Advanced height and weight (5e Variant Rule)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Variant rule needs to clearly describe the effects on gameplay, not be met with one sentence of fluff and no real explanation save for one table with, what I presume, are changes to height based on abilities, or limits, or maybe bonuses or penalties? It is not explained how to interpert that

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Advanced Height and Weight[edit]

NOTE: please add more races to the tables.

Not every Dungeons & Dragons character is fit as a fiddle. In real life during the medieval ages, depending on your social class, about 1-10 percent of people were overweight. Some people were tall, some short, and others thin.


Your height can be below or above average, however such height should have a noticeable effect. An intimidating villain is 7 feet tall, but they're just like any other Dungeons & Dragons character. This aims to fix that and gives players more options to better fit their characters.

Race Height Abilities
Human 6.5-7.5 feet +1 str, -1 dex
Human 4-5 feet -1 str, +1 dex
Dwarf 4.5-5.5 feet +1 str, -1 dex
Dwarf 3-3.5 feet -1 str, +1 dex
Halfing 3.5-4 feet +1 str, -1 dex
Halfing 2-2.5 feet -1 str, +1 dex
Gnome 3.5-4.5 feet +1 str, -1 dex
Gnome 2.5-3 feet -1 str, +1 dex
Elf 5.5-6 feet +1 str, -1 dex
Elf 4-4.5 feet -1 str, +1 dex
  • For half-orcs and half-elves, use the human ranges


Just like height, weight varies as well. For every 50 pounds above you races maximum you get this effect which stacks every time.

- 1 dex + 0.5 to con

For every 50 pounds under you races minimum you get this effect which stacks every time.

+ 1 dex - 0.5 to con

extra: For extra help deciding on weight, use a BMI calculator which can easily be found online.

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