Javelin Pilot (5e Class)

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Javelin Pilot[edit]

Javelin Pilots are warriors who wear powerful exo-suit armor called “Javelins,” which are capable of flight, increased physical abilities, and protection.

Creating a Javelin Pilot[edit]

Javelin Pilots are skilled individuals who often have lots of military or combat experience. They could be bandits, a member of a powerful and wealthy military, or perhaps they made their own. Either way, wearing a Javelin often makes the wearer feel unstoppable, like a juggernaut. Some questions to consider when creating a Javelin Pilot would be: Is their Javelin stolen? Their own? Inherited or Issued? Are they an AWOL unit? Or have they been tasked with an exploratory expedition? Retired? Is this a personal adventure?

Quick Build

You can make a Javelin Pilot quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Constitution your highest ability score, and make your second highest ability score as the following: Dexterity for Ranger and Interceptor, Constitution for Colossus, and Charisma for Storm. Second, pick the Soldier background. Third, choose the hunting rifle, and Explorer’s Pack.

Class Features

As a Javelin Pilot you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Javelin Pilot level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Javelin Pilot level after 1st


Armor: Javelin Armor
Weapons: Martial Weapons, Firearms
Tools: Javelin Tools, one tool of choice
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Three of choice


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Dungeoneer’s Pack or (b) Explorer’s Pack or (c) Scholar’s Pack
  • (a) A trophy from a previous victory or (b) An emblem of your guild/faction
  • (a) A hunting rifle with 30 ammunition or (b) An automatic pistol with 30 ammunition or (c) A martial ranged weapon of choice with 30 ammunition
  • Traveler’s Clothes and a dagger
  • Javelin Frame and Javelin Tools

Table: The Javelin Pilot

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Javelin Frame, Javelin Tools
2nd +2 Javelin Mobility
3rd +2 Javelin Type
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Javelin Durability Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack, Energy Shield Upgrade
6th +3 Javelin Ultimatum, Javelin Type Feature
7th +3 Javelin Armor, Autopilot
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Reinforced Hydraulics
9th +4 Improved Javelin Flight
10th +4 Energy Shield Upgrade, Javelin Durability Improvement
11th +4 Extra Attack, Javelin Type Feature
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Autonomous Function
13th +5 Superior Ultimatum
14th +5 Greater Javelin Armor
15th +5 Energy Shield Upgrade, Javelin Durability Improvement
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Ultimatum Dual Charge
17th +6 Javelin Type Feature
18th +6 Superior Javelin Flight
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Legendary Pilot

Javelin Frame[edit]

At 1st level, you gain access to your Javelin Frame, a powerful suit of armor that defines your abilities. Your Javelin Frame is treated as a magical item, bonded to you and powered by your connection to it. You can don or doff your Javelin as a bonus action. While wearing your Javelin, you gain the following benefits:

  • Armor Class: Base AC 13 + your Dexterity modifier
  • Enhanced Mobility: Your movement speed increases by 10 feet
  • Flight: You can hover and have a flight speed of 45ft for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) + your proficiency bonus. You regain the ability to fly after 3 rounds (30 seconds) of being on the ground to let the suit’s thrusters cool
  • Energy Shield: At the start of combat, you start with 10 temporary hit points granted by your Javelin’s energy shield. Once the shield breaks, all damage until the end of combat directly hits you
  • Fall Suspensions: Your fall damage is halved, and negated if it is 50ft or less as long as you land on your feet

Your Javelin is customized and upgraded as you gain levels, unlocking new abilities and features

Javelin Tools[edit]

Your Javelin tools are an important piece of gear that every pilot needs, it makes sure that their Javelin’s are always in tip-top shape, and do the following:

  • Allows the changing of resistances and gears
  • Repairing colossus armor
  • The Javelin must be taken maintenance of by the pilot at least once per week, or they will not gain the benefits from the Energy Shield feature

If your Javelin tools are lost or broken, 10gp and a period during a long rest can be spent to recreate them.

Javelin Mobility[edit]

At 2nd level, your capacity for using the Javelin’s mobility has improved, allowing you to dash, hide, or disengage as a bonus action.

