Chemical Weapon Exposure (5e Disease)

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Chemical Weapon Exposure[edit]

Contracting <Disease>[edit]

When a creature ends their turn in a cloud of chlorine gas, they must make a DC 10 constitution save to hold their breath, contracting Chemical Weapon Exposure on a failed save, and no effect on a successful save. The DC of the save increases by 2 for each turn the creature is in the cloud of gas, and resetting to 10 the moment the creature ends their turn outside of the cloud, or fails the save. Creatures that do not breathe, or are immune to acid or poison damage are immune to Chemical Weapon Exposure.


Stage 1: The creature starts coughing as the gas burns their eyes and airways. The creature has disadvantage on perception checks relying on sight, on concentration checks on spells, and any further saves to hold their breath. Upon failing another save to hold their breath in toxic gas they will progress to stage 2.

Stage 2: The creature begins coughing up blood, their esophagus and lungs are bleeding, burned, and beginning to fill with blood. They are unable to heal, are blinded, along with all previous effects. After one hour the creature will progress to stage 3.

Stage 3: Blood has flooded the creatures lungs, they are completely unable to breathe. The creature begins drowning: after a number of turns equal to the creatures constitution modifier (minimum of 1) they will fall to 0 HP, and begin making death saving throws as normal. They can not be stabilized while at stage 3 of Chemical Weapon Exposure.


Chemical Weapon Exposure can be cured with lesser restoration.

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