Star Wars D20 Weapons Conversion

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See also, for comparison. Maybe ask users of other wiki for helping converting things back and forth.

Futuristic technological weapons from depths of The Prime Material, with love.

  • Cost: converted to GP; there's inconsistencies in costs in both systems. Possible variants: 1GP = 12.5 CR (Knife vs Dagger); 1GP = 8.5 (Crossbow vs Crossbow, Light); 1 GP = 4 CR (Mace vs Mace, Heavy).
  • Weapon Type: "Simple Weapons" are Simple Weapons; "Exotic weapons" are Exotic Weapons; and everything else is Martial Weapons of different sub-types.
  • Critical: Since it's not tied to weapon in Star Wars D20, it could either be "default" or be assigned separately.
  • Reach: Same as in DnD 3e/3.5e.
  • Weight: Same, re-calculated into Imperial system (lb).
  • Range of ranged weapons: Remains the same - but gets re-calculated from "Squares" to Feet (Star Wars D20 "Character Scale Square" = 1.5 feet).
  • Size: "Large"=Two-Handed. "Medium"=One-handed. "Small"=One-handed Light.
  • Stun: "Stun"=Nonlethal Damage. If weapon can switch between lethal and non-lethal modes, then it functions perfectly in either mode. Damage may change in different modes.
  • Automatic fire: Work in progress.


Stun Baton[edit]

  • Cost: from 1.2 GP to 3.75 GP, depending on calculation method.
  • Damage: 1d6 lethal bludgeoning or 2d6 nonlethal energy (stun).
  • Weight: ≈1,102311 lb.
  • Size: One-handed, Light.
  • Critical: "???". x2?

Blaster Rifle[edit]

  • Cost: from 80 GP to 250 GP, depending on calculation method.
  • Damage: 3d8 lethal energy or 3d8 nonlethal energy (stun).
  • Weight: ≈9,920802 lb.
  • Size: One-handed.
  • Critical: "???". x2?