? How long do several others features last? Many DCs should be consolidated into a feature that describes the several DCs and then reference those specific DCs when needed. Missing multiclassing proficiencies. What's toxic damage? Missing damage types in other features.
Drunken Brawler (5e Feat) |
"Intoxication" mechanic is unexplained. Balance can't be evaluated otherwise
Dryad, Variant (5e Race) |
Missing RHW table, maybe one for each size of small and medium with height and weight suggestions
Dualcast (5e Feat) |
See talk page. 03:52, 23 November 2024 (MST)
Duelist, Yugioh (5e Class) |
Missing subclasses.
Duelist (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Dungeon Capturer (5e Class) |
Incomplete for now, will be updated
Durahn (5e Race) |
Dwarven Beaten Leather (5e Equipment) |
Why would leather armor be 10% better just by being made by or for dwarves? If the idea is that dwarves are skilled crafters, +X armor is typically used to represent that. It's also well within the realm of RP to say that armor is race specific, we don't need a page for every armor made for every race.
E-Rank Hunter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
EXE (Faker) (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. You don't roll to hold your breath, see 5e SRD:Suffocating. 16:41, 6 May 2024 (MDT)
EXP Loader (5e Creature) |
No description
Earthdrake (5e Creature) |
Hit points and passive Perception aren't calculated correctly. 15:36, 5 October 2023 (MDT)
Earthquake Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Echolocation (5e Feat) |
The name should be changed (Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names).
Eclipse Dragon (5e Creature) |
Attack bonus for the attacks are incorrect. No Fluff. 15:22, 27 January 2024 (MST)
Edahn Viole Grace (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. Missing Legendary Actions.
Editor (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Effigy of the Master (5e Spell) |
Missing school and legal casters.
Eight Handled Sila Divergent Sword Divine General Mahoraga, Variant (5e Creature) |
Currently a redundant copy of the older version of this same page, except for a single insignificant buff. I presume this will be getting a more signifficant overhaul in the future?
Einherjar, Summon (5e Creature) |
The three types of einherjar should be split into their own stat blocks. 03:19, 27 December 2023 (MST)
El Maques (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
El Silbon (5e Creature) |
How long does the speed reduction of the claws last? Does this creature's AC include the bonus from Sack of Bones? What happens when a creature's bones are added to the sack? Invisible Force shouldn't refer to el slibon as you. This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 03:00, 5 May 2024 (MDT)
Elantrian (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Eldrax (5e Race) |
Largely incomplete. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide This page is more like a character than a race.
Eldritch Abomination Warden (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Eldritch Blade (5e Class) |
Incomplete. Read this class and you will understand
Eldritch Cannon (5e Race) |
April Fools have some humor. This seems like a race that should have been made playable, and also expanded to be usable with adequate fluff but instead it was not done.
Eldritch Cathar (5e Class) |
lack subclasses
Eldritch Monk (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Electromace (5e Equipment) |
Should be a magic or futuristic weapon
Electrostaff (5e Equipment) |
Should be a futuristic weapon, Kinetic is not a damage type, they're called Magna-Guard, not Magma Guards. Requires copyright disclaimer.
Element Specialist (NPC Class) (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Elemental Conduit (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Elemental Fist (5e Class) |
Elemental Manipulator (5e Class) |
Eliatrope (5e Class) |
This seems to be missing a wakfu derivative disclaimer? Also, why does the name Spatiomancer keep popping up here?
Eliatrope (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Elite Goblin (5e Creature) |
Nowhere near as strong as CR 16. 17:59, 23 October 2023 (MDT)
Ellstorr (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Eloquent Sage (5e Subclass) |
Sorcerers get subclass features at level 14 and 18, not 10, 16 or 20. Links to spells that don't exist. 18:47, 30 June 2024 (MDT)
Elven Ascendant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Embryon (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Emerald Knight Ring (5e Equipment) |
"Based on your wis save" what if you aren't a spellcaster?
Enchanted Lights (5e Equipment) |
How wide is the area that spirits can be revealed in. Can the spirits resist being seen via a saving throw? What are all the unique items? Feels more like magic items rather than tools.
Enchanted Receipt (5e Spell) |
Which classes can cast this spell?
User:Endermage77/Thaumaturge (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Energies (5e Creature) |
Missing hit points. Swarm isn't given a size. No passive Perception. Even if it has no attacks, it still needs a CR. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Engineer, Prestige Variant (5e Class) |
Introduction and class table are incomplete. Features don't say which level they are acquired at.
Engineer (5e Background) |
This is sorely lacking in fluff and questions to help a player flesh out their character. Backgrounds are one of the most flavorful parts of character creation, full of ribbons. The feature is good, but it feels a lot more generic than what the name of "engineer" suggests. There should be more flavor to explain connections between the proficiencies as well with the background concept.
Engineer (5e Class) |
This class has several dead levels.
Engram (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Eno - God of Destruction (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Enrapturing Presence (5e Feat) |
Needs a different name. See Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names. 07:13, 12 December 2024 (UTC)
Epic Character Abilities (5e Variant Rule) |
Erhart Trasdevan (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Escaped Experiment (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Essences (5e Creature) |
Lackluster description. The mechanics on linked equipment page are unexplained.
Estranged (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Eternal Rest (5e PlantFungi) |
Ethereal Assassin, Variant (5e Class) |
Missing the multiclassing information and the categorization.
Ettercap, Variant (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 20:43, 28 December 2023 (MST)
Everslayer (5e Class) |
This class doesn't feel quite fleshed out. It takes a lot from fighter and other official classes to just mash it all together, somewhat. There isn't a strong theme forming this class idea cohesively. Just saying everslayers are beings of intense motivation that have been wronged some way more just forces a backstory than give a solid class idea.
Evil Simon Says (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Ex-Mercenary (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Ex-Soldier (5e Class) |
Ex-Villain (5e Background) |
This is very lacking in fluff for a background. What makes this a justified background from something like a criminal? The idea of an ex-villain is also poorly fleshed out here. This sounds like it is specifically for someone that might have been a powerful BBEG and then suddenly decided to become an adventurer?
Exile (5e Background) |
This is sorely lacking in fleshing out and fluff for a background. Some of the things like language also don't exactly make sense. It seems to be geared for an elven or dwarven exile?
Expressed Resistance (5e Feat) |
The name should be changed (Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names).
Extra Wild Shape (5e Feat) |
The name should be changed (Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names).
Eye of Agony (5e Equipment) |
Incomplete. Missing SRD links. 19:11, 21 September 2024 (MDT)
Eye of Vitreous (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Eyebloom (5e Disease) |
For stage 5, there is a save to "retain your mind" but this doesn't really mean anything. What does succeeding the save mean? What does failing it mean? Does failing it mean you become a monster the DM now controls? Does succeeding mean the player now gets to play as a full blown beholder?
Eyes of Magnus (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Eyes of the Lord (5e Epic Boon) |
Is it intended that strain is held over the lifetime of the boon, or is it supposed to reset after a long rest. Either way, it needs to be explicitly stated as such. Consequence 1 is missing a damage type. Consequence 3 is a little vague. 2nd to last sentence of Consequences 4 is confusing. |
Long-winded and unwieldy. Simplify.
Eşkiya (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Fabric Blade (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Fabulous Killjoy (5e Background) |
Incomplete. No tables. 20:29, 16 December 2023 (MST)
Face Mask of Safe Breathing (5e Equipment) |
Magic items should use the 5e Wondrous Item Preload.
Factions and Organizations (Broadbarrel Supplement) |
Fair Folk (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Fairy-Human Hybrid (5e Race) |
Sorely lacking in fluff. Needs a bit more history to explain where they came from, how, and how they exist in the world. Incomplete RHW
Fairy Contractor (5e Class) |
Fallen Child (5e Background) |
No tables. 22:15, 16 December 2023 (MST)
Fallen Human, Color Wheel Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
False Knight (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
False Vampire (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Famanecis (5e Disease) |
A page just created is rarely finished. When it is complete, remove this tag.
Familiar - Fox (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Familier (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Fanatic (5e Class) |
Subclasses and some class features are incomplete
Fanged Tower Shield (5e Equipment) |
Extremely messy to read, mechanics involving planting and recovering the shield should be a single trait, attunement restrictions should be in the attunement section.
Fate's Finality (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Fate's Intervention (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Fate Manipulator (5e Class) |
Almost complete, lack of balance tests
Fear's Vessel (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Feared (5e Background) |
See talk page
Fearful (5e Background) |
This is not a background concept. How does this help a player explain who their character was before they were adventuring? "Oh, yeah I'm fearful." Ok, but what were you? Just fearful? Just an adjective? Needs a better idea to be worked into, as this doesn't stand on its own at all.
Feat Design (5e Guideline) |
As a community guideline, this page will forever be incomplete. Feel free to jump in and add your wisdom and insight to the community's standards!!
Feline of Fate (5e Creature) |
No Fluff.
Felineling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Female Valhalian (5e Race) |
Missing entire sections from the race preload, void of fluff that makes a race.
Fencing Instruction (5e Equipment) |
If this is a downtime activity, it should be formatted as one. Mechanically, this fits more closely with feats like Heavily Armored rather than something an average party can get for the cost of a single set of plate armor.
Fenrirborn's Full-Morph (5e Creature) |
If a fenrirborn is a homebrew creature it should be linked. 18:41, 3 January 2024 (MST)
Ferretkin (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Fey'ri Tiefling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Fey Squirrel (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Fe’se (5e Race) |
no fluff
Fidget Guns (5e Equipment) |
Clearly a magic item, but doesn't use the 5e Magic Weapon Preload (through what mundane means do tricks cause a weapon to deal more damage?). Lacks the (properly implemented) ammunition and loading/reload properties, and the Renaissance/modern category.
Field Specialist (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Fiendfeller (5e Equipment) |
Magic items need to use 5e Magic Weapon Preload.
Fighter, Pathfinder Edition (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Fighter Rebalanced (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Fire Soul (5e Race) |
Sections of the page are missing (history, RHW)
Firebender (5e Class) |
Please do not edit until I have a chance to remove this stub
Firewave (5e Creature) |
First Wife (5e Creature) |
Missing Fluff. Creatures don't use second-person language when describing their actions and traits (you and yours). 04:16, 2 November 2024 (MDT)
Fisherman, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
User:Fivuney |
Fixateur Coloré (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Fixer (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Flamberge (5e Equipment) |
This is a copy of the shortsword in the SRD. 16:36, 26 May 2024 (MDT)
Flame Atronach (5e Race) |
The fluff on this race is very lacking. How can one incorporate this into their world? What culture and history does this race have? Many racial traits are incomplete or missing. Incomplete H&W table.
Flame Guardian (5e Creature) |
This is just a buffed 5e SRD:Fire Elemental.
Flaming Black Prior (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Fleece of Fragile Fortitude (5e Class Feature) |
Missing action type required to use this invocation.
Flow Kelp (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Fluffles (5e Creature) |
No description.
Flèche Chromatique Snaraach (5e Spell) |
Who can cast this spell? 18:57, 12 October 2023 (MDT)
Foot Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
For DMs (Notjhurr Setting) |
Incomplete. As I add to Notjhurr, there will be elements that need explaining here, and then I will explain them here.
Forbidden Art of The World Ender (5e Class) |
No subclasses. Missing multiclassing information. What's parry (Forbidden Art of Tranquil souls)? Incomplete.
Force Projector (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Force Speed (5e Spell) |
Not castable by any standard class, and not connected to a specific campaign setting.
Forgotten (5e Background) |
This could use a bit of narrowing. Being forgotten is a bit more of a bond option within a more refined background. It doesn't adequately describe what a character was and what they did before adventuring, and the options provided further show just how overly generic this can be, applicable to other backgrounds rather than constituting one itself. More questions are also needed to explain this. Are you literally just someone that outlived everyone that remembered them somehow (you might just be an ancient one)? Are you the result of some curse that wiped people's minds (you might be a cursed)? Or are you just so bland and forgettable (I think that's a feature in another background). The lack of structure to the background also makes me question why this gets so many proficiencies. There's not a strong connection to the ones not listed within the specialty table.
Formicrex (Humanoid Giant Ant) (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Fragment (5e Race) |
H&W table is incomplete. This race has no flavor in terms of racial traits. It's only 5 ASI, swimming speed, and Superior Darkvision.
Fremen Warrior (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Fright-o-Lantern (5e Creature) |
No Fluff.
Froggage (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff. They all look the same, but what exactly do they look like?
Frost Giant (5e Race) |
Frost Walker (5e Creature) |
No Fluff.
Fulgurmancer (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Furry, Variant (5e Race) |
Sparse Fluff. Pheromone is GM determined. Incomplete H&W table.
Fusion Rifle (5e Equipment) |
"Elemental" is not a damage type in 5e (description doesn't adequately explain what specific damage type this deals or if it can be changed). Futuristic weapons typically don't have a cost.
Fusions |
This isn't a skill. Skills are things like Perception or Stealth, while this appears to be a class feature. 05:16, 17 May 2024 (MDT)
GUN Loader (5e Creature) |
No description
Gamma Abomination (5e Class) |
The table progression does not match the individual features. Slightly incomplete introduction. Missing multiclassing information and appropriate class tags.
Gangplank (League of Legends Supplement) |
Garbling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Garden Gnome, Variant 2 (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Gariff Castle (5e Quest) |
Garlic Mushroom (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Garlic Shaman (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Gas Mask, Variant (5e Equipment) |
This is a copy of Gas Mask (5e Equipment) with a picture. 13:08, 1 February 2024 (MST)
Gashadokuro (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Gauntlet Shield (5e Equipment) |
Unclear how exactly this would be constructed, likely redundant content (see Buckler, Fantasy (5e Equipment)).
Gavel, Variant (5e Equipment) |
This needs to either become a magic item and generalized to be more widely applicable than a single class feature, or described in the class feature that grants it, preferably the latter.
Gel, Variant (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Gelatinous Cube (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Geling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Gem Galaxies GemKind (5e Race) |
History and Society need to be, in different words, summarized from the external website. Some traits are incomplete. Incomplete Height & Weight tables.
