Onare Goblin (5e Subrace)

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Goblin Subrace[edit]

A very rare species of Goblin, widely considered the ghost of goblin kind. What sets them apart from other goblins is the horn on their head and the discoloration of their limbs. Onare goblins are known for their Agility and Speed, it is said that in a moment of need their horn will unleash more of their power.

Ability Score Increase. Your dex score increases by 2.
Onare Limbs (Amputation). Onare Goblins have 'dead limbs' and can attach and detached them without any problems. The coloration of your limbs are black and purple to show how different they are. If your limbs happen to get destroyed, they can regenerate at the cost of a full turn action as the dark mana remakes the missing limb.
Onare Skills. (Impulse)- Impulse produces a pushing force of dark mana repelling anything in contact with your limbs. At the cost of an action or reaction you can force all the dark mana into your limb to push away an enemy, the enemy must make a strength saving through against your DC 8+dex+prof. Or be pushed 30ft away on a failed save or 15ft on a success. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus

(Influx)- Influx is the opposite of Impulse, Influx uses your dark mana to pull things in closer. As an action you can pull objects and people towards you, enemies must make a strength saving throw or be pulled directly towards your limbs. Range of 30ft.

Both skills can be used when limbs are detached as well

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