Javelin Type[edit]

At 3rd level, your Javelin is ready to be brought up to the next level of its strength, allowing you to permanently modify the frame of your Javelin to 1 of four types:

Ranger - Fast, Tactical, Powerful. The Ranger Javelin focuses on dealing the most damage and taking advantage of an enemy’s shortcomings.

Colossus - Strong, Stalwart, Titanic. The Colossus Javelin is the largest and most powerful of the Javelin types, practically a walking, flying tank that is meant to take all of the incoming damage.

Storm - Mystical, Supportive, Explosive. The Storm Javelin is modified to manipulate the forces of nature, using fire, frost, and lightning as powerful and devastating weapons from a range.

Interceptor - Nimble, Fast, Deadly. The Interceptor Javelin’s main focus is speed, making sure that they always catch the enemy off-guard and hit them where it hurts as a great distraction.

Bonuses gained from these Javelin types can be found at the end of this class.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

At 4th level, you can increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1. Alternatively, you can take a feat. You gain this benefit again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level.

Javelin Durability Improvement[edit]

Starting at 4th level, you gain a bonus to your AC granted by your Javelin. Your AC Increases by one while your Javelin is worn, and this bonus increases to +2 at 10th level, +3 at 15th level, and +4 at 20th level.

Extra Attack[edit]

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three at 11th level and to four at 20th level.

Energy Shield Upgrade[edit]

At 5th level, your Energy Shield’s functionality has been fine-tuned for better protection, gaining an additional 10 hit points at the start of initiative, for a total of 20. This increases to 30 at 10th level, 40 at 15th level, and 50 at 20th level.

Javelin Ultimatum[edit]

At 6th level, you have become experienced enough with your Javelin armor to safely use its most powerful function, the Ultimatum. Each Javelin has their own unique Ultimatum, as listed below:

Ranger Volley - Choose up to 6 enemies you can see within 100ft of you, and launch a volley of rockets at them, causing each of them to take 3d8 fire damage. Damage increases to 3d10 at 10th level, and 4d12 at 15th level.

Colossus Siege Cannon - Choose a 30ft square within 100ft of you that you can see, launching a large, powerful rocket that causes a massive blast to sweep over that area, dealing 3d10 fire damage. Damage increases to 4d10 at 10th level, and 5d12 at 15th level.

Storm Surge - Choose a 20ft square within 100ft of you, dropping a massive elemental blast that deals 3d10 fire/cold/lightning damage in that area. Creatures within the attack range must make a (DC 10 + your Charisma modifier) Constitution saving throw in order to take half damage and prevent from being set ablaze/paralyzed. Damage increases to 3d12 at 10th level, and 4d12 at 15th level.

Interceptor Overdrive - Gain resistance to all non-magical damage and gain an extra attack action for a minute. Duration increases to a minute and 2 rounds at 10th level, and a minute and 4 rounds and 15th level.

The Ultimatum is only usable once per long rest.

Javelin Armor[edit]

At 7th level, you take pride and joy in your Javelin and have improved its defensive abilities. While wearing the Javelin armor, you now gain resistance to one damage of choice: Fire, Cold, Acid, or Lightning.

This resistance can be changed to a different type during a short or long rest.


Ay 7th level, while not wearing your Javelin armor, it can follow you around as if it was fully autonomous. It cannot use weapons, speak, or complete complex tasks and actions. It can perform simple actions such as flipping a lever, pressing a button, making unarmed attacks (they do not share your extra attacks), and making simple movements and gestures. Additionally, you can track the location of your Javelin at all times, as long as you are within 10 miles of it.

Reinforced Hydraulics[edit]

At 8th level, you have tweaked and modified your Javelin to have better physical capabilities, granting the following benefits:

  • Your carry capacity is doubled. Unless you are a colossus, in which case it is tripled
  • You now count your Strength modifier twice on Strength checks and saves
  • You have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone or grappled

Improved Javelin Flight[edit]

At 9th level, your Javelin’s flight capabilities have been improved, allowing you the following benefits:

  • Flight speed is increased by 10ft
  • Flight cooldown is decreased by 1 round
  • You can fly for an additional round before needing to land

Autonomous Function[edit]

At 12th level, the Javelin's Autopilot capabilities have been improved, allowing them to use weapons, fly, make physical interactions with people, and perform their own skill checks and saves (they share the same stats as you). The Javelin is still unable to speak and make individual choices other than from commands that you give it.