Gem Kind (5e Race) |
Is this finished? Or are there rules to be attached here, like with fusion?
Gemwarden (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide. |
This class is rule heavy, be advised when using. For guidance, seek out your DM.
Genasi, 2nd Variant (5e Race) |
General (5e Class) |
General Radahn (5e Creature) |
Missing actions, legendary actions and lore.
Generic Kekkei Genkai Shinobi (Shinobi World Supplement) |
Many jutsu are lacking refinement (lots of extraneous wording, no DC, no listed range, no damage bonus or average). I'm also unsure how many average, unnamed shinobi have access to 3 different KG.
Genlawer, the Endless Maw (5e Quest) |
Geode (5e Hazard) |
This seems more like a Creature page. Where do you find this hazard?
Geodite (5e Race) |
There are no history or society sections, and the personality area was left blank. If not in use, delete it. The fluff sections for history and society are required for races to be better fleshed out and integrated into a game setting. Incomplete H&W table.
George, Son of Tiamat (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Ghani (5e Race) |
Incomplete Height and Weight table. What does it mean to call upon mother earth? This is the rule page. 22 feet for a player character likely goes over even Large Player Characters (5e Variant Rule). As per needsblance, the vagueness for traits is pervasive.
Ghost Projection (5e Spell) |
Which classes can cast this spell? 13:37, 5 November 2023 (MST)
Ghostblade (5e Class) |
It has little to no fluff. What makes them look different from a Fighter with a sword then?
Ghoulsteed (5e Creature) |
Missing CR and description.
Giant Constrictor Snake (5e Creature) |
Missing CR and description.
Giant Gavel (5e Equipment) |
This needs to either become a magic item and generalized to be more widely applicable than a single class feature, or described in the class feature that grants it, preferably the latter.
Giant Hermit Crab (5e Creature) |
Missing CR and description. Shell defense is somewhat confusing.
Giant brush (5e Equipment) |
Special property is barely described, and nearly unusable.
Gichi (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Giraffekin (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Glendale (5e Race) |
Only has 1 subrace. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Glimorian (5e Creature) |
Missing almost all relevant statistics. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Glimorian (5e Race) |
This is a WIP, per below. This is also not written in English.
Glitch (5e Race) |
This lacks the fluff necessary for a race per the race preload.
Glitched (5e Race) |
The history and society sections could use more work. H&W table is incomplete.
Glitched NPC (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Glob of Chaos (5e Equipment) |
Glorious Executioner (5e Class) |
no fluff on the subclass descriptions
GlorpShlorp (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Glutton (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Gnome Pepper Shotgun (5e Equipment) |
Properties are nonsensical (burst fire doesn't have a field, "small" isn't a valid property without any variant rules, if it takes 3000 shots to run out of ammo why even have the reload property in the first place instead of the ammunition property). What about this weapon is integrally gnomish? Description lacks any detail that can't be gleaned from the page name.
God Statue (5e Trap) |
Severely lacking in both fluff and mechanics, all wording is vague enough to be unusable
Golem Dragon (5e Creature) |
Lacking description. How is the golem dragon different from other golems? 17:47, 30 December 2023 (MST)
Gorelock (5e Class) |
Gosu (5e Class) |
Gourd (5e Equipment) |
So every 4 hours you can either gain exhaustion or gain no benefit? There's no description of "total concentration breathing", and it's not linked to anything.
Gourmet Dragon Scaler (5e Equipment) |
This is clearly a magic weapon, but doesn't use the 5e Magic Weapon Preload. 5e doesn't have a "threat range" term (see 5e SRD:Fighter#Champion for how such a thing should be worded), and even assuming how this is meant to work, critting on an 18, 19, and 20 would be far too powerful for a mundane weapon (as in Champion, even just getting it to 18 is a 15th level feature).
The labeled special property doesn't use anything even remotely close to base 5e (+3 to what? What is a "profession" in game terms? What is the "Cook" class? If there is a homebrew class this is intended to work with, can we get a link? What "advantages" do I get when "using a skill"? That last point sounds like a specific class getting advantage on all skill checks, which I sure hope is not the case.
Grab Pack (5e Equipment) |
Effects are usually limited by turns or minutes, not seconds. The fireball doesn't list a range. What is a jump pad? Does having the purple hand equipped protect you from fall damage all the time or just when using a jump pack? This item should have a rarity higher than common. 22:23, 3 February 2024 (MST)
Grand Sand Mausoleum Seal (5e Spell) |
Missing school, and appropriate casters. The 1 action clause doesn't work well as a general spell that can be cast by many classes.
Grandiloquo (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Gravekeeper (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Great Inventor (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Great Marshal (5e Creature) |
A copy of Aurora Captain (5e Creature). 23:54, 3 October 2023 (MDT)
Great Spirit (5e Race) |
Allowing race to be Large, not to mention Huge requires attaching rules and implications of such size for a creature, as none such rules exist in 5e dnd.
Greater Colddrake (5e Creature) |
Hit points and passive Perception aren't calculated correctly. 15:37, 5 October 2023 (MDT)
Greater Devil (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Greater Dragonfly (5e Race) |
Bland, without adequate fluff?
Greater Shadow (5e Spell) |
Greater Summon Monster Limb (5e Spell) |
Greater clay golem (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Greatest Colddrake (5e Creature) |
Hit points and passive Perception aren't calculated correctly. 15:36, 5 October 2023 (MDT)
Greatsword of Self (5e Equipment) |
Without any mechanical effects, this might as well be a common item. Sentience section is missing the item's alignment; Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability scores; languages and means of communication.
GreenRoost (5e Quest) |
Green Nude Eel (5e Creature) |
Slicing isn't a damage type. You don't make a save vs anything and the saves don't have a DC. The legendary actions and passive Perception are incorrect.
Grenade, Scream (5e Equipment) |
Description is lacking. How does it "[have] screams? Is it magical/modern tech? Why does it deal psychic damage?
Grexl's Staff (5e Equipment) |
You don't have points of exhaustion, you have levels. Reactions need to be made in response to something. You can't have resistance to a condition. Missing SRD links. 17:00, 17 August 2024 (MDT)
Grey Jedi (5e Class) |
no description
Grimm Kin (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Guard, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Guardian, Variant 2 (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Guardian Cat (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Guardian Skywatcher (5e Creature) |
What does the Propellers feature do? 01:09, 27 August 2024 (MDT)
Guardians, Variant (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff. A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Guild Design (5e Guideline) |
As a community guideline, this page will forever be incomplete. Feel free to jump in and add your wisdom and insight to the community's standards!!
Guild Design Preload |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Gun-Gladius (5e Equipment) |
Range doesn't fit 5e's 1:3 firearm range ratio, formatting is a mess that leaves far too much up to "you figure it out" (see NRS-2 (5e Equipment) or Gunblade, Variant (5e Equipment) for some examples on how a gunblade should be formatted. Potentially redundant content given Combination Weapons (5e Variant Rule).
Gun (5e Spell) |
Incomplete. See Spell Design (5e Guideline) if you need help.
Gungnir, Spear of Odin (5e Equipment) |
This should be an artifact. 02:24, 5 October 2024 (MDT)
Gunman Pilot (5e Class) |
This class is currently a work in progress. Please make no edits until it is finished. The class is in a finished state, however balancing and feats will be worked on.
Gus the Great (5e Creature) |
Hit point calculation is missing. Acorn is not a damage type. Attack and damage rolls for the attacks are incorrect. 01:17, 2 November 2024 (MDT)
Gyfon (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Gym Rat (5e Background) |
This is a very small amount of fluff and a slightly narrow concept that would need to be expanded to become a real background, considering this is the flavorful part of characters in 5e. The flavor that is here is also very narrow in terms of how it already gives you a defined character, rather than more options to expand on.
Hachishakusama (5e Creature) |
This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 03:05, 5 May 2024 (MDT)
Hacker (5e Class) |
nonexistent fluff, the class is made without any subclasses and no writer to inform this is as it should, if it's not meant to be this broken then it's just greatly uunfinished. I suggest reading 5e Class Design Guide before making a class.
Hades Magnum (5e Equipment) |
Magic items use second-person language ("you" and "your" rather than "the creature" or "the wielder"). When using Cold Blood, it's better not to have Extra Attack, as the maximum number of extra attacks is four (only available to a level 20 fighter) while the maximum proficiency bonus is +6, which every character can have and is reached at level 17. Missing SRD links. 02:45, 14 February 2024 (MST)
Hag Child (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Haistdyr (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Haki User (5e Class) |
Incomplete. Missing the footer.
Half-Alv (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Half-Demogorgon (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Half-Lizardfolk (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Half-Ogre, Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Half-Oni, Variant 2 (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Half-Tabaxi (5e Race) |
Incomplete. Lacks adequate Fluff and categories. Incomplete H&W table.
Hanma Descendant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Hanma Right of Passage (5e Feat) |
Needs a better name. See Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names 19:00, 27 April 2024 (MDT)
Harbinger (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Harold Stonefist (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. Missing description.
Harrowed Bloodsinger (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Haruta Shigemo (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Harvester (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Hashira (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Hastulluh, Demigod Anathema |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Hastulluh, Yuan-ti Anathema (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Hat of Tricks (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Hate Plague (5e Disease) |
A page just created is rarely finished. When it is complete, remove this tag.
Haven the Desolate Calamity (5e Creature) |
Medium creatures have d8 hit dice, not d66. Missing SRD links. No Fluff. 06:06, 8 May 2024 (MDT)
Head Hunter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Heart-filled Sacrifice (5e Feat) |
What does this feat even do? How much do you increase your hit point maximum by? What does "sacrificing our AC" mean? 17:04, 1 November 2024 (MDT)
Heavenly Host (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Heavy Blaster Pistol (5e Equipment) |
5e doesn't use "credits". Missing Star Wars Template:Copyright Disclaimer and Futuristic category.
Heavy Blaster Rifle (5e Equipment) |
Is this for a specific science fiction campaign? What is a credit? Force damage is "pure magical energy", so is this a magical weapon?
Heavy Bowcaster (5e Equipment) |
5e doesn't use "credits". Missing Star Wars Template:Copyright Disclaimer and Futuristic category. 5e doesn't have a "strength" weapon property.
Heavyweight (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Helldiver (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Hellhunter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Hemo Detection (5e Spell) |
Not usable by any official class.
Hempen Doll (Ranni the Witch) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Herald of the Burning Sky (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Herbal Brewer (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Hermit's Sanctum (5e Spell) |
The spell's duration is only 1 minute, yet you can stay in the sanctum for up to 24 hours. 17:41, 8 June 2024 (MDT)
Hero of the Wild (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Heroic Spirit, 2nd Variant (5e Class) |
Hex Mage (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Hidden (5e Background) |
This is too broad of a concept for a background. It can describe several first part backgrounds and doesn't really help in developing a character and who they were before adventuring. Needs a tighter, cohesive identity
Higher Human (5e Subrace) |
This is a witch? But why is the page something else entirely? Also, a witch kind of fits more as a class, like a sorcerer. Is this a joke race?
Hinotenu (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Hippocampus (5e Race) |
The fluff on this race is very sparse. How exactly do these creatures just float on land? Also, what is this custom language they have?
Hissatsu Soccer Player (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Hive (5e Creature) |
What are the reactions reacting to? Legendary actions don't work like that.
Hobbling Zombie (5e Creature) |
Missing CR and description.
Hocotatian (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Hollow One (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Hollow Shinigami (5e Class) |
Incomplete introduction, and multiclassing information.
Hollowing (5e Disease) |
A page just created is rarely finished. When it is complete, remove this tag.
Homestuck Player Full Caster (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Honor's Call, Variant (5e Equipment) |
Hoorn (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Hornless Diamon (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Horror Mass (5e Creature) |
Missing hit dice. Launch doesn't do anything. Oozify should be part of the bite attack. Attack and damage modifiers for the attacks are incorrect. 06:38, 10 December 2024 (UTC)
Horsesroh (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
House Fairy (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
House Worker (5e Background) |
This needs a lot more fluff as backgrounds need a lot of meat to explain what players did and why they are adventuring. Some more interesting tables for types of house workers would be nice and explain things like why you get animal handling as a skill. Refer to quality or featured article backgrounds for example content.
Huggy Wuggy (5e Creature) |
Too many skills, slap attack is superflous, average damage for the attacks are wrong. The Jumpscare legendary action itself doesn't really make sense as a legendary action as it's pretty much a one-time thing. 15:21, 16 February 2024 (MST)
Huggys (5e Creature) |
Way too many skills. What does False Appearance make the huggy appear as? You don't make Constitution (Perception) saving throws. 02:25, 22 November 2024 (MST)
Human, Martial Master (5e Race) |
Mechanically and name-wise, this is an odd concept for a race. Wouldn't a variant human with Fighting Initiative or Tough make more sense (and be functionally identical and marginally more balanced)? Lore-wise, nothing about this race's mechanics do anything to represent that "they cannot differentiate between friend and enemy" (which kinda feels like this could also just be a flavored human barbarian PC), and couldn't any race be able to get this "power of the devil" (which kind? is this for a non-standard setting?) as a feat/boon/curse?
Human Martial, Variant (5e Race) |
Is this supposed to be a race variant? The fluff is far too lacking to warrant a whole race page
Hunter (5e Background) |
The amount of fluff for a background here is pathetic. This is supposed to be the most ribbon-portion of character creation in this edition. There are no questions or any good fleshing out for a character to be made here. The specializations are also better off as personality traits.
Hunter (5e Class) |
missing creating a... section, 'hunter's weapon' is not a weapon type
Hunter (Bloodborne) (5e Class) |
I am currently seeking people that can help me balance this class, if you are interested simply leave a comment, thanks for the help!.
Hybrid (5e Race) |
This doesn't really constitute a race. It's a mix-and-match template? The fluff (or lack thereof) is telling.
Hybrid Subclasses (5e Variant Rule) |
Hypercharge User (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Hypno Queen (5e Class) |
Incomplete. Missing class features. 20:31, 31 May 2024 (MDT)
Ice Genasi (5e Race) |
Unfinished portions of lore. If this is supposed to be a version of official content, consider making this a subrace or race variant instead of an entire race.
