Dark Curse of Mutation (5e Curse)

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Dark Curse of Mutation.[edit]


This curse can be given to you for many reasons. disrespect to most gods, spending time in the abyss, or a powerful, cursed magic item. The DM chooses when to roll on the table, and when the curse is removed.

Table: Mutation of Chaos table
1d100 Effect
1 you are turned into a medusa permanently.
2 you become 1d10 years younger.
3 you become 1d10 years older.
4 you shrink one size.
5 you grow one size.
6 your skin changes to a bright color, like hot pink, or lime green.
7 your eye color becomes blood red. you gain advantage on intimidation checks.
8 all of your hair falls out and vanishes.
9 all of your hair triples in length.
10 your gender swaps.
11 your spine shifts, forcing you to stand on your arms and legs.
12 your eye color becomes completely black, you also become blinded because of this.
13 you grow a coat of fur.
14 you grow a coat of feathers.
15 you grow a coat of scales.
16 your legs fuse together, forming one, large mermaid tail. you gain a swim speed of 30 feet, but your walk speed is now 0.
17 you grow a third eye on your forehead.
18 your blood turns to acid, it does not harm you however.
19 you grow a large pair of horns from your skull.
20 you polymorph into a random animal of the DM's choice for 1d8 hours.
21 your vocal cords stop working, making you completely mute.
22 you grow 1d4 new arms.
23 you grow 1d4 new legs.
24 you grow long, black claws from your fists.
25 roll twice, or the DM chooses one.
26 your lips harden and shape themselves into a bird's beak.
27 your lips harden and shape themselves into large insect mandibles.
28 your mouth extends into an animal snout.
29 your leg bones melt, and you lose feeling in your legs. your walk speed becomes 0 feet.
30 you gain a large spider's abdomen. you can cast {[5e|web}} spell once per day without material components.
31 one of your arms fuses with a weapon you are carrying. you lose the ability to hold anything with that arm.
32 you grow a long tail. The size and appearance of the tail is up to the DM.
33 you become immune to aging.
34 you become aqatic, losing lungs and gaining gills.
35 your vocal cords mutate, making you only able to speak one language. the language is up to the DM.
36 you become amorphous. you can't wear armor but can fit through spaces as small as one inch.
37 your brain shrinks, losing 1d4+1 from your Intelligence score.
38 a random limb of yours falls off. roll a d4 to decide which limb.
39 your blood is turned into lava. this does not harm you.
40 you suffer complete memory loss, losing all of their memories.
41 you grow 1d8 tentacles from your back. the tentacles move randomly.
42 your hands and feet grow webbing.
43 your legs fuse together and extend into a large snake tail. +5 walking speed.
44 you grow 4 large spider legs from your sides. you gain the spider climb and web-sense traits.
45 one of your limbs turns invisible.
46 you grow large bird-like wings from your shoulders. fly speed of 30 feet.
47 you grow large bat-like wings from your shoulders. fly speed of 30 feet.
48 you grow large dragonfly-like wings from your shoulders. fly speed of 30 feet.
49 you grow large dragon-like wings from your shoulders. fly speed of 30 feet.
50 your spine shifts, forcing you to stand your arms and legs.
51 your feet harden and turn into hooves.
52 gain a curse of lycanthropy, turning into a creature of the DM's choice.
53 your stomach changes, making you a carnivore.
54 your stomach changes, making you a herbivore.
55 your eyes can no longer see in light, and see normal in darkness.
56 roll twice, or DM chooses.
57 you start growing small mushrooms from your skin.
58 your skin becomes a bright color, like hot pink, or lime green.
59 any armor you're wearing fuses to your skin, making it unable to be removed.
60 you grow a third eye on your forehead.
61 your gender swaps.
62 you grow large horns from your skull.
63 you grow a coat of fur.
64 you grow a coat of feathers.
65 you grow a coat of scales.
66 you start growing small crystals from your skin.
67 all of your hair triples in length.
68 your legs fuse together, forming one, large mermaid tail. you gain a swim speed of 30 feet, but your walk speed becomes 0.
69 your lips harden and extend, turning into a bird's beak.
70 your vocal cords stop working, making you completely mute.
71 your spine shifts, forcing you to stand on your arms and legs.
72 you become insane. your alignment changes to chaotic evil.
73 a random limb of yours falls off. roll a d4 to choose which limb.
74 you turn into a goblin permanently.
75 roll twice, or the DM chooses.
76 you polymorph into a creature of the DM's choice for 1d8 hours.
77 you grow a coat of fur.
78 you grow a coat of feathers.
79 you grow a coat of scales.
80 you grow a tail. the size and appearance is up to the DM.
81 you become immune to aging.
82 your gender swaps.
83 your feet harden and turn into hooves.
84 one of your limbs turns into a long tentacle.
85 you grow a pair of bird-like wings from your shoulders. fly speed 30 feet.
86 you grow a pair of bat-like wings from your shoulders. fly speed 30 feet.
87 you grow a pair of dragonfly-like wings from your shoulders. fly speed of 30 feet.
88 you grow a pair of dragon-like wings from your shoulders. fly speed of 30 feet.
89 you grow a large pair of horns from your skull.
90 roll twice or the DM chooses.
91 your skin changes to a bright color, like hot pink, or lime green.
92 you become aqatic. you lose lungs and gain gills.
93 you grow long, black claws from your hands.
94 your hands and feet grow webbing.
95 one of your limbs turns invisible.
96 you become 1d10 years younger.
97 you become 1d10 years older.
98 your leg bones melt, and you lose feeling in your legs. your walk speed is now 0 feet.
99 you start growing small mushrooms from your skin.
100 roll three times, or the DM chooses 2.

The Dark Curse of Mutation can be broken by casting the wish spell.

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