Superior Ultimatum[edit]

At 13th level, the Javelin’s Ultimatum feature has been refined and improved, allowing for greater devastation. You gain the following benefits:

  • Ultimatum reach increased by 30ft
  • All Ultimatum damage increases by three die
  • Ranger Volley enemy count increases to 8
  • Colossus Siege Cannon blast radius increases to 40ft
  • Storm Surge save DC increases by 3
  • Interceptor Overdrive gains now has 2 extra attacks instead of just one

Improved Javelin Armor[edit]

At 14th level, you take extra measures to keep yourself and your Javelin safe. While wearing the Javelin armor, you now gain resistance to two damage types of choice: Fire, Cold, Acid, or Lightning.

These resistances can be changed to different types during a short or long rest.

Ultimatum Dual Charge[edit]

At 16th level, you have extended and increased your Javelin’s capacity for energy, allowing it to use the Ultimatum feature twice per long rest.

Superior Javelin Flight[edit]

At 18th level, you have spent large amounts of time, money, and resources in order to maximize the efficiency of your Javelin’s thrusters, gaining the following benefits:

  • Flight speed is increased by 10ft
  • Flight cooldown is decreased by 1 round
  • You can fly for an additional round before needing to land

Legendary Pilot[edit]

At 20th level, you have completely mastered the art of the Javelin armor, granting you the following:

  • Unlimited flight time
  • Resistance to three damage types of choice instead of just two
  • +10 to walking and flight speed
  • Energy Shield increases by 10 hit points
  • +1 to AC

Javelin Types[edit]

Each Javelin is given its own specialization once the wearer has become familiar enough with their armor to modify it to their liking, changing it from just a Javelin frame into a Ranger, Colossus, Storm, or Interceptor.


A balanced Javelin suit capable of mid-range combat, tactical advantage, and high damage.

Ranger’s Resolve[edit]

At 3rd level, your new and specialized Ranger Javelin has been granted special bonuses that are as follows:

  • Proficiency in Perception checks and saves. If you are already proficient, gain expertise
  • You are not affected by rough terrain and weather
  • You have a stun baton attached to your dominant hand, which deals 1d6 lightning damage and stuns on a critical hit

Ranger Gear[edit]

At 3rd level, your Javelin type comes with specialized upgrades for your usage, you choose one to start with, which are the following:

Bulwark Point - Twice per long rest, you can place up a barrier in a 15ft space around you. Creatures within this barrier cannot be targeted by attacks outside of the barrier, the barrier has as many hit points as your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) + your proficiency bonus x 8. The barrier lasts for a minute, and creatures inside of the barrier can freely target and attack creatures on the outside.

Muster Point - Twice per long rest, you can create an area of emboldenment in a 15ft space around you. All friendly creatures within this space gain an additional die of damage on attacks they make, and the area lasts for a minute.

Seeker Grenade - Twice per long or short rest, your Javelin produces a fragmentation grenade that breaks into four smaller parts, which seek out hostile creatures. These smaller fragments chase after the nearest creature within 20ft, each dealing 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier fire damage.

Venom Darts - As many times per long rest as your proficiency bonus, you can shoot a small volley of acidic darts that impale a target creature within 60ft, dealing 3d4 + your Wisdom modifier acid damage and on critical hits, deals an additional 1d4 acid damage for an extra minute on the start of every one of that creature’s turns.

You can change the equipped gear during a long rest, and gain an additional gear at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.

Steel Defender[edit]

At 6th level, your experience and knowledge of your Javelin’s function has given you the insight to make some rather large improvements to your armor, granting you the following benefits:

  • Your passive perception increases by 2, and you gain 60ft of darkvision
  • Advantage on Constitution saving throws

Ranger’s Oath[edit]

At 11th level, your Ultimatum has been tweaked to provide further bonuses while in use, granting you the following benefits:

  • You gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt by your Ultimatum, this cannot exceed your maximum
  • All enemies hit by your Ultimatum take an additional die of damage from all attacks against them for the next minute

Ranger Legendary Gear[edit]

At 17th level, you have refined your Ranger gear to a masterful quality, allowing it the following benefits:

Vanguard's Rampart - A legendary variant of Bulwark Point, the barrier’s range increases to 20ft, and the hit points the shield has is increased to twice your Constitution modifier (minimum 2) + twice your proficiency modifier x 8.