Ice Mage (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Icris (5e Creature) |
All the features and attacks are blank. 10:36, 23 March 2025 (UTC)
Igniforge (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ignis (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help. No Fluff. 18:48, 28 July 2024 (MDT)
Iiada the Betrayed (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Immortal (5e Background) |
This disclaimer mentions an optional rule, which is absent. There is only a variant feature. Overall, the flavor is incredibly lacking, just saying that a character cannot die. That does not make a background.
Immunity (5e Creature) |
Hit point calculation is incorrect. Traits need work.
Imp Cat (5e Race) |
Imperial Combat Mage (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Imperial Ghoul (5e Race) |
This race will probably never be finished. It will be a work in progress for a long time. I am soliciting edits to this race. This race is a primary antagonist to humans and elves. If you are unsure about whether something fits in, please discuss this on the talk page.
Imperial Legion (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Implosion (5e Spell) |
Improved Find Familiar (5e Spell) |
Spells in 5e don't scale with character level. At Higher Levels section is a garbled mess. 06:40, 10 December 2024 (UTC)
Inertial Armor (5e Spell) |
Is this a 1st-level spell or a 2nd-level spell? 21:09, 6 November 2023 (MST)
Infested (5e Class) |
Infestrum (5e Creature) |
Missing some fields. Missing the CR. Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Infinity (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Inheritor (DndNext Sorcerer Variant) (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Initiate of the Fire Emblem (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Inkmaster (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Inquisitor (5e Class) -Tabula |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Insect Human (5e Class) |
Some subclass features are missing names.
Insect Shaman (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Instinct Fighter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Intergalactic Hunter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Internal Flame (5e Spell) |
What kind of save do you make against the spell? 22:40, 8 October 2024 (MDT)
Internecion Cube (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Intertwiner (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Inugami (5e Race) |
At some point this will need moving to Inugami (5e Race)
Inumaki Word Variant Rise (5e Spell) |
Which classes can cast this spell?
Inverted Cane of Heaven (5e Equipment) |
What does this weapon's special property do? 12:57, 14 November 2023 (MST)
Invoker (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Ion Cannon (5e Equipment) |
Magic items should use the 5e Magic Item Preload (see Glass Cannon (5e Equipment)).
Iop (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ioulaum (5e Creature) |
Missing SRD links. 03:01, 8 April 2024 (MDT)
Ironblood Commander (5e Creature) |
Seems to be build off a character, needs to use standard creature typologies. Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Isekai Slime (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff. Incomplete Names and H&W table. |
See Plasmoid (5e Race)
Island Defenders (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Itemship (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Iterator (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ixtal Assassin (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Ixtal Dancer (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Jack-of-all-classes (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Jacket of Holding (5e Equipment) |
If this is just a renamed/reflavoured Bag of Holding (and made common instead of uncommon), then I'm not sure what the point is.
Jade Dragon Hatchling (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Jade Emperor (5e Class) |
Jango Fett (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Jengu (5e Race) |
Incomplete Height & weight table.
Jet Pilot (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
John Larsen (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Johyo (5e Creature) |
Hit points are incorrect. Actions need to be improved.
Jubilex (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Judgement, the High Prosecutor (5e Deity) |
next to no fluff or essential information
Juggernaut (5e Race) |
The lack of history, attitudes, and their naming process implies these guys are less suited for player characters and are more like enemy soldiers or just only guards...
Jujutsu Sorcerer (My Variant) (5e Class) |
So, parts of this are obviously copied off of Jujutsu Sorcerer (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement). It also seems like it should be a part of some supplement or other source than a standalone 5e class. Also, are the stat blocks of the creatures for this actually all complete?
Jungle Gnome (5e Subrace) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Jute Sack of Stupidity (5e Equipment) |
Consistently refers to AC as CA. What does It's like not wearing it target? 04:02, 12 August 2024 (MDT)
Kamen Rider, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Karakuri Thread Hunter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Karz'zad (5e Environment) |
There isn't a whole lot here. 18:28, 26 December 2023 (MST)
Kasatha (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Kashima Reiko (5e Creature) |
This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 03:04, 5 May 2024 (MDT)
Kenji, Master of the Speed (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Kenji, Samurai Master (5e Creature) |
Effects don't change ability score modifiers in 5e. What is the elemental katana? If it is a custom item, it should be linked. 05:05, 29 May 2024 (MDT)
Kenny's Energy Field. (5e Spell) |
Keystone (5e Race) |
This race is a "WIP" as per below.
Killer, Rogue Subclass (5e Subclass) |
Work in Progress.
Killling Edge (5e Equipment) |
This is just a Vicious saber.
Killman (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Killy Demon (5e Creature) |
Barely any description; do not know what this thing looks like, where it's from, are they solitary or act in groups, etc.
Kindred (5e Class) |
01:42, 1 September 2024 (MDT)
Kindred (5e WoD Supplement) |
Kineticist - A Proper Port (5e Class) |
King of Babylonia (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
King of Heroes, Variant (5e Class) |
Being Reworked
King of Heroes (5e Class) |
Being Reworked
King of Ruins (5e Creature) |
How can a dead creature make a saving throw? 14:07, 19 September 2024 (MDT)
King of the Abyss (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Kingdom Hearts (5e Campaign Setting) |
Kinggangster (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Kinling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Kirbykin (5e Race) |
This article has minimal fluff for description, history, etc. H&W table is incomplete.
Kissy Missy (5e Creature) |
Hit points are incorrect.
Kit Fisto (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Kito (5e Race) |
Kitril (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Kitsune, 4th Variant (5e Race) |
Incomplete RHW
Kjerre (5e Creature) |
Extremely lacking Fluff for a demon lord. 19:16, 21 July 2024 (MDT)
Klónos (5e Race) |
Missing adequate features.
Knight Radiant (5e Class) |
Kobold, 4th Variant (5e Race Variant) |
The traits for this are just a slightly mixed (and buffed) version of the 2nd variant
Kokushibou Slayer (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Koopa, 2nd Variant (5e Race) |
Missing all the fluff.
Koopaling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Kratos (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Kro (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Kroog (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Kuchisake Onna (5e Creature) |
This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 03:05, 5 May 2024 (MDT)
Kvistr (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Kyle's Jar of Bees (5e Equipment) |
If this is just a plain jar of plain bees (is it bees or wasps?), wouldn't it fit better as 5e Adventuring Gear than a magic item?
Kyozu (5e Race) |
Cute, but it sounds more like a monster than a player race. The fluff is also kind of lacking. The flavor doesn't connect very well, either. This creature is made of three creatures, but each creature is actually one of the subraces?? Also, is this supposed to be april fools?
LAIs (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
LAW (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
La'raad the Divinity-Devourer (5e Creature) |
If La'raad the Powerconsuming is an alternate stat block, it should be linked. 14:07, 6 December 2023 (MST)
Labours (5e Variant Rule) |
More labors must be added. Ideally 10 different labors would exist for each ability score, forming a climbable ladder from 10 to 30.
Laid Doll (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Larger on the Inside (5e Spell) |
Incomplete. How does the actual room size work for game mechanics?
Lawyer (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Leafeon (5e Race) |
Derivative content disclaimer needed
League of Legends (5e Campaign Setting) |
Leech Devil(Chainsaw man Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Leechgrave (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Leman Russ Battletank (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Lepidoptera (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Lepidosai (5e Race) |
Leshy, Nature Children Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Levels and Attributes (The Elder Scrolls Supplement) |
Magicka is incomplete.
Leviathan Guardian (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Levran (5e Environment) |
What is Toril? What is the colony like? What are the unique plants and minerals and creatures? What are the rurguns like? What is stone rash? What happens if you breathe the atmosphere without protection? How can you get to Levran? That's for starters.
Librarian of Stolen Souls (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Liestrum Vendris (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. Missing spell level slots available, has no actions besides spellcasting, and missing description.
Lifeweaver (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Light Katana (5e Equipment) |
How exactly can a melee weapon be "rapid" in its own right? If the special property is how a light-weight weapon functions uniquely, shouldn't every light weapon get this property (maybe as a variant rule or fighting style instead of as a singular weapon)? Isn’t a light katana just a wakizashi?
Light Knight (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Lightning Warrior (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Lillith (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Limit Breaker (5e Spell) |
Lingering Injuries and Massive Damage (5e Variant Rule) |
Severe lack of formatting (could definitely use a table). Isn't this basically what's in the DMG (pg. 272), but slightly over-complicated/under-described in places (for instance, introducing a new damage type just to deal passive damage/most effects do not have a frequency)?
Little Nightmare (5e Race) |
Missing Physical Description and History sections.
Livador (5e Disease) |
A page just created is rarely finished. When it is complete, remove this tag.
Living Curse (5e Class) |
Currently nearly completely functional up to 2nd level.
TODO in order:
-Archetype features at 3rd level
-Make base mechanics more comprehensible
-Figure out Wards
-More curse effects (48-59/75?)
-Some curse effects need scaling
-More evolutions (12-13/20?)
-Archetype features at 7th level
-Feature for 13th level
-Archetype features at 15th level
-Feature for 17th level
-Look-over and cleanup
-Balance and playtesting pass
Living Mundarian Shop (5e Creature) |
The saves and hit points are incorrect.
Living Pinata (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Living Slime (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff.
Living Spellbook (5e Race) |
Sections missing below for fluff and better information on race.
Lock (5e Equipment) |
This should be reworked as a magic weapon. 13:06, 15 February 2024 (MST)
Lone Soldier (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Longsword of Penance (5e Equipment) |
What is scorching damage? Missing unique description (handle, blade, sheath, wrapping, tassels, etc.). What happens if the creature using it would reach 0 maximum hit points? Missing rarity.
Lord Paladin (5e Class) |
unfinished. Why does this have d12 instead of normal paladin d10? Why does that reference subclasses from fighter class, when you must be lvl 20 paladin? Why are there class features in level advancement table which are not described at all? Not to mention 5e does not support levels above 20, so without additional rules for that(which are not provided nor linked) this page is nonsensical at best. Literally nonexistent fluff
Lord of the Crimson (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Loreborn (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Lost in the Elements (5e Quest) |
Lovers (5e Subclass) |
A subclass for all classes doesn't follow any progression. Maybe try a background?
Lovian (5e Race) |
Incomplete H&W table.
Luciel (5e Class) |
Lucky Block (5e Equipment) |
Tables are incomplete. Feel free to add to the tables as long as the additions are not overpowered.
Lull (5e Deity) |
Luminary (5e Class) |
Lunagros (5e Campaign Setting) |
Lunar Stalker (5e Creature) |
Ability scores can't be higher than 30. Passive Perception is incorrect. The proficiency bonus of a CR 23 creature is +7, not +10 and they don't grant 1,000,000 XP when defeated. Bravery is not a skill. Is Teleport a bonus action or a legendary action? The additional damage granted by Mutilation should be included in the attacks. Infernal is the language of devils, Abyssal is the language of demons. 19:02, 14 May 2024 (MDT)
Lustrous, Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Lustrous (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Lux (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
MLM Owner (5e Background) |
An MLM owner seems like a very specific kind of merchant based on a certain business model. While it can definitely be generalized more, the fluff here seems very specific to some kind of a general con man. It doesn't really explain MLM owners or how MLM works, and could use some more options and examples so people can better fit this into a game at the table.
Maca Warforge (5e Equipment) |
No usable content.
Machamp (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mad Inventor (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Made by the Gods (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Madman of Zaun (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide. Also, if this is based on League of Legends, it should have a derivative disclaimer.
Maelstrom (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Mafioso (5e Background) |
This concept of a mafioso seems overly narrow. The fluff is able to be used for any pawn-like type of role, honestly, being very general. Aside from small mentions of the godfather, this seems like an incomplete idea of a background. It would be more interesting to expand on the well-known facets of mafioso life, like the family and traditions. See how pages like the squire handle being a unique kind of pawn.
Mag Dump (5e Feat) |
The name should be changed (Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names). Could probably use a second pass for balance, too.
Magi-gladiator (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Magic Blood (5e Background) |
Missing suggested characteristics, ideals, bonds and flaws. 18:27, 16 June 2024 (MDT)
Magic Crafter (5e Subclass) |
Subclass features are missing flavorful names. What does it mean to maximize effects.
Magic Forsaken (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff.
Magic Marksman, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Magic Numbers of 5e (5e Guideline) |
This page is currently under construction.
Magic Paint (5e Equipment) |
Even by name, this is a magic item that should be using the 5e Wondrous Item Preload (which would also let you go full Looney Tunes with it).
Magical Born (5e Class) |
The page needs to be moved to match the class's title. Missing the subclasses.
Magical Girl Villan (5e Subclass) |
Features are underexplained and often come across as suggestions to be clarified by the GM. Features are missing the levels they are granted at. Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help. If this subclass is designed for a homebrew class, it should be merged with that page and this page should be {{delete}}d.
Magician (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Magma Dragon (5e Creature) |
See talk page. 00:45, 31 December 2023 (MST)
Magnet (5e Equipment) |
Misleading title. How can a special kind of arrow be "taken" multiple times? How can a magnet be strong enough to move 65+ lbs. of metal from up to 10 ft. away but weak enough to be resisted more times than not by an average person and light enough to be attached to an arrow?
Magnorites (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Main Battle Tank (5e Creature) |
An equipment item is more appropriate than this being a creature. As a creature is this acceptable if it's a creature using the equipment.
Majorelle (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Maki Zenin, Perfect Preparation (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Manflayer (5e Creature) |
Mangani (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mannequin Curse (5e Creature) |
This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 03:05, 5 May 2024 (MDT)
Mantis Blade (5e Equipment) |
Properties are nonsensical, probably needs the modern or futuristic category. Description is heavily lacking as far as explaining what this is for any players who haven't played CP2077. 5e doesn't have a "Climbing" skill.
Mantis Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Manx (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
March of the Dead (5e Equipment) |
Do the three creatures need to have a combined CR lesser than or equal to your proficiency bonus or can they each have a CR lesser than or equal to your proficiency bonus? 06:18, 15 December 2024 (UTC)
Marines, Halo Variant 2 (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Marionette, Variant (5e Class) |
Missing multiclassing information. Spell list is empty.
