Knight Radiant (5e Class)

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Knight Radiant[edit]

Nimbly dodging the towering voidbringer, a windrunner sweeps his blade in a fantastic show of skill to cut down another enemy. Inhaling, he draws in more stormlight from the pouch at his belt, feeding the inferno of energy within him. With a swift lashing upwards, he brings his blade forward in a swift strike, piercing the gemheart of the fused before him.

Crouching in a dark alleyway, a lightweaver quickly knits an illusion of herself to lure away the approaching criminals. As they move past, she cuts down one of the two hooded men, killing him with before he can even cry out. stepping out behind the remaining figure she reveals herself, offering him the chance to surrender before she takes him out as well.

As he walks through a makeshift war hospital, an Edgedancer weaves between patients, healing them with his Progresssion Surge. His touch heals better than any medicine, allowing those injured in battle to return to a normal life that many of them would not have been able to lead with their injuries. Around are crowded those who he has saved, thanking him with tearful eyes.

These Knights Radiant are the world's strongest defense against the voidbringers, fighting with honor and cunning against the forces of Odium.


The first Surgebinders came to be as a result of spren trying to imitate what Honor had given his Heralds. The spren formed bonds with the mankind to give them Surgebinding abilities. Honor was surprised by their coming, because he hadn't taught it to his Heralds. These Surgebinders were later formed into the ten orders of the Knights Radiant by the Herald Ishi'Elin, for the purpose of watching for the coming Desolations, and helping men fight, then rebuild the society from the destruction of the Desolations, and they adopted the city of Urithiru as their center of power. For a long time, they maintained their duty, until eventually they abandoned it on what is now known as the Day of Recreance, and possibly even turned against their wards, as some legends say. This betrayal caused many spren to die, their corpses becoming tools of destruction, and as a result they stopped granting humanity Surgebinding.

In recent times, sensing an impending danger, the spren started returning to mankind as an act of self-preservation. People all over Roshar started gaining Surgebinding powers by forming Nahel bonds with the spren in the following years. At the beginning of the year 1174, Urithiru was reclaimed, and the Knights Radiant were re-founded.

Radiant Orders and Powers[edit]

The Knights Radiant comprised ten different Orders, some of which had several hundred members. Each Order had two Surges associated with it, and each Surge was used by two different Orders. Scholars associated the ten Orders with the Ten Essences as well.

Each order corresponded to a Herald, and all of them except the Bondsmiths roughly correspond to a specific kind of spren, though it is not entirely a one to one relationship.

Order of Windrunners
Windrunners bond with honorspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation. The combination of these two Surges results in the powers known as the Three Lashings. Windrunners are associated with the sapphire polestone, the essence of Zephyr, and the Herald Jezrien.
Order of Skybreakers
Skybreakers bond with highspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Gravitation and Division. Skybreakers are associated with the smokestone polestone, the essence of Vapor, and the Herald Nale.
Order of Dustbringers
Dustbringers - or as they prefer, Releasers - bond with ashspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Division and Abrasion. Their powers tend to be destructive. Dustbringers are associated with the ruby polestone, the essence of Spark, and the Herald Chanarach.
Order of Edgedancers
Edgedancers bond with cultivationspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Abrasion and Progression. Edgedancers are associated with the diamond polestone, the essence of Lucentia, and the Herald Vedel.
Order of Truthwatchers
Truthwatchers bond with mistspren, gaining the ability to use the Surges of Progression and Illumination. The surge of Progression grants the Truthwatchers the power of regrowth, which allows them to heal people, and at least two Truthwatchers have demonstrated the ability to foresee future events. Truthwatchers are associated with the emerald polestone, the essence of Pulp, and the Herald Pailiah.
Order of Lightweavers
Lightweavers bond with Cryptics, or liespren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Illumination and Transformation. They can create illusions and have the inherent ability to Soulcast. Lightweavers are associated with the garnet polestone, the essence of Blood, and the Herald Shalash.
Order of Elsecallers
Elsecallers bond with inkspren, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Transformation and Transportation. They have the inherent ability to Soulcast. They have the closest affiliation with Shadesmar out of all the orders. Elsecallers are associated with the zircon polestone, the essence of Tallow, and the Herald Battar.
Order of Willshapers
Willshapers bond with lightspren, also known as Reachers, which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Transportation and Cohesion. Willshapers are associated with the amethyst polestone, the essence of Foil, and the Herald Kalak.
Order of Stonewards
Stonewards bond with peakspren, gaining the ability to use the Surges of Cohesion and Tension. Stonewards are associated with the topaz polestone, the essence of Talus, and the Herald Talenel.
Order of Bondsmiths
Bondsmiths bond with three unique spren; the Stormfather, the Sibling, and the Nightwatcher; which gives them the ability to use the Surges of Tension and Adhesion. Bondsmiths are associated with the heliodor polestone, the essence of Sinew, and the Herald Ishar.