Tarsis’ Last Stand - A legendary variant of Muster Point, the range increases the 20ft, lasts an additional minute, and all attacks deal an additional 2 die of damage.

Grand Opening - A legendary variant of Seeker Grenade, it now deals 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier fire damage, breaks into 6 smaller parts instead of 4, and can seek out enemies within 30 ft of where it lands.

Tactical Onslaught - A legendary variant of Venom Darts, it now deals 4d6 + your Wisdom modifier acid damage, has advantage on the attack roll, and deals 3d4 acid damage at the start of each turn on critical hits.


A heavily armored powerhouse of a Javelin, built for endurance, power, and control.

Colossus’s Constitution[edit]

At 3rd level, your modifier Javelin has become a behemoth of steel, granting you these additional benefits while worn:

  • Proficiency in Athletics checks and saves. If you are already proficient, gain expertise
  • Your carry capacity is doubled
  • You have a shield attached to your secondary arm that can be used as a bonus action, granting resistance to non-magical damage as long as the damage comes from where the shield is facing.
  • Your unarmed strikes now deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage, knocking a creature prone on critical hits
  • You now use your Constitution modifier to count towards your AC instead of Dexterity

Colossus Gear[edit]

At 3rd level, your Javelin type comes with specialized upgrades for your usage, you choose one to start with, which are the following:

Battle Cry - Twice per long rest, unleash a threatening cry as a bonus action, forcing all hostile creatures within 30ft to make their next attack against you, and gaining advantage to all damage dealt by creatures affected by this.

Burst Mortar - As many times per day as your proficiency bonus, launch a series of rockets up to 75ft away, dealing 3d6 + your Wisdom modifier fire damage to all creatures within 15ft of the blast.

Flamethrower - Twice per initiative, shoot out a burst of flame as an action, hitting all creatures within a 15ft radius away from you, dealing 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier fire damage to all creatures within range.

Lightning Coil - As many times per day as your proficiency bonus, send out a strong electric charge as a bonus action that hits enemies within a 10ft circle around you, dealing 2d8 + your Wisdom modifier lightning damage to all creatures within range.

You can change the equipped gear during a long rest, and gain an additional gear at 6th, 11th and 17th level.

Titanic Power[edit]

At 3rd level, as a Colossus, you do not have an energy shield. However, this is countered by having so much protective plating that it’s nearly impossible to hurt you. Instead of starting with your Energy Shield hit points, you have triple the amount that you would normally have for your Energy Shield for the entire day. Once these hit points are depleted, you will take damage dealt towards you directly, unless you spend a two-hour period during the day to repair your armor, or during a long or short rest to do so.

Iron Titan[edit]

At 6th level, your have spent countless hours toiling away at improving the constitution of your Javelin’s armor, granting you the following benefits:

  • An additional +1 to AC
  • You add twice your proficiency bonus to Strength checks and saves

Siege Lord[edit]

At 11th level, your Colossus’ Ultimatum has been improved and given the best improvements possible, granting the following benefits:

  • Upon activation of your Ultimatum, you gain one third of your maximum Colossus temporary hit points. This cannot exceed your maximum
  • You gain resistance to all non-magical damage for a minute

Colossus Legendary Gear[edit]

At 17th level, you have refined your Colossus gear to a masterful quality, allowing it the following benefits:

Berserker’s Cry - A legendary variant of Battle Cry, the range increases to 40ft, you gain resistance and a -10 to all damage that affected creatures deal to you, and attacks against affected creatures have advantage and deal an extra die of damage until the effect ends.

Titan’s Hail - A legendary variant of Burst Mortar, now dealing 5d10 fire damage, the range increased to 100ft, and the blast radius increased to 20ft.

Fist of the Crucible - A legendary variant of Flamethrower, the range increases to 25ft, dealing 3d12 + your Wisdom modifier fire damage, and ignoring resistances. If the creature is immune, they take damage as if they were resistant.