Marshmellon (5e Race) |
Incomplete H&W table.
Martial Artist (Baki Supplement) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Martial Arts (5e Class) |
Marvin The Martian (5e Creature) |
No CR, no hit points, no ability scores, no description.
Mask Maker (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Masked Man (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Masked Warrior, Variant (5e Class) |
Mass Sand Burial (5e Spell) |
Missing school, appropriate casters, and concentration time. Why force two saving throws instead of imposing disadvantage? Missing 9d8 damage type.
Master Chef (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Master Chef (5e Equipment) |
This seems to be a magic item using the mundane item preload. 04:49, 13 June 2024 (MDT)
Master Haggler (5e Feat) |
Flat decreases to item prices are problematic at best, should instead grant bonuses to Persuasion when haggling
Master Of The Flying Blade (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Master Sword, Variant (5e Equipment) |
Missing links. This should be split into multiple equipment pages. 13:55, 27 February 2024 (MST)
Master of Distance (5e Class) |
lack subclasses. the level in which the feature is gained should be on the feature's text (for example: " At 4th level, you...feature description " instead of being on the title
Master of Time (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Material Control (5e Spell) |
Materialiste (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Matsugaia (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Matterweaver (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Mechanical Guard (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Medium Shield (5e Equipment) |
Description doesn't put this as anything other than a normal shield. Why would a certain shield teach you a particular stance (such a thing is usually a fighting style or maybe subclass feature).
Medium Starship Medical Bay (5e Equipment) |
This appears to be unfinished.
Meebkin (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Megoi (5e Creature) |
Which spells can the megoi cast? 16:01, 18 January 2024 (MST)
Melano (5e Subrace) |
If you can have this subrace tacked onto anything, it should link to a variant rule for racial templates or something similar. Bad Eyesight exists to be negated by wearing glasses?
Melee Creation (5e Creature) |
Lacking adequate fluff.
Mentally Built (5e Feat) |
Feats normally have an ability score requirement of 13. This feat increases your Wisdom score but doesn't state how much it increases it. 03:12, 21 June 2024 (MDT)
Mermaid (5e Race) |
Needs RHW table & society section. Fluff is also quite lacking for such an iconic creature.
Merslug (5e Race) |
Incomplete RHW. Are these Humanoid Type?
Mesmerist (5e Class) |
Needs a spell list.
Meteor Giant (5e Creature) |
Hit points and ability score modifiers are incorrect. Meteor Rock is not a damage type.
Mewling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mezzana Batfolk (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Michael (5e Deity) |
The domain "Fire" does not exist in 5e. Also bad link to image and poor grammar.
Mighty Steed (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Milk Maiden (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Mill (5e Equipment) |
Needs formatting correctly. Buildings should have an associated Construction Time for use with the Building a Stronghold downtime activity.
Mime, Skill Hunter Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Mimic Changeling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mind Defense (5e Feat) |
The name should be changed (Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names).
Minicritter (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 15:42, 6 January 2024 (MST)
Minor Creation (5e Spell) |
Minor Knife Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Minor Wolf Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Minotaur Servant of Baphomet (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Mirage Cat (5e Creature) |
User:MoDuckyMo/Shaman (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Mob of Villagers (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Mobius (5e Campaign Setting) |
Mocking Bird Occultist (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear (5e Equipment) |
Work in Progress
Molehuman (5e Race) |
Incomplete H&W table. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Momentum Leech (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Mommy Long-Legs (5e Creature) |
Constitution (Perception) saving throws do not exist in 5e. 01:37, 8 February 2024 (MST)
Monk, Rework (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Monster Design Variability (5e Variant Rule) |
This does not appear complete and reliable in practice. See talk page.
Monster Hunter (5e Class) |
Monstrosity (5e Class) |
Missing subclasses
Moodhog (5e Creature) |
The emotion forms need work.
Moon Druid: Baldur's Gate 3 Edition (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Moon Knight (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Moon River (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Moonlight Folk (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Moonlord (5e Class) |
empty levels
Moral Anti-Realism (5e Background) |
This is just a personal philosophy. That alone does not a background make. It says nothing about what your character did before adventuring. Furthermore, 5e already has 2 different alignments for creatures that do not choose Good or Evil: "unaligned" and "neutral". The "ascended" alignment is pointless.
Mordeo (5e Creature) |
How does the mordeo become bound to a creature? If it is an action, it should be listed. 18:25, 28 October 2023 (MDT)
More There Is Resistance (5e Feat) |
Feat names should be a description of a character (i.e. a character can be alert or an athlete, a player can not be more there is resistance).
Mortal (5e WoD Supplement) |
Mortkin Bag (5e Equipment) |
Magic items should use the 5e Wondrous Item Preload. Why would Ock take damage if he isn't using a spell?
Moshi faren (model contrôle des zombie) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Moth (5e Race) |
Largely incomplete. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mothfolk (5e Race) |
Lore would benefit from expansion. Some current aspects seem like {{April Fools}}. Light attraction and other traits is too vague by the standards of 5e. Incomplete RHW table
Mothkin (5e Race) |
Vastly lacking in fluff. History is threadbare.
Mothlin (5e Race) |
The lore on this is really lacking. They took on the role of a witch? Do they hex people or something? Also, if they are such hermits, how do they become adventurers?
Mothling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mothmen (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mothperson (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mountain Cat, Warrior Cat Edition (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mountain Maul (5e Equipment) |
No description. 10:37, 21 March 2025 (UTC)
Mr.M (5e Creature) |
Free actions don't exist in 5e. Is it Mach Punch or Mack Punch? Super Star makes this creature immune to all damage and has no restrictions whatsoever. 22:45, 24 February 2024 (MST)
Mr.Virtual (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Mr Magnetic (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Multi-Sight Goggles (5e Equipment) |
If this is a wondrous item, it should be remade as such. See 5e Wondrous Items. 02:36, 6 November 2023 (MST)
Mummy (5e Race) |
Missing RHW table
Mundarian Shopkeeper (5e Creature) |
Hit points are incorrect. Legendary actions don't work like that.
Murder Unicorn (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Mushoid (5e Race) |
Balancing still need to be done. Minimal fluff or lore.
Mutant Creeper (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Mutant Creeper Extension 1 (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Mutated Rat (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mutation Sickness (5e Disease) |
Some effects are duplicated. Grow 1 size, younger and older, webbing, abdomen, etc.
Mutator (5e Creature) |
When can the mutator use Desperation? Reactions need to be made in response to something. 18:04, 25 July 2024 (MDT)
Muzali (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Myconid, Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Mynk (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Myr (5e Race) |
Missing RHW table
Mystic Ember Hound (5e Creature) |
Magical Beast is not a creature type in 5e. The hit points are incorrect. 23:52, 9 February 2024 (MST)
Mystic Eyes (5e Feat) |
The name should be changed (Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names). The "Mystic Eyes as magic items" section should be made into a magic item.
Mystique (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Nagual (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Naiad (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Nargas (5e Creature) |
Ability scores don't go above 30 in 5e. 13:55, 18 December 2023 (MST)
Nations (Teregia Supplement) |
Nature's Blessing (5e Race) |
Incomplete - lacking in fluff and flavor
Nature's Chosen (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Necromancer, Variant (5e Creature) |
Description is lacking. This creature is missing a "unique slaying method" for which "Undying Self" is negated. Even if this involves God-crafted weapons and whatever, the method needs to exist in the description. Either that, or this needs to be linked to a variant rule and {{Design Note}} that describes creatures that can't be killed, or a specific campaign setting (likely with a heavy undead theme).
Necrophage (Deathknight Hybrid) (5e Class) |
Lack introduction and subclasses
Negative Energy (5e Variant Rule) |
Before splitting this page, a clear delineation between the rules, and the spells themselves must be made.
Nephilim (daksiders) (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Netlok (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Nevinyrral's Antimagic Disk (5e Spell) |
New World Medic (Grand Line Supplement) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Nezumi (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ni (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Nichirin Sawed Off Shotgun (5e Equipment) |
Firearms are modern weapons and need the Modern category. Range doesn't fit the DMG's 1:3 range ratio, and its damage is lower than the DMG's shotgun. If the only thing differentiating this from any other sawed-off shotgun is that it fires nichirin rounds (which need to be explained or linked), why isn't this an ammunition page?
Nie wiem jak to nazwać |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Niflheim's Grace (5e Equipment) |
What is a mark? 02:14, 8 November 2024 (MST)
NightFury Armor Set (5e Equipment) |
No cost, medium armor should allow a limited Dexterity bonus by definition (see 5e SRD:Half Plate (Armor). 16:56, 13 December 2023 (MST)
Night Howler (5e Creature) |
How do you deal damage to a fire? 19:25, 3 June 2024 (MDT)
Night Huntsman (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Nightmare, 2nd Variant (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Nightmare (5e Deity) |
barely any informations or fluff to use this
Nightmare Chaser (5e Class) |
Nightmare Grimm (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Nith Full Body Armor (5e Equipment) |
Some properties are missing action type and have otherwise incomplete descriptions.
Nixie in the Machine (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Nopon (5e Race) |
The fluff behind this race is very weak. More information on their history would be helpful, especially if people didn't play the original content.
Nord (5e Race) |
Noro's Bone Crush (5e Spell) |
Unfinished, unclear, "lost the ability to move" like stunned, grappled, paralyzed, restrained? There exist conditions that describe this in way more clear way
Northern Bowmaster (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Nothic (5e Race) |
The fluff for this is bare. There is hardly any information to help a player make a fleshed-out character. Sections for culture/society and history are missing. RHW table is also not here.
Novice Necromancer (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Nue (5e Race) |
Missing RHW table and pretty much all the fluff of history and society.
Nuh Uh (5e Spell) |
Missing appropriate casters and school. Despite being a 9th level spell, the text seems to indicate there is either an additional spell slot expenditure that was not detailed, or this is not a 9th level spell.
Nuke (5e Spell) |
Missing valid casters.
Null Human (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Nuriel the Angel of Death (5e Creature) |
Medium creatures have d8 hit dice, not d100. Poisoned is a condition, not a trait. No Fluff. Legendary Actions are not reactions. 23:14, 30 April 2024 (MDT)
Oath of "Throwing it Back" (5e Subclass) |
Missing introductory fluff
Oath of Innocence (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Obruerus (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Occult Hunter (5e Class) |
Oceanborn Tiefling (5e Subrace) |
A subrace page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide. No Fluff. 15:13, 16 February 2024 (MST)
Odin's Chosen (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Odin's Lost Eye (5e Equipment) |
Lacks destruction clause. Features can be "activated" but doesn't say how (is this an action? bonus action? at will?). How can one circumvent authority (which by definition establishes the law) with lawful intentions?
Of The Void (5e Background) |
Of the Cos (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Offseer (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Ofuda (5e Equipment) |
Given that ofuda usually are used to seal spirits, should this not be a magic item? It's also pretty blah for the lore given in terms of being just a virtual mundane rock with this damage.
Ogerpon (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ogre Spirit (5e Creature) |
Missing description.
Oil Mage (5e Class) |
Olaf (League of Legends Supplement) |
Old Man Witherbones (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Old Variant of Celestial Restraint (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Omni Domain (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Omnic (Overwatch Supplement) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Omniscience (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Omniscient Reader (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Omnyoji (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Onare Goblin (5e Subrace) |
A subrace page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
One For All (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
One Piece (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide. Missing class features and subclasses.
One Piece Skill Tree (5e Skill) |
This seems to be a class feature, not a skill. 17:23, 24 May 2024 (MDT)
Onmyoji (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Ooger (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Oomukade, Variant (5e Race) |
This page is missing history, thus lacking in fluff that could help better integrate this race into a campaign.
Oozan (5e Race) |
Fluff is very sparse. Incomplete Random H&W table.
Open Mind = Open Gates (5e Feat) |
Feat names should be a description of a character (i.e. a character can be alert or an athlete, a player can not be open mind (equals) open gates). 5e doesn't have "mental" conditions, the intended conditions should be listed.
Oracle's Visions (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Oracle, Variant 2 (5e Class) |
Introduction, quick build, and multiclassing. Provided spell slot progression matches none of the available 1st party standards. Subclasses do not have entirely cohesive feature gains (one subclass gains a feature at 5th level, but all others do not). This is needlessly complex. Several features are underexplained (Divine Vision, Divine Aura, and others). Spell slot progression is insufficient for supposedly legal spells for this class. Does the water subtype exist in 5e?
Outlaw, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Overlord (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
PJ Pug-a-Piller (5e Creature) |
How does Long Body work? Is it like Multiattack? Constitution (Perception) saving throws do not exist in 5e. 04:34, 8 February 2024 (MST)
Pac-Man (5e Creature) |
No description.
Pact Boons (5e Equipment) |
No rarity, is this a magic item or asubclass?
Pact of the doll plus eldritch invocations (5e Class Feature) |
Making this a full subclass would be preferable.
Panopletherea (5e Race) |
Paq-shii (5e Race) |
next to no fluff
ParZival (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Para-Elementalist (5e Class) |
This seems to be multiple classes crammed into a single page. 03:51, 6 April 2024 (MDT)
Paradox (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Parasitic Cosmic Horror (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff, features are incomplete.
Partial Polymorph (5e Spell) |
Incomplete. See Spell Design (5e Guideline) if you need help.
Patchwork Construct (5e Race) |
Missing RH&W table, he trait wordings overall strike me as very odd and cluttered compared to 1st-party content. It should be compared to and take from the exemplary work on the anarmor race or similar Featured Articles for wording and mechanics.
Path of Asura (5e Class) |
Path of Destiny (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Path of Hatred (FUN VARIANT) |
So is this page or this one meant for the "fun variant"?
Path of the Demon (Shinobi World Supplement) |
This is severely lacking flavor, both in text and concept. Text-wise, the only thing the reader has to go off of is feature names, no description of where these features draw their power from (are these jutsu, some kind of granted power like a jinchuriki, an innate power like the Path of the Assassin's Demonic Shroud) or any non-mechanical effects of the features (do they provide a chakra shroud like Beast of Youth features, does it put the user in any particular mental state).