The Knights Radiant also used Shardblades and Shardplate, which were etched with glyphs and glowed a different color according to the Order they were a part of. Not all Radiants have access to Shards and many Orders don't receive them until they have sworn the higher Ideals.

Immortal Words[edit]

The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, known as the Immortal Words, serve as a guide for the Radiants actions and lives. Each order of Radiants has five Ideals, though different Radiants from the same order may swear an ideal with slightly different words and Lightweavers swear more individualized truths instead of ideals. The wording of the First Ideal, however, is exact and is used by all orders, including the Lightweavers. It acts as a motto and guide for the Radiants as a whole, and is known as the Ideal of Radiance by the Skybreakers, who may have carried the name over from the ancient Radiants. The unique Ideals of each order are designed as a progression that develops a Radiant's character toward the central concepts of their order. The Stormfather, the sibling (the tower) and Cultivation have some discretion in deciding whether or not a Radiant has progressed enough that their oath can be accepted, though this discretion appears to be limited. It is unclear whether or not the Stormfather had this ability prior to Honor's Splintering, but it seems likely it was instead Honor's decision at this time.

As a Radiant swears additional Ideals, they gain their Shardblade and Shardplate, and become more efficient in their use of Stormlight. Additionally, some orders cannot use one of their Surges until they swear a higher Ideal. Swearing the Fifth Ideal, also known as the Final Ideal, makes the Nahel bond between Radiant and spren so strong that it can only be broken by death; until that point, there are apparently safe ways to break the bond. Swearing the Fifth Ideal is generally not necessary to be considered a full Knight Radiant and is such a difficult process that the Order of the Skybreakers has not had someone swear the Fifth Ideal for centuries.

Ideals must be sworn in order, even if a Radiant is ready to swear a higher ideal than the one they cannot currently swear. If a Knight Radiant breaks any of their oaths, their spren dies and they lose all their Knight Radiant powers.

Creating a Knight Radiant[edit]

The most important aspect of a Knight Radiant character is their order and the oaths that they swear as they advance through the ideals. Are you a Windrunner, strong fighters that put others before themselves? Are you a Bondsmith, uniting men against evil and acknowledging your mistakes, coming out a better person each time? Or are you an Edgedancer, recognizing those who have been forgotten, and hailing those who are ignored?

What were you doing before you swore your first ideal, and became a Knight Radiant? Were you fighting ferociously on a battlefield, nearly unaware of your allies, or anything else in the world? Were you arguing just as ferociously, with other diplomats? Were you learning, either being taught by a specific mentor, or even in a place like a library? Were you a healer, moving from patient to patient, and carefully mending their wounds? Or were you a simple traveler, going on expeditions all around the world and learning about cultured world-wide.

Quick Build

You can make a Knight Radiant quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom, followed by your choice of Strenght or Dexterity.