Vassa’s Arc - A legendary variant of Lightning Coil, the range increased to 20ft and now deals 4d12 + your Wisdom modifier lightning damage.


A unique Javelin suit that bears mystical abilities, harnessing elemental energy for devastating attacks.

Storm’s Savagery[edit]

At 3rd level, your modified Javelin comes with its own unique strengths and abilities, granting you the following benefits:

  • Proficiency in Arcana checks and saves. If you are already proficient, gain expertise
  • Your energy shield starts with an additional 10 hit points
  • Your melee strikes deal 1d6 + your Charisma modifier fire/cold/lightning damage, and critical hits set ablaze/paralyzed for each element respectively
  • You now use your Charisma modifier to count towards your AC instead of Dexterity

Storm Gear[edit]

At 3rd level, your Javelin type comes with specialized upgrades for your usage, you choose one to start with, which are the following:

Burning Orb - As many times per day as your proficiency bonus, launch out a flaming orb that explodes within 60ft of you as an action, dealing 3d6 + your Charisma modifier fire damage to all creatures within 10ft of the explosion.

Glacial Spear - As many times per day as your proficiency bonus, shoot out a piercing bolt of ice to a target within 60ft of you, dealing 2d10 + your Charisma modifier cold damage and reducing their movement speed by 10 for a minute.

Shock Burst - As many times per day as your proficiency bonus, let loose a ball of pure voltage within 50ft of you as an action, dealing 5d4 + your Charisma modifier lightning damage to all creatures within 10ft of where the orb lands.

Quickening Field - Twice per long rest, create a 15ft field as an action, all friendly creatures within this field gain haste until the end of their turn. The field lasts for a minute and if a friendly creature starts their turn in this space, they start with an additional action.

You can change the equipped gear during a long rest, and gain an additional gear at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.

Storm Seal[edit]

At 6th level, the Storm’s greater elemental functions have become usable through Seals, allowing you to use more powerful and deadly aspects of nature.

Flame Burst - Once per long rest, cause a burst of flame to rise from the ground as an action, dealing 3d10 + your Charisma modifier fire damage to all creatures within a 20ft circle of choice within 85ft of you.

Ice Storm - Once per long rest, set down a freezing storm of frost as an action, dealing 4d8 + your Charisma modifier cold damage to all creatures within a 15ft circle of choice within 85ft of you. The storm lasts for 3 rounds and all creatures within the circle have a -10 reduction to their movement speed until they end their turn outside of the affected area. A creature that starts or ends its turn within the affected area take 2d4 cold damage.

Lightning Strike - Once per long rest, you cast down a powerful bolt of lightning as an action, dealing 3d12 + your Charisma modifier lightning damage in a 15ft circle within 60ft of you.

Wind Wall - Once per long rest, you create a wall of solid air within 60ft of you as an action. It is 40ft wide and tall, has a number of hit points equal to double your energy shield, and lasts for a minute. Friendly creatures on your side of the wall can shoot and move through the wall freely.

You can change the equipped Seal during a long rest, and gain an additional seal at 10th, 14th, and 18th level.

Surging Storm[edit]

At 11th level, the Storm’s Ultimatum has been refined and upgraded, allowing these additional benefits when using your Ultimatum:

  • Upon activating your Ultimatum, you gain half of your maximum temporary hit points. This cannot exceed your maximum amount of temporary hit points
  • You become resistant to one of these damage types for a minute: Fire, Cold, Acid, or Lightning. If you already have resistance, gain immunity

Storm Legendary Gear[edit]

At 17th level, you have refined your Storm gear to a masterful quality, allowing it the following benefits:

Ten Thousand Suns - A legendary variant of Burning Orb, now dealing 5d8 + your Charisma modifier fire damage with an increased blast radius of 15ft.

Black Ice - A legendary variant of Glacial Spear, dealing 4d12 + your Charisma modifier cold damage, with an increased range of 90ft and a -20 to movement speed instead of 10.

Seal of the Open Mind - A legendary variant of Shock Burst, dealing 9d6 + your Charisma modifier lightning damage with an increased range of 15ft.

Anthem’s Grace - A legendary variant of Quickening Field, granting friendly creatures two instead of one additional action with an increased size of 30ft.