Concept-wise, nothing about this path particularly feels demonic (especially not in the Naruto franchise's concept of demons, which are more like natural disasters than the western concept of devils), and its mechanics feels like a player would be better off multi-subclassing and introducing their own flavor text (Demonic Aura could just be a 2 feature dip into Path of the Beast, Aura of Terror is just diet Demonic Shroud, Aura of the Immortal could easily just be a dip into Path of Vitality or Jashin Immortality if a DM wanted to allow a player to go whole-hog on the immortality concept). This would be easy to workshop if, as above, we had any flavor text to base improvement off of.
Path of the Divine Berserker (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Path of the Mundane Maker (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Path of the Phoenix, Variant (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Path of the Warrior Shaman, Variant (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Penumbra Kavu (5e Creature) |
This feels too weak for a CR 7 monster. 18:07, 9 November 2024 (MST)
Perfect Concentration (5e Feat) |
The name should be changed (Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names).
Pets (5e Variant Rule) |
Not sure where the pets are gotten at, or lots of those little parts that actually makes this work. Animal handling modifier, or wisdom modifier? Are creatures that are considered 'out of region' more expensive? No information on what happens when a check is failed or succeeded.
Phantom-kind (5e Race) |
next to no fluff. Incomplete H&W table.
Phantom Dragon (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. Image required
Phantom Thief Joker (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Phoenixmancer, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Phosoir (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Piccolo Hollyphant (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Piggy Smoker (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Pistol, Light (5e Equipment) |
Range does not fit the 1:3 ratio precedent set by the DMG's firearms. A standard pistol deals greatsword damage, a slightly smaller caliber firearm should deal more than half as much. This page's concept is already better done in Pistol, Light Automatic (5e Equipment). Modern weapons use rarity instead of cost.
Pit Fiend, Variant (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Plagloom Flower (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 14:35, 19 December 2023 (MST)
Plaguebearer (5e Class) |
no features at 10th level
Plane Walker (5e Background) |
This is a very sparse amount of fluff for a background, which is one of the most flavorful parts of 5e character building. Planeswalkers in DnD and MtG tradition are colorful and there is a lot more that could be written here.
Planet Popstar (5e Campaign Setting) |
Vastly unfinished. Most of the links are either red or marked with a maintenance template. 19:26, 28 August 2024 (MDT)
Plant Being (5e Background) |
This is more of a race or monster than a background
Plantae Practetionier (5e Class) |
This is an idea I had for some time and it is open to suggestions to improve or add to it. I simply wanted to share the thought and see what are the reactins to it.
Player (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Plush Golem (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Poison Ale (5e Equipment) |
Couldn't any ingested poison be effectively added to ale?
Poisondrake (5e Creature) |
Hit points and passive Perception aren't calculated correctly. 15:36, 5 October 2023 (MDT)
Polar White Panda (5e Race) |
Thick Fur needs better explanation, now it is confusing to use it. What means "Frozen (paralyzed) or stunned by any ice or cold effects", this is not 5e terminology
Pole Of Whacking (5e Optimized Character Build) |
Polypus Sapiens (5e Race) |
Incomplete H&W table. Missing various traits (size, speed, etc.). "DC modifier +5" doesn't make sense. Is it an attack roll with +5, or is an DC check? It's unclear if the translucent subrace's slashing damage conversion only applies to unarmed attacks?
Ponder Orb (5e Spell) |
This spell is in essence attempting to be Scrying (5e Spell). What, mechanically, does this do differently to justify its existence, especially at two levels lower?
Poorons (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Poroloma (5e Deity) |
Creator intends to finish later.
Portal Master (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Possess (5e Spell) |
Incomplete. Which type of damage does this spell deal? The target should get a save to resist the effect. The At Higher Levels section refers to spell levels, not character levels. 00:30, 20 June 2024 (MDT)
Potions and Poisons (Hyrule Supplement) |
Power Broker (5e Class) |
Massively incomplete
Power Word Agony (5e Spell) |
Gains extra damage at levels that don't follow normal cantrip progression. You have disadvantage, not a disadvantage. Missing SRD links. A cantrip should not deal 3d4 damage. 18:24, 16 June 2024 (MDT)
Practice (Modified Helluva Boss Setting) |
There are no examples.
Preacher (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Prehistoric Lizardfolk (5e Race) |
Missing the height and weight. A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Primal Awakening (5e Feat) |
What is "devil's sight"? What defines a "Common resistance"? Feats typically do not grant additional benefits at higher levels (that's typically the role of a subclass).
Primal Titan (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Primordial Brawler (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Primordial Demon (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Prinny (5e Race) |
Pro Wrestler (5e Feat) |
Far, far too complex to be a feat. Consider making a variant rule instead.
Professor X (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Prostomaton (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Pseudocouatl (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Psi Templar (5e Class) |
No fluff
Psionic Human (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Psionic Inquisitor (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Psycheborn (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Psychicrian (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Psykinetic (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Pudding Projectile (5e Equipment) |
This is a piece of ammunition, not a piece of siege equipment. Potentially redundant to an iron flask.
Pugilist (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Pugilist Revamped (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Puma (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Pundrake (5e Creature) |
Hit points and passive Perception aren't calculated correctly. 15:35, 5 October 2023 (MDT)
Puppet (5e Race) |
Missing all forms of lore, history, and the fluff.
Puppetmaster (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Puppetmon (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Pyromancer, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Pyrsos Scetem (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Qantarr, Shadow of the Dark (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Quantum Mechanics (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Queen Xenomorph (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Questionable (5e Creature) |
The traits are overly wordy and the passive Perception is incorrect. How many fog spear attacks can the questionable make?
Quickling, Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Quillestial (5e Creature) |
This is a mess.
Rabbit Escape, Variant (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Missing swarm size.
Rabbit Escape Totality (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Missing swarm size.
Rabbit Horde (5e Creature) |
A copy of Rabbit (5e Creature) with the "swarm" size. 00:08, 23 October 2023 (MDT)
Races (Teregia Supplement) |
Radiance (5e Creature) |
Not done with evolutions
Radiant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Radiant Mind, Starlight Soul (5e Subclass) |
Which class is this subclass for? 17:38, 20 June 2024 (MDT)
Radiation-Touched (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff.
Rain of Sand (5e Spell) |
Missing school, and appropriate casters. The special sand made by this spell should line to a variant rule or material.
Rainwing (5e Race) |
Incomplete RH&W table.
Ranger, 3rd Variant (5e Class) |
Ratio Technique (5e Subclass) |
Which class is this subclass for? 18:23, 20 June 2024 (MDT)
Ravenwood Student (5e Class) |
Re:Goblin (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Reaper's Revenge (5e Equipment) |
Reaper, Variant (5e Class) |
Missing features.
Reaper of Souls (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Reassembling Skeleton (5e Creature) |
Missing CR and description.
Red Death (5e Disease) |
A page just created is rarely finished. When it is complete, remove this tag.
Red Dragon God (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Red Inferno Wyrmling (5e Creature) |
What are fire points?
Refrence race (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Regice *Testing* (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Reincarnated (5e Race) |
This page is missing several sections needed to make this a viable race. Reincarnated also doesn't exactly seem like a good fit for a race? Officially, the reborn race exists, which might work better.
Religion (Hyrule Supplement) |
Religious Fraud (5e Background) |
Needs renaming, or rewriting. Naming convention, lack of depth, inconsistent context.
Ren Gama Takaramono (5e Creature) |
The "Magic Mastery" features don't seem to do anything. If he "has access to a spell list" (which should actually list spells), why bother with the mana system instead of giving him the Spellcasting feature (see priest, druid (creature), mage). None of the reactions except Rebound Defense have triggers, and only Recharge and Rebound Defense clearly do anything (also, why give him an ultra-vague "Counter Spell" instead of letting him cast counterspell, or give him a "Dodge" reaction instead of just taking the dodge action like everyone else?).
Renag (5e Race) |
This page is a work in progress.
Retractable Rapier (5e Equipment) |
We don't need a page for every single weapon being retractable. This would probably work better as an addition to Weapon Modifications (5e Variant Rule) or as a standalone variant rule like Combination Weapons (5e Variant Rule), or even as a common magic item.
Return To 0 (5e Spell) |
This spell's duration doesn't make sense. Paladins don't get 9th-level spells and the categories call this a 4th-level spell. 14:26, 15 November 2024 (MST)
Revenant, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Reversal of Fortune (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Reverse Derick (5e Creature) |
You can't just say "This creature has all these abilities." You need to actually write them out. Reverse Dimension (5e Variant Rule) does not exist. The damage calculations of Dark Eevlet Sacred Blade are incorrect. 16:12, 8 May 2024 (MDT)
Reversian (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
RhinoRoller (5e Equipment) |
Why are the top and bottom blades differentiated when they are identical? Unlimited free charms with a high save DC to avoid. Chargers should be charges. 00:12, 8 September 2024 (MDT)
Riddle’s Repulsion (5e Spell) |
Rifle, Basic (5e Equipment) |
Lacking rarity, range doesn't follow 5e's 1/3 ratio for firearms, conceptually identical to the DMG's hunting rifle.
Rifle, Sharpshooter (5e Equipment) |
Lacking rarity, range doesn't follow 5e's 1/3 ratio for firearms, conceptually identical to the DMG's hunting rifle.
Riftmaw (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Rig Nema (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Rimworld: Centipede (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Ring of Namira (5e Equipment) |
How much flesh do you need to eat to gain the benefit? 00:00, 17 November 2024 (MST)
Ring of Piercing (5e Equipment) |
Missing the maximum number of charges the ring can hold.
Risen (5e Race) |
This page is severely lacking in the fluff that makes a race a race. It is similar in concept to the ruler race, but executed without the requisite flavor and worldbuilding aid, and with more constraints that go beyond race. The subrace variants below are also very confusing to include on a page for PCs and yet not be recommended for PCs. Also, are these subraces or race variants? Those are different things.
Ritian (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Roach Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Robe of the Archdruid, Variant (5e Equipment) |
This isn't much different from the Robe of the Archdruid (5e Equipment), aside from one small feature. 15:01, 6 February 2024 (MST)
Robes of the Jedi (5e Equipment) |
Force points are not a standard mechanic. If this uses a variant rule, it should be linked. 15:25, 6 June 2024 (MDT)
Robot Artificer (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. Missing subclass features. 17:50, 1 June 2024 (MDT)
Rock Hard Gladiator (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Rod of Alchemy (5e Equipment) |
Incomplete. I intend to work on this to add flavor and change properties, but here it is for now.
Rodin (5e Creature) |
Multiattack references the nonexistent Airborne Axekick. The attacks should be classified as melee weapon attacks, even if they're unarmed attacks. "reflect" and "physical damage" do not exist in 5e. The additional damage added by Overpower and Master Smith should be included in the attacks. Celestial is not a damage type. 18:34, 3 August 2024 (MDT)
Rogue, Pathfinder Edition (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Rooster (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Rooted (5e Spell) |
Missing school and appropriate casters/categories. Immobilized is not a condition; I think it's supposed to be either incapacitated or restrained. Blunt is not a damage type; is this meant to be bludgeoning?
Rose Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Rot Hag (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help. No Fluff. 18:24, 28 May 2024 (MDT)
Rot Manticore (5e Creatre) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help. Missing actions, traits and Fluff. 05:03, 4 September 2024 (MDT)
Royal Family Member (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Royalist (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Rubber Pirate, Variant (5e Class) |
No fluff. Half of this class are dead levels
Ruined Construct (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ruler of Warriors (5e Creature) |
Extremely lacking Fluff. 23:11, 31 August 2024 (MDT)
Rumbra (5e Race) |
Largely incomplete and sparse in terms of Fluff.
Rune Carver, 2nd Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Rune Smith (5e Class) |
Descriptions need to be changed to fit with new feature mechanics and descriptions.
Runekeeper's Scroll (5e Equipment) |
How does Favored Enemy work with this item? Does it scale based on your level? What if you already have that feature? Do you get it again? 01:07, 12 February 2024 (MST)
Runemaster (5e Class) |
Runesmith (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide. Missing introduction.
Runesmith (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Runic Staff (5e Equipment) |
What is a runic rod? This is just a +1, +2, or +3 quarterstaff. 21:47, 15 August 2024 (MDT)
Rusalka (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ruzthurian's Sapphire Star (5e Spell) |
Missing school, and number of casters. How large is the sapphire star? Can you carry it? Is the explosion a cube or sphere? How much damage does it take to destroy the crystal/is there a special process?
Ryu (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ryū no Senshi (5e Class) |
Rät (5e Race) |
This fluff is extremely lacking. It may sound like filler, but it can help a person decide how a race fits into a world and interacts with it. Did this race of humanoid rats just appear from the ether? Would that not have scared some people into killing them at least?
SHOTOTOTOGUN (5e Equipment) |
Saber (5e Class) |
subclasses lack description
Sacred Duel (5e Spell) |
The barrier described in this spell does not have a listed size or shape, and lacks any listed properties. "Superior force", whatever that's meant to be, is insufficiently described, and introducing DM fiat into a spell with defined effects is just asking for some form of abuse.
Sage and Researcher Spell Lists (Hyrule Supplement) |
Sage of Spirit needs a complete spell list, as does Sage of Time
Saiyan Battle Armor (5e Equipment) |
This feels more like a rare magic item rather than an artifact (artifacts are singular, unique items), and lacks lore and destruction clause necessary for an artifact. It's also unclear why this is making the user faster or punch harder (or potentially weaker depending on interpretation) when canonically it's just stretchy, ultra-hard armor. Also potentially redundant content given Battle Armor, Variant (5e Equipment).
Saiyan Class (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Salticid (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Salvation Domain (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Sanboian Suggestion (5e Spell) |
Why would a spell only affect people from a specific region? If there is another property to the denizens such as Type, alignment, size, understood languages, etc. the spell should reference that instead. "because Sanboian", what?
Sand Caster (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Sand Dweller of the Crypt (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Sand Levitation (5e Spell) |
Missing school, and appropriate casters.
Sand Manipulator (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sand Trap (5e Spell) |
Missing school, and appropriate casters.
Sand Tsunami (5e Spell) |
Missing school, and appropriate casters. The special sand made by this spell should link to a variant rule or material.
Sandling (5e Race) |
Sandwyrm (5e Creature) |
Sanguine Witch (5e Class) |
This class doesn't have anything beyond the table and first level feature.
Sanity (Knowledge) (5e Skill) |
Why would being especially sane allow you to see through a trick or know what a monster might do next? Surely another skill like Insight would be more appropriate. 05:31, 17 May 2024 (MDT)
Sans (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sans (5e Creature) |
Insufficent physical description, and missing speed and CR.
Sans Variant 2 (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Santa (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Saucepan Shield (5e Equipment) |
What is the "Cook" class? If there is a homebrew class this is intended to work with, can we get a link? 5e measures movement speed in 5-foot increments, not meters and certainly not in fractions. As a side note, I get that this is meant for dwarves, but a saucepan seems a little small to be considered a shield, shouldn't this be more like a saucepan buckler or maybe a wok shield?
Sauceror (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Saucy Brawler (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Saurian (5e Race) (Arnam) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Scandaves (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Scaramouche (5e Creature) |
Spell slots are missing. 03:25, 27 December 2023 (MST)
Scavenger (5e race) |
Missing adequate fluff.
Schiavizzatore (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
School of Transformation (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Scientist (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Scientist (5e Class) |
No subclasses, extremely lacking in fluff, oddly flavored, questionable abilities
Scintilla (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Scorpio Called (5e Race) |
Scout Regiment Soldier (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 20:12, 21 October 2023 (MDT)
Scribe (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Scythe (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Seabound (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sealing (5e Race) |
Severely lacking in fluff
Second Wife (5e Creature) |
Missing a physical description.
Seer of the Shrouded (5e Background) |
What equipment does this background start with? 05:18, 7 October 2024 (MDT)
Seirien (5e Creature) |
Missing Passive Perception, and description. Missing optimal/maximum range for the attack.
Selachimorph (5e Race) |
Self Destruct (5e Spell) |
Invocation is not a spell school. How long do you fall unconscious if you fail the save? Asks you to make a saving through. 00:18, 24 November 2024 (MST)
Sense of the Sand (5e Spell) |
Missing school, and appropriate casters.
Sentient Magic Item (5e Race) |
Sentient Potato (5e Race) |
Sentient Skeleton (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Sentient Slime Armor (5e Equipment) |
Charisma save has no listed effect
Sentient Snake (5e Race) |
So... are you literally just a snake? That is "sentient"? Is this a joke race? Considering the whole "armless" thing... Incomplete H&W table.
Sentient Sword (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Sentient Weapon (5e Class) |
In progress. This is a very basic "proof of concept" to see if such a character would even work.
Seraph (5e Creature) |
Hit points and the attacks are incorrect. What does Holy Flare do? Missing SRD links. 10:32, 23 March 2025 (UTC)
Seraph of the End (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Seraphinum (5e Race) |
This is purely race traits. Where are the other sections for description, history, etc?
Seraphon (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Shadow Garden (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Shadow Heart |
Shadow Monarch's Successor (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Shadow Monarch, 3rd Variant (5e Class) |
Missing shadow demon and shadow servant details. Do the shadows stored in the monarch dimension take up space? What's the functional difference between dismissing forever and temporarily? Does Monarch Vault equal Monarch dimension? Can the Monarch's Hand extra attacks use weapons; or must they be unarmed strikes? There so many 'currencies'; Spells, Stored shadow servants/demons, Stored souls (and their stat blocks), Stored equipment (and their stats), Monarch/Shadow Vault storage space. Undead Transport is missing action type. Why are the shadow soldier links here?
Shadow Monarch (SL) (5e Class) |
Missing the subclasses.
Shadow Monark (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Shadow Wolf Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Shadowblade (5e Equipment) |
Is this meant to be an artifact? At the moment, this is a legendary item. 19:28, 22 November 2024 (MST)
Shadowborn (Traper) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Shadowkin (5e Race) |
Could use some more fluff to flesh out. If these guys are super rare, it might be difficult to incorporate them into a game. Also missing a RHW table.
Shadows of the Forgotten Keep (5e Quest) |
Shadowweaver (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Shadowy Double (5e Spell) |
Largely Incomplete.
ShallowWave Scuttler (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Shapechanger (5e Race) |
The name is very general, as is the concept, such that it has no real identity. It also sounds a lot more like a creature than something for a player to use.
Shard The Emerald One (5e Deity) |
Shardborn (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Sharklin (5e Race) |
Incomplete. Hungry Jaws doesn't have a description. Missing ideals and bonds; fill or delete them. Missing adequate fluff.
Sharkshifter (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff.
Shattered (5e Class) |
lack "Creating a Shattered section
Shatterspark (5e Environment) |
Shazam (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sheath of Poisons (5e Equipment) |
Magic items need to use 5e Magic Weapon Preload.
Sheikah (5e Race) |
Largely Incomplete. Trinkets are not mechanically detailed well. No fluff. What is blast damage? What is incorporeal, and freeze? What's Song of Storms? What mechanical function does lure have?
Shield Hero (5e Class) |
Shield of Prophecy (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Shield of Returning (5e Equipment) |
"Attack phases" and "attack actions" do not exist in 5e.
Shield of Three-Quarters (5e Equipment) |
Name is formatted like a magic item, redundant to Grid Shield (5e Equipment).
Shield of the Landscape (5e Utterance) |
What is this for? 04:14, 9 December 2024 (UTC)
Shielded Mind (5e Subclass) |
Missing SRD links. 18:19, 20 June 2024 (MDT)
Shifting Form (5e Feat) |
The name should be changed (Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names). No flavor text.
Shiranui (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Shoggoth Bloodline (5e Subclass) |
Missing Fluff. 20:06, 17 August 2024 (MDT)
Shukaku's Shield, Ultimate Defense (5e Spell) |
Missing appropriate casters.
Side Character (5e Background) |
This background is severely lacking in fluff to better help players create said character using this background. Backgrounds are arguably the most flavorful part of character creation and this is needs more to properly connect its concept together with equipment and such.
Siege Drill (5e Equipment) |
While it may be used in sieges, the description and mechanics place this as a vehicle.
Sigilite Wargrounds (5e Environment) |
Missing adequate fluff.
Silent Flame, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Silver Tongue (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Silver Warrior (5e Creature) |
Missing description. Damage averages are not correct. Master Rider appears incomplete ("to ride a , additionally").
Silver Wyvern (5e Creature) |
The attack bonus and damage rolls of the attacks are incorrectly calculated. 04:11, 5 October 2023 (MDT)
Silverbackfolk (5e Race) |
Incomplete or insufficient Fluff. Missing alignment. Is this a beast type? Incomplete H&W table.
Simple Psychic (5e Variant Rule) |
Sin of Wrath, Variant 2 (5e Class) |
Missing subclasses.
Sin of the Immortal (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff and mechanics.
Sinbound |
The Sinbound class is an intricate blend of summoning mechanics, tactical battlefield control, and the eternal struggle between sin and redemption. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sinner (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Siren Variant (5e Race Variant) |
SixReigns Martialist (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Skavenslave (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Skeleton Fairy (5e Background) |
This doesn't really represent what a character did before the adventure (as the text states, this is a social movement among tiny, magic-wielding races, not an origin, profession, or lifestyle). With the mechanical benefits, this would probably work better as a feat with strict-requirements.
Skeleton Guard (5e Creature) |
See talk page.
Skill Tree (5e Variant Rule) |
Skill Trees (The Elder Scrolls Supplement) |
Skinwalker (5e Class) |
This class is missing a description and questions on creating a skinwalker. In addition, this class has several dead levels and a few levels where it gains spell slots and other features.
Skirmisher (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Skull of Corruption (5e Equipment) |
What is the modifier for the ranged spell attack? "if you are near a creature that is taking a nap in a 30 ft radius" is too wordy for an effect that basically boils down to if you are within 30 feet of a sleeping creature. 05:06, 4 September 2024 (MDT)
Sköll (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 01:53, 13 December 2023 (MST)
Slaaneshi Harmful Harness (5e Equipment) |
The "sickening flaws" are almost entirely beneficial and two of them are practically the same. Missing SRD links. 23:55, 13 February 2024 (MST)
Slasher, Variant 2 (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Slaughter (5e Creature) |
You have immunity, not invulnerability. Ability scores can't go above 30. 3d20 + 20 is not 324.
Sleepless (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Slimekin (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Slimu (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Slipping Sanity (5e Feat) |
Very unclearly written, capitalization is all over the place. This feels more like a variant for 5e's madness mechanics than a feat a player character would train to have.
Slippy Slime (5e Race) |
This doesn't have quite the amount of fluff needed to differentiate it as a race compared to comparable races like Slimefolk (5e Race).
Slug Slinger (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Slurpuff (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Small Game Hunter (5e Background) |
Missing feature and suggested characteristics.
Smallfolk (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Smiling Chaos (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Smurf Cat (5e Race) |
Just the preload.
Snagvlard the Mediocre (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Snake Charmer (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Sneaky Footwork (5e Feat) |
That's what the Dash action does already. The second part of the feat should use a distance, not squares. 04:52, 9 December 2024 (UTC)
Sniper Blaster Rifle (5e Equipment) |
5e doesn't use "credits". Missing Star Wars Template:Copyright Disclaimer and Futuristic category. 5e doesn't have a "strength" weapon property.
Society (Broadbarrel Supplement) |
Solstice (5e Spell) |
'Divine' is not a spell school, not on any class's spell list, mediocre for a 9th level spell.
Songweaver (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sonic Boom (5e Spell) |
Which classes can cast this spell?
Sorcerer, Low Magic Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sorcerer King (5e Class) |
Massively incomplete.
Sorcerer Variant (Basically Buffing it) (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sorcerous Warrior (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Sorlock (5e Optimized Character Build) |
Build is a bit sparse on playing the build. It's pretty much just a leveling guide.
Soul-Slinger (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Soul-WaveRider (5e Class) |
Missing spell list. 16:11, 20 September 2023 (MDT)
Soul Companion (5e Creature) |
Missing CR, hit dice, and bonus to hit. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Soul Eater: Witch (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Soul Eater (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Soul Explosion (5e Spell) |
The level of this spell is inconsistent. It could be 1, 2, 3 or even 4. 02:09, 22 November 2024 (MST)
Soul Gem, Capture (5e Spell) |
Function is entirely down to DM fiat
Soul Harvester (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Soul Mage (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Soul Reaper, 2nd Variant (5e Class) |
See talk page.
Soul Summoner (5e Class) |
Incomplete. Requires formatting, references links, images, etc.
Soul of the Fantasia Finale (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Soulbinder (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Soulcraft (5e Spell) |
This spell's effects are entirely narrative, and could likely be better replicated with a series of arcana checks and the expenditure of various rare and expensive reagents.
Soulic Servant (5e Creature) |
What does "they all act on the same action made by the killy demon" mean? 01:54, 27 January 2024 (MST)
Spartan II (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Spatial Surgeon (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Spectral Ninja (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Spectre Gunner (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Spellcasting Power (5e Feat) |
Needs a different name. See Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names. 19:23, 20 October 2024 (MDT)
Spellcloak Warlock (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sphere of Influence (5e Spell) |
Sphere of Ruin (5e Spell) |
What does "have their durability reduced from metal to stone, stone to wood, wood to ash, ash to nothing" mean? 00:00, 14 November 2024 (MST)
Spider-Person, 2nd Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Spider Dalek (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Spider Flu (5e Disease) |
This seems to be a mildly different, with the same end goal, version of Spider's Plague (5e Disease). It needs to become different enough, or merge.
Spinjitsu (5e Spell) |
Missing nearly all information including legal casters, level, spell damage type (thunder?), etc.
Spinjitzu User (5e Class) |
Spirit Blade, Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Spirit Bond (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Spirit Conjurer (5e Class) |
Mechanics from 5e D&D need to be added to the features. Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Spirit Manipulater (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Spirit Summoner (5e Class) |
Mostly Grammar Errors and clarifying
Spirit of Moljnir (5e Feat) |
How can a creature, especially a non-spellcaster, train to acquire this feat? Both the Dwarven Thrower (a Very Rare magic item), and Returning Weapon (an artificer infusion) can only return the weapon to the user's hand after throwing it, meanwhile Joe 1st level v.human barbarian can teleport a weapon from any distance.
Spiritual Transcendence (5e Spell) |
This is a worse Tenser's Transformation (5e Spell) that's half useless - the flight speed is nice, using your spellcasting ability modifier for weapon attacks is convenient, but frankly by the time you get this spell your cantrips should outdo any nonmagical weapon, and the spectral hands appear to function in a nonsensical manner.
Splendor of Tranquil Waters (5e Equipment) |
Seems like a magic weapon. 12:57, 14 November 2023 (MST)
Splicer (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Sportsmann (5e Class) |
Springfield 1903 (5e Equipment) |
The DMG's hunting rifle already serves this role (and deals twice as much damage), there's no reason to make every full power rifle its own weapon. Range doesn't fit 5e's established 1:3 ratio for firearm ranges, and modern weapons use rarity instead of cost. The rules for a high-powered scope, bayonet, and bipod are not described here and aren't unique to the 1903, so why bother mentioning them here instead of as their own items (especially when they already kinda are)?
Spy (5e Class) |
Electro Sapper is missing a DC. Is Temporary shield connected to alternative rules? What's Burn? Does this class use alternative rulesets? Gunspy features are incomplete.
Spynkoriithi (5e Creature) |
You can't make a Wisdom (Insight) saving throw. The attack bonus for the attacks is all over the place. 04:35, 7 October 2024 (MDT)
Staff Gavel (5e Equipment) |
This needs to either become a magic item and generalized to be more widely applicable than a single class feature, or described in the class feature that grants it, preferably the latter.