Venomous Blaze - A legendary variant of Flame Burst, now dealing 9d8 + your Charisma modifier fire damage within a 30ft blast, with an increased range of 100ft.

Winter’s Wrath - A legendary variant of Ice Storm, now deals 7d10 + your Charisma modifier cold damage, affecting a 30ft circle of choice within 100ft of you. The duration increases to 1 minute and all creatures within the circle have a -20 reduction to their movement speed until they end their turn outside of the affected area. A creature that starts or ends its turn within the affected area takes 4d6 cold damage.

Eternal Squall - A legendary variant of Lightning Strike, now causing 7d12 + your Charisma modifier lightning damage in a 20ft circle within 80ft of you.

Howling Veil - A legendary variant of Wind Wall, the range increased to 80ft with the wall increasing to 50ft wide and tall, with triple the health of your energy shield.


A speed-based Javelin specializing in rapid attacks, agility, and serving as an excellent diversion while being incredibly hard to hit.

Interceptor’s Instinct[edit]

At 3rd level, your modifier Javelin has become a metal ninja, granting you these additional benefits while worn:

  • Proficiency in Acrobatics saves and checks. If you are already proficient, gain expertise
  • +5 to movement speed
  • You have integrated blades within the forearms that deal 1d8 damage and have the finesse trait

Interceptor Gear[edit]

At 3rd level, your Javelin type comes with specialized upgrades for your usage, you choose one to start with, which are the following:

Searching Glaive - Your Javelin auto-creates 1d6 + your proficiency bonus large shurikens at the start of initiative. These shurikens deal 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage, and auto-lock on to targets that are not behind cover, granting advantage on the attack roll.

Target Beacon - Once per long or short rest, your Javelin creates a small device that works as a tracking tool. As long as you are wearing your Javelin, you know the location of a creature hit with the device for the next 24 hours. A creature hit by this device also takes an additional 1d4 damage when you attack it.

Cryo Glaive - Twice per long rest, you can throw an exploding frost shuriken from your Javelin that deals 2d4 + your Wisdom modifier cold damage to all creatures within a 15ft radius of the blast, and reduces the movement speed of those creatures by 10ft for a minute.

Venom Bomb Twice per long rest, your Javelin produces a grenade-like explosive that detonates when thrown, shrouding a 20ft space with a toxic gas that lasts for a minute, deals 2d4 + your Wisdom modifier poison damage to creatures within the space at the start of each of their turns that they are in the gas. You and other creatures that are wearing Javelin armor are immune to this effect.

You can change the equipped gear during a long rest, and gain an additional gear at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.

Superior Speed[edit]

At 6th level, the Interceptor’s functionality has been fine-tuned and improved greatly, granting the following benefits:

  • Your walking and flight speed increases by 5ft
  • You add twice your proficiency bonus to Dexterity checks and saves

Interceptor’s Fury[edit]

At 11th level, your Javelin’s Overdrive has been modified to be used in moments of dire need, allowing these additional benefits:

  • When activating Overdrive, you gain 5 temporary hit points for each hostile creature within 30ft of you, this can exceed your maximum temporary hit points by a limit of 20
  • If there are 2 or more hostile creatures within 30ft of you while Overdrive is active, you gain an additional +5 walking and flight speed

Interceptor Legendary Gear[edit]

At 17th level, you have refined your Interceptor gear to a masterful quality, allowing it the following benefits:

Ruthless Stalker - A legendary variant of Searching Glaive, it now deals 3d8 + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage, automatically hits creatures that are not behind cover, and two can be thrown at once.

Slayer’s Furor - A legendary variant of Target Beacon, all attacks now deal an additional 1d10 damage to the marked creature, and all attacks have advantage. If the creature is slain, the mark can be used once more on the same day.

Absolute Zero - A legendary variant of Cryo Glaive, it now deals 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier cold damage, has advantage on the attack roll, and reduces enemy movement speed by half for a minute.

Serpent’s Veil - A legendary variant of Venom Bomb, it now deals 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier poison damage, the radius increases to 30ft, it lasts an additional minute, and if a creature lasts 2 or more rounds within the gas, they gain the poisoned condition.