Staff of Altered Life (5e Equipment) |
What is the modifier for the ranged attacks? Are they weapon attacks or spell attacks? What does "a +2 to your spells" do? 18:25, 29 August 2024 (MDT)
Staff of Azeroth (5e Equipment) |
What is the even better d100 table? 16:47, 17 August 2024 (MDT)
Staff of Bolstering (5e Equipment) |
Heal should be replaced with restore hit points. What is the Lyon? 23:19, 31 August 2024 (MDT)
Staff of Charging (5e Equipment) |
Unreadable block of text. 17:25, 18 August 2024 (MDT)
Staff of Mithrallus (5e Equipment) |
What is the Crystal of Mithrallus? If it is a magic item, a link should be provided. 16:58, 30 November 2023 (MST)
Staff of the Undead (5e Equipment) |
How does this item actually work? What kind of action do you need to take to use it? How long do the undead remain animate? Do you have any control over them? 04:43, 9 December 2024 (UTC)
Stand User, Tusk Variant (5e Class) |
Classes need more than one subclass option.
Stand User Variant (5e Class)/Work In Progress Stands |
As a community workspace, this page will forever be incomplete. Feel free to jump in and add your wisdom and insight to any archetypes.
Star-Born Wanderer (5e Background) |
The tables are unfinished. Also, this could really use a bit more fluff to give it extra difference from something like the official far traveler. Why do you have the tool proficiency you have? What exactly is "star-born"? Were you just born under an omen?
Star Chased (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Star Giant (5e Creature) |
The Fluff should be rewritten so it doesn't end in a scattershot mess of single lines. 01:10, 2 November 2024 (MDT)
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Steam Locomotive 0-6-0ST (5e Equipment) |
Missing some basic information such as hit points, damage threshold AC of the engine and the cars; image doesn't seem to be working
Steel Beast (5e Class) |
Incomplete subclasses, dead levels and lacking introduction
Stellarian Moth (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Stellaron (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Stereotypical British Person (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Stick Fighter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Stingerback Terror (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help. No Fluff. 02:34, 21 April 2024 (MDT)
Stone Golems (5e Race) |
Barely any Fluff. 13:24, 28 January 2024 (MST)
Stone Sorcery, Remade (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Storm Avatar (5e Spell) |
Storm Wyrm (5e Creature) |
Missing the description. Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Strahd (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 02:27, 22 November 2024 (MST)
Strategic Command School (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses, this appears to have 2 subclasses in one, warcrime mage and war mage? it can't decide what its doing. It doing alot and needed both flavor direction and mechanical balancing.
Stulker (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Stygian Swordsman (5e Class) |
Subspace Creator (5e Feat) |
Is this able to be done instantly? Does it require components? When leaving the subspace, do you return to exactly where you entered the subspace, or does it correlate in some scale to the material plane (this would allow you pass through doors, jails, etc.)? How does this feat interact with antimagic fields? Are there special conditions for creatures that take lethal damage from trying to enter? What can you do in the space other than exist/why are player enticed to take this feat?
Sulfirix (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Summon Greater Spirit (5e Spell) |
The creatures should be linked. 17:33, 18 May 2024 (MDT)
Summon Neon Draconic Spirit (5e Spell) |
Summon Projection (5e Spell) |
This spell doesn't match 5e cantrip scaling.
Summoner (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Sunborn (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sunderblade (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Superhero (5e Class) |
Multiple dead levels.
Support (Overwatch Supplement) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Survivor (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Surya (5e Deity) |
No content. 13:33, 22 November 2024 (MST)
Sutario (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Svalblod Bear (5e Creature) |
The description seems to imply that this creature can transform when it can't. Does The Curse of Svalblod feature or the Mauling attack inflict the curse of svalblod? 03:39, 21 August 2024 (MDT)
Swarm of Bats (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Swashbuckler, 3rd Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Sweet Soldier (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Sword of Banishment (5e Equipment) |
No content.
Swordmaster (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Sylphs (5e Race) |
Missing History, and weight modifier. Fluff that is here, is simple. Darkvision, and flying speed doesn't fully illustrate the 'flavor' and 'feeling' of the race.
Symbiosis (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
System Operator (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
TTIGRAAS (5e Campaign Setting) |
See talk page. 23:14, 16 November 2024 (MST)
Tables (Hyrule Supplement) |
Tactician (5e Class) |
Takumi Kojima |
This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 14:20, 2 June 2024 (MDT)
Talos Venator (5e Creature) |
This page appears to use AI art, if that is so please list that it is and credit the generation algorithm the same as you would an artist.
Tank (Overwatch Supplement) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Taris (5e Spell) |
Largely Incomplete.
Tarnished (5e Race) |
This race is virtually void of fluff. More information needs to be given for people who don't know this franchise.
Tarot Master (5e Class) |
Needs introduction, still working on it.
Tear Drop Tragedy (5e Spell) |
What is radioactive fallout? a hazard?
Telekinetic (5e Class) |
Incomplete subclasses.
Tempest Slime (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff. A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Tempestborn (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Tenno/Warframe (5e Race) |
Incomplete. Teleport is missing an action type and associated rules with teleporting. Trasnference is inherently contradictory. It says you have to get at 18 to hit when casting spells, but at the end it says you cannot cast spells, or gain any racial traits while out of your armor. Barebones Fluff; while it can be regarded by some as useless information it has a significant impact on how your content is used by players.
Tent (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Thaumaturge (5e Class) |
The Amortus Symbiote (5e Equipment) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
The Black Parader (5e Background) |
Incomplete. No tables. 20:32, 16 December 2023 (MST)
The Carousel (5e Equipment) |
The Catkin (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
The Chitine (5e Race) |
Fluff is a blatant copy-paste from this page. The altered racial traits, while mechanically valid, have no understanding whatsoever of 5e design philosophy.
The Crazy of Zaun (5e Subclass) |
No features. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help. 18:27, 29 June 2024 (MDT)
The Deadly (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
The Eater of Worlds (5e Race) |
Incomplete Fluff, and H&W table.
The Enlightened One (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
The Entity's Herald (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
The Fallen Hero (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
The Hollow Hunter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
The Holy Blood Tablet (5e Equipment) |
If the Bloody mary, Bloods wrath and Bloody Templar Key are homebrew items, they should be linked.
The Honored One (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
The Ice Crown (5e Equipment) |
Incomplete. What does the crown do? 19:40, 12 October 2023 (MDT)
The Institue (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
The Jester (5e Creature) |
Missing physical description.
The Kin Cat (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
The Last Angel TLA (5e Class) |
Requires rewrite to standardize mechanics to 5e, standardize distances to imperial instead of metric, address spelling, grammar, punctuation, and test for balance
The Legendary Spork Wielder (5e Creature) |
"Magic" and "Water related things" are not damage types. The attack bonuses for the attacks are all over the place. 15:31, 10 December 2023 (MST)
The Lich King (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
The Lost Children (5e Creature) |
Has a spellcasting feature but lists no spells.
The Mada Reality (5e Environment) |
unfinished. How does the warning work? Does a little imp pop up and wave its finger at the PCs? Or is it the DM metagaming? What if the DM has this whole adventre set here and then says "Your magic own't work, time doesn't exist, you can't destroy or create anything. Do you wish to enter?" and the Players say "Nah, I'm good."? Are the korisar still around? If so what are they like? If they've gone, what culture have they left behind? How big is the lab? What is the land around it like? Who brings the "powerful indivdiuals" here, and how? If time doesn't exist, how does anything happen? That's for starters.
The Masses (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
The Morningstar (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
The One Ring (5e Equipment) |
More in-depth-mechanics for Ghost and Ethereal Stallion are needed. A Nazgul creature, and a unique ghost steed would be great.
The Pantheon (5e Subclass) |
Missing SRD links. Some of the spells are red links. 19:33, 14 April 2024 (MDT)
The Perfection (5e Class) |
That is literally a poorly done copy of the Jujutsu Kaisen supplement class and Sin of Wrath. Subclasses seem to have been considered, but not created yet.
The Primordial (5e Race) |
Vastly incomplete. Missing all fluff, most traits, and H&W table is incomplete.
The Prismatic Infusion (5e Subclass) |
Constructs is very vaguely worded with barely any restrictions. Infusions should be linked. 19:42, 14 April 2024 (MDT)
The Sage (5e Class) |
The Sealed One (5e Subclass) |
10th and 14th level features are incomplete.
The Sharingan (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
The Staff of Ways (5e Equipment) |
How do you destroy this artifact? 16:54, 17 August 2024 (MDT)
The Supplier (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
The Tactician of Sloth (5e Creature) |
Numerous errors in the traits and actions.
The Taken (5e Race) |
Traits do not use 5e mechanics, do not use 5e wording
The Three Lost Runes (5e Quest) |
The Three Scales (5e Equipment) |
Ability scores are not attributes or skills. 00:49, 11 December 2023 (MST)
The Tormented One (5e Class) |
This comes with a very strange and constraining disclaimer. Is this supposed to be for general use or is this only for the user? Because no class should be that constraining.
The Tormentor (Horrortale) (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
The Unknown (5e Environment) |
Not enough here. What is a deathborne? Why is it called "the unknown", surely sage knows about it and has given it a proper name. Can someone with darkvision see in the darkness, and if so what can they see? Is there gravity? Do spells work? How can you enter or leave this place? What planes is it connected to?
The Vengeful Hater (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
The Victim (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
The Voidhand (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
The Waxing Crescent (5e Equipment) |
The Windcrasher, Variant (5e Subclass) |
Barely different from The Windcrasher (5e Subclass). 19:38, 22 April 2024 (MDT)
The misfits (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Therianthropy (5e Feat) |
Not the design space of a feat, make a template or use the premade templates on every were-creature statblock
Thir-Kreen (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Third Wife (5e Creature) |
Missing a physical description.
Thistillwroth (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Throwing Knife (5e Equipment) |
Quick Throw isn't a quality of the weapon, it's a quality of training. You don't add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls. For some reason, this weighs the same as a longsword. A dart would work just fine for this. 15:51, 8 September 2024 (MDT)
Tiamat's Hide (5e Equipment) |
Missing strength requirements for heavy armor, and weights for all. For Fortitude the 3 additional AC should be added to the base (14->17,16->19,18->21) and have the 'additional bonuses' clause eliminated to simplify the formula.
Tiamat, God Form (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. Ability scores in 5e can't go above 30. What does "all and Expertise +24" mean? 18:26, 7 September 2024 (MDT)
Tibbers (5e Creature) |
Saving throw bonuses are missing. Passive Perception is incorrectly calculated. Flame is not a damage type. Hit points should always be referred to as such, not HP or health. 23:56, 1 November 2024 (MDT)
Time and History (Notjhurr Setting) |
Unfinished supplement to setting.
Time and History (Shinobi World Supplement) |
Tinkaton (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Tinkerling Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Tiny Manticore (5e Creature) |
Needs more Fluff. 12:55, 26 November 2023 (MST)
Titan's Gauntlet (5e Equipment) |
What is a runearm? If it is a custom weapon, it should have a link. 00:13, 6 October 2024 (MDT)
Titan-D2 (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Titan Elephant (5e Creature) |
Next to no fluff for a CR 30 creature, dull creature in terms of its mechnics(walks and throws rocks) really, considering its astonishing numbers. It's just numbers really
Titanic sword (5e Equipment) |
We already have plenty of pages that do the concept of a bigger greatsword better (see Slabsword (5e Equipment), Oversized (5e Variant Rule)). The description implies this is a unique weapon, in which case a 5e Magic Items page might be a more interesting way to handle this (or just reflavor a glaive).
Titanling (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Tlahuelpuchi (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Tommy Gun, Thompson Submachine Gun (5e Equipment) |
5e categorizes weapons my type, so this should just be a submachine gun. Mechanically, this is already a submachine gun with underpowered damage (even a basic pistol from the DMG deals 2d6). The only other unique property this has is a larger magazine, but similarly sized magazines exist for other SMGs, and 20, 30, and 50 round magazines were far more common for the thompson, so such a thing would make more sense as a variant rule.
Topper Geist (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Totally Legally Distinct Camen Crider (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Tourist (5e Background) |
No tables. 22:19, 16 December 2023 (MST)
Trained in War (5e Background) |
Missing suggested characteristics, ideals, bonds and flaws. 18:27, 16 June 2024 (MDT)
Transplanar Message (5e Spell) |
Incomplete. See Spell Design (5e Guideline) if you need help.
Traucer (5e Background) |
Isn't a traucer some kind of parkourist? Anyway, how is this any different than an outlander or city urchin? This needs more explanation and concept than "you can go through many environments"
Treant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Treasure (Hyrule Supplement) |
Trebuchet, Variant (5e Equipment) |
Why is this trebuchet made of crystal/glass/ice (13 AC) instead of wood (15 AC)? Lacks load, aim, fire actions. I don't see a trebuchet hitting nearby targets (DMG trebuchet limits close targets to 60 feet) without spiking its own platform. Why would a man-sized boulder flying at over 100 miles per hour deal less damage to a creature?
Tree (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Tribal Chieftain (5e Background) |
This background is severely lacking in fluff and questions to better help flesh out your character. Backgrounds are one of the most flavorful parts of character creation. This needs more to distinguish itself against backgrounds like noble and outlander.
Tribal Hero (5e Background) |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Trinity Force (5e Equipment) |
This weapon's mechanics don't seem evoke what the Trinity Force does in League.
Trolldier (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
True Binding (5e Spell) |
True Damphir (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff.
True Moon Elf (5e Race) |
This has like no fluff required of races...
True Vampire (Overlord) (5e Race) |
Vastly incomplete. The Vampire Fangs and Taloons traits are blank. 01:10, 5 January 2024 (MST)
Turkia (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Twin Axes of Vengeance (5e Equipment) |
How are you meant to wield two two-handed weapons at the same time? The weapon should use standard dice, not d14s or d16s. How do you destroy this artifact? 05:54, 17 July 2024 (MDT)
Twisted Bident (5e Equipment) |
Dormant staff has the thrown property but lists no range. The staff deals far too much damage. Bloodthirsty Spells allows you to cast multiple 7th-level spells and can regain spent charges too easily. Missing SRD links. 21:41, 15 August 2024 (MDT)
UNSC Officer (5e Creature) |
Missing description. Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Uberhero (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Uchiha (5e Class) |
Ulmist Inquisitor (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Ultimate Life Form (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Ulumku (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Umbraskin Marrowweaver (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Unblooded (5e Race) |
Empty tables below, including Height & Weight.
Unbreakable Armor (5e Equipment) |
Missing adequate fluff.
Undead NOS (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Underground Monster (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Ungor (5e Creature) |
The description has been copied from somewhere else and needs to be improved. It doesn't even mention beastmen. 16:18, 8 March 2024 (MST)
Universal Subclass Dragon Raiser (5e Subclass) |
Is this a class or a subclass?
University Graduate (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Unomiya |
Incomplete. Please do not remove this template until the page is complete.
Unreactable (5e Feat) |
What kind of action do you need to use for this feat? Preventing enemies from making reactions in response to your melee attacks is incredibly niche and not worth taking a level of exhaustion for. 21:09, 1 December 2024 (UTC)
Unstable Summon Monster Limb (5e Spell) |
Uraume (5e Creature) |
This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 03:07, 5 May 2024 (MDT)
Uriel's Vessel (5e Feat) |
Who or what is "Uriel"? Assuming this feat represents being possessed by an outside being, this is outside the bounds of a feat, and would work better as a boon or blessing.
Ursarctic (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
V1 |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Valhalian (5e Race) |
Missing adequate fluff.
Valignar (5e Race) |
Valorant Agent Ultimate Ability Minion (5e Creature) |
Missing a psychical description.
Vampant (5e Race) |
More than half the page contains half-giant features and fluff, marked as
Vampire, 3rd Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Vampire, Seraph 2nd Variant (5e Class) |
Missing introduction fluff, and quick build information. Incomplete subclasses. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Vampire Lord (5e Class) |
This would work best as a composite character
Vampire Noble (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Vaulthunter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Vegfolk (5e Race) |
This race is still under construction and needs more Fluff. A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Velociraptor (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Velociter (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Velonosaur (5e Creature) |
How far away can the War Cry be heard? How far is out of range? 01:22, 31 January 2024 (MST)
Velour (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Velox, Variant (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Vengeful Osseran Spirit (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 21:15, 18 December 2023 (MST)
Vengeful Osseran Spirit -1 (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 21:15, 18 December 2023 (MST)
Vengeful Osseran Spirit 2 (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 21:15, 18 December 2023 (MST)
Veraxius' Scythe (5e Equipment) |
Who is Veraxius/Vexarius (an item should be applicable to more than a single setting, much less a single character)? Couldn't any weapon, in this case a Scythe (5e Equipment), be coated in acid or have acid vials affixed (perhaps as a weapon modification?)
Verdant Guardian (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Verenai (5e Race) |
There are also charts/tables mentioned that are not there. Should this have adult theme?
Vermedulla (5e Creature) |
Attack and damage modifiers for Rasp are incorrect. 03:51, 2 January 2024 (MST)
Veruns Abd Polycutes (5e Creature) |
Vesper's Requiem |
Magic weapons should use the 5e Magic Weapon Preload.
Vex Knight (5e Creature) |
A copy of Fokka Knight (5e Creature).
Vibromace (5e Equipment) |
Simple weapons should not have a d10 damage die, should be a Futuristic weapon, missing copyright tag
Vigilant |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Vinelings (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Vision Quest (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Vision of Doom (5e Spell) |
Largely incomplete.
Visored (5e Class) |
What subclasses?
Vita Puppet (Bungo Stray Dogs Supplement) |
Actions are unfinished. Missing a description. Given hit points are inaccurate to how
Vitality Wraith (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Vitreous (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Vladimir Lenin (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Void Apostle (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Void Vessel (5e Race) |
Incomplete H&W table. Incomplete Fluff.
Void Walker (5e Race) |
Fluff is sparse. Incomplete Height & Weight table. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Voidfox (5e Class) |
This racial class is unfinished, edits are coming, and more detail is as well. Please, do not edit this. The only completed part of this racial class is the Green lineage, and even then once it's fully completed, there may be a revamp to it all once everything is done.
Voidhaven (5e Campaign Setting) |
Volanox (5e Creature) |
Missing CR. Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Volatile (5e Class) |
Voodoo Doll (5e Spell) |
Vorcka (5e Equipment) |
What does this item actually do? 19:49, 28 September 2024 (MDT)
Vorus the Black Flame (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Vostaru (5e Campaign Setting) |
Incomplete. Original creator intends to finish later.
Vulperan (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Vulpini (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Vælk (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
WHUD, Bowmaster Edition (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Walker (5e Class) |
Missing subclasses, and introduction.
Wall Shield (5e Equipment) |
Redundant content (see Grid Shield (5e Equipment)).
Walls of Elisia: Charasmatic (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Walls of Elisia: Quick (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Walls of Elisia: Strong (5e Class) |
Incomplete Setting
Walls of Elisia (5e Campaign Setting) |
War Hammer Titan (5e Creature) |
The attack and damage bonus for the attacks are incorrect. 13:59, 8 October 2023 (MDT)
OGC:Warfare (5e Variant Rule) |
Warlord - Revision (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Water Archon (5e Race) |
Minimal fluff
Water Genasi, Variant (5e Subrace) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Waterdrake (5e Creature) |
Hit points and passive Perception aren't calculated correctly. 15:36, 5 October 2023 (MDT)
Way of Haki (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help. Simliar to Subclass without a class is incomplete. Consider merging the two under an appropriate class, like moonk or fighter.
Way of the Five Animals (5e Subclass) |
Way of the Monkey King, Variant (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Weapon Beast (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Weapon Cursed Human (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Weapon Wielder (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Weaponized (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Weapons & Armor Revised (5e Variant Rule) |
Lacks 'mastery properties' section
Weapons (Walls of Elisia Supplement) |
Weaveborn (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Weaver (5e Subclass) |
The spells should be separated onto their own pages. 21:53, 10 April 2024 (MDT)
Weaver Witch (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Werehound (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Werepyre Curse (5e Disease) |
Is this a disease or a curse? 03:35, 18 June 2024 (MDT)
Wererex (5e Creature) |
Lacking Fluff. 16:09, 17 December 2023 (MST)
Wesker |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Western Gunner (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Whalebone Hook (5e Equipment) |
Is this simple or martial? What is the two-handed damage of the versatile property (one-handed weapons can still be wielded in two hands if you want to)? How does this have the Ranged and Thrown properties "if rope" (which should be a special property), and what is the range of these properties? What is a "Free move"? 5e doesn't differentiate mundane items by material, and hook and chain covers the same concept better.
Wheel of Fortune Origin (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
White (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
White Bishop (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 02:43, 9 October 2023 (MDT)
White Walker (5e Creature) |
No Fluff.
Whiz Lord (5e Class) |
Widogast's Vault of Amber (5e Spell) |
Wielder (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Wild Bolt (5e Spell) |
Incomplete. See Spell Design (5e Guideline) if you need help.
Wild Magic: Baldur's Gate 3 Edition (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Wild Potion Mishaps Table (5e Other) |
Wild Westerner (5e Class) |
Missing the subclasses.
Winds of Life (5e Class) |
Winged Pikmin (5e Creature) |
No Fluff. 18:49, 22 April 2024 (MDT)
Winged Tiefling (5e Race Variant) |
Winter Soul, Variant (5e Subclass) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Class Design Guide#Subclasses if you need help.
Witcher, balanced version for dnd (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Wizard's Maze (5e Quest) |
Wizard, Low Magic Variant (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Wolf's Fang Whistle (5e Equipment) |
What is a shadow dire wolf? If it is a homebrew creature, it should be linked to. 05:07, 4 September 2024 (MDT)
Wolf Fang (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Wonder Bat (5e Equipment) |
Missing rarity. What kind of action do you need to use to use this item? The bat should be a weapon (club) instead of a wondrous item. 20:29, 11 December 2024 (UTC)
Wondrous Workshop (5e Spell) |
Missing school and legal casters.
Words of Inspiration (5e Spell) |
Missing several bits of information.
World Genius (5e Class) |
No features have descriptions.
World of Edevan Summoner (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Wraith, Evolve (5e Creature) |
Actions need work. No description.
Wyrdbound (5e Race) |
Wyrd Affliction might benefit from some structure and additional detail on how it happens and when. Does it happen on a certain roll or within timed intervals of X hours? Writing out the possible effects would also be helpful. See spells like prestidigitation or thaumaturgy for suggestions.
Wyrmkin (5e Race) |
Missing weight. "Twilight vision" needs an explanation.
Wyverian (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Xenomorph Queen (5e Creature) |
Numerous issues. Acidic Saliva is an absolute mess. Creatures don't need a specific action or trait to perform a grapple. The Little Mouth can't decide if it may be a Tiny Mouth. Frightful Presence states that it is a spell when it isn't. There isn't any Fluff. 03:33, 6 January 2024 (MST)
Xenos and Concordia (5e Campaign Setting) |
No content. 15:46, 8 May 2024 (MDT)
Yakuza (5e Class) |
no fluff on subclasses
Yamato, Variant (5e Equipment) |
This seems to be a magic weapon, not a mundane weapon. 19:26, 26 February 2024 (MST)
Yasha's Level-Up Bullets (5e Equipment) |
How do you destroy this artifact? 16:17, 14 May 2024 (MDT)
Yiga Blademaster (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Yiga Footsoldier (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Yokai of Books (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Yorick Mori (5e Class) |
name of the article doesn't match the name of the class inside it
Yuan-Ti Lord (5e Template) |
What is Wereserpent lycanthropy?
Yuan-ti Malison (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Yulianta and Milisteq (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Yuta Okkotsu (5e Creature) |
This page uses mechanics unique to Jujutsu Kaisen (5e Campaign Setting), but isn't marked as belonging to that setting. 14:25, 30 May 2024 (MDT)
Z-Sword (5e Equipment) |
Lacks in-depth lore and destruction clause necessary for an artifact. Lacks any sort of personality beyond being a damage stick (nothing about Elder Kai, Kibitoshin being unable to lift it, etc.). The ability to negate a ranged attack is both oddly worded (5e usually uses checks, attack rolls, and saving throws, not just pure ability rolls; and it's odd that is is effectively always a 60% chance regardless of the attacker or wielder), and would really be more reasonable to be a class feature that a unique property of any weapon (how does what weapon you wield determine whether or not you can deflect bullets, anyway?).
Zalgo (Pinkie) Pie (5e Creature) |
Missing actions, most ability scores, cr and description. Despite being Small it uses a d20 hit die. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Zane Diamond (5e Creature) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help. Missing SRD links.
User:ZarHakkar/Aniripsa (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Awakened Familiar (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Battlefield Trickster (5e Class) |
lack fluff
User:ZarHakkar/Cra (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Draconic Descendant (5e Class) |
two dead levels
User:ZarHakkar/Dragon's Blood (5e Class) |
Incomplete. Missing fluff, multiple dead levels, and lots more is "soon to come".
User:ZarHakkar/Dune Worm (5e Creature) |
This needs to be broken up into multiple pages.
User:ZarHakkar/Ecaflip (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Exosuit Pilot (5e Class) |
dead levels at 9th, 13th and 17th
User:ZarHakkar/Frost Prowler (5e Race) |
Missing a society or personality section.
User:ZarHakkar/Half-Goblin Variant (5e Race) |
This looks more like a race variant or something. Is this a template? There's only 2 traits other than the speed and whatnot.
User:ZarHakkar/Inventor (5e Class) |
User:ZarHakkar/Laffiny (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Liban's Gauntlet (5e Equipment) |
Needs clarification in how it works, also it seems too complicated to be an uncommon item
User:ZarHakkar/Living Corpse (5e Spell) |
User:ZarHakkar/Lunarborn (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Manifold Garden (5e Spell) |
User:ZarHakkar/Not Enough Stabs (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Ouginak (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Planebreaker (5e Class) |
dead levels
User:ZarHakkar/Rogue, "Old School" Variant (5e Class) |
The dead levels need to not be that.
User:ZarHakkar/Selatrop (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Slimeborg (5e Race) |
Non-specific, or incomplete descriptions for traits.
User:ZarHakkar/Sram (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/Summon Salesman (5e Spell) |
This spell is all but complete, but I need serious help filling out the tables presented here with stuff. A salesman with no goods is no salesman at all!
User:ZarHakkar/Tempus (5e Class) |
Missing subclasses, barely any introductory fluff, incomplete creating a class section.
User:ZarHakkar/Terra Knight (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
User:ZarHakkar/The Drifter (5e Class) |
User:ZarHakkar/The Gaelic Gamble (5e Spell) |
Feels like it needs to be connected to a stronger deity or being that can enforce the rules? Even if both participants are willing, can one of them provide a game of chance has that been magically altered to favor one of the involved parties.
User:ZarHakkar/The Infinity Stones (5e Equipment) |
Still missing a bit.
User:ZarHakkar/The Torus of Turmoil (5e Creature) |
Needs the spell list filled out. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
User:ZarHakkar/Untouchable Blade (5e Class) |
Missing a description, questions to help the player develop character, overall needs more fluff.
User:ZarHakkar/Weaponsmith (5e Class) |
User:ZarHakkar/Wisp (5e Race) |
User:ZarHakkar/Witcher, 5th Variant (5e Class) |
Only one subclass. Missing multiclassing iformation.
User:ZarHakkar/Wool Witch (5e Class) |
Missing damage types throughout. No saving throws for anything. This is mechanically unsound, and muddled. Missing multiclassing proficiencies(if any). Subclasses are missing levels they're gained at.
User:ZarHakkar/Xelor (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Zaratar (5e Creature) |
Barely any Fluff. 14:11, 7 October 2024 (MDT)
Zenites (5e Race) |
A race page is almost never complete when first created. For guidance, see the 5e Race Design Guide.
Zombie Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Zombie Vengeful Spirit (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement) |
Incomplete. See the 5e Creature Design Guide if you need help.
Æther Bastion (5e Equipment) |
There is no purple æther crystal. 23:22, 16 November 2024 (MST)
Æther Crystal (5e Equipment) |
There is no purple æther crystal. 23:22, 16 November 2024 (MST)
Évolutionniste, 2e variante (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.
Глифомант (5e Class) |
Almost no class page is in a finished state when it is first posted. For guidance, see the 5e Class Design Guide.