Class Features

As a Knight Radiant you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Knight Radiant level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Knight Radiant level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Your saving throws are according to your order
Skills: Choose 2 from: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, History, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Survival, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a longsword or (b) a spear
  • (a) leather armor or (b) a shield
  • (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a scholar’s pack

Table: The Knight Radiant

Level Proficiency
Features Stormlight Points Stormlight Die
1st +2 Radiant Order, First Ideal 10 1d4
2nd +2 Stormlight Healing 20 1d4
3rd +2 Radiant Order Feature, Vorin Stances 30 1d4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 40 1d4
5th +3 Extra Attack, Rhythm of War 50 1d6
6th +3 Radiant Order Feature, Second Ideal 60 1d6
7th +3 Improved Stormlight Burning 70 1d6
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 80 1d6
9th +4 Radiant Order Feature, Slow Stormlight Burning 90 1d8
10th +4 Radiant Order Feature, Third Ideal, Shardblade 100 1d8
11th +4 110 1d8
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 120 1d8
13th +5 Radiant Order Feature 130 1d10
14th +5 Radiant Order Feature, Fourth Ideal 140 1d10
15th +5 Improved Shards 150 1d10
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 160 1d10
17th +6 Radiant Order Feature 170 1d12
18th +6 Radiant Order Feature, Improved Shards 180 1d12
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 190 1d12
20th +6 Highstorm 200 1d12

Radiant Order[edit]

At 1st level you pick the order you will dedicate yourself to. This choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 10th, 14th, 17th and 18th level.

First Ideal[edit]

At 1st level, you have learned to draw power from your bond with a spren. This grants you the ability to hold a mystical energy known as Stormlight within your body. This power is represented by Stormlight Points of which you have as many as shown in your Knight Radiant table. These points are used to fuel many of your class features. As a bonus action on your turn, you can breathe in, drawing Stormlight Points from the gemstone and adding them to your Stormlight pool. Other class features use Stormlight Points from this pool to create an effect. This pool can be replenished by using your bonus action and adding more points to your pool from the gemstone. The gemstone is replenished at the end of a long rest. After you use this class feature, at the start of each of your turns or every 20 seconds (only out of combat) the pool loses 3 Stormlight Points and you gain the following benefits until the start of your next turn:

  • + 5 movement speed.
  • Weapon attacks do extra damage equal to your Stormlight die, which changes as shown in your Knight Radiant table.
  • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
  • You do not need to breathe.
  • You shed bright light in a 5 feet radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.

If you have fewer than 3 Stormlight points in your pool, they are not drained and you gain no benefits.

Additionally, some Knight Radiant class features require saving throws. In this case the DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Order modifier.

Stormlight Healing[edit]

At 2nd level you learn how to heal yourself with Stormlight. As an action on your turn, you can drain Stormlight points from your pool to heal yourself. For every 4 points drained this way, roll your Stormlight Die and heal that much plus your Order modifier.

Vorin Stances[edit]

At 3rd level, you are able to move between the stances practiced by shardbearers across the Vorin kingdoms. Each stance lends you its own set of abilities. You choose a stance at the beginning of combat, and can switch to a different stance as a bonus action on your turn.

  • Windstance. In windstance, your attacks gain a cone of effect that is equal to your weapon’s maximum reach. If multiple targets are within range, you are able to strike them all in a single action. For the duration of this stance, your weapon gains the slashing damage type, if it does not already have it.
  • Smokestance. In smokestance, your constant motion imposes disadvantage on any creature within your field of vision that attacks you. For the duration of this stance, your weapon gains the piercing damage type, if it does not already have it.
  • Flamestance. In flamestance, you square off and keep your off-hand resting on the blade of your weapon. With this stance, you are granted an extra attack action.
  • Vinestance. In vinestance, you enter a defensive posture that is punctuated by sudden and quick attacks. With this stance, you are resistant to being knocked prone. Additionally, if your attack roll lands on a 1 or 2, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.
  • Ironstance. In ironstance, you grip your weapon in two hands, and strike with blows from overhead. When you land an attack, your target must succeed a DC 15 Constitution Saving throw, or be Stunned until their next turn. For the duration of this stance, your weapon gains the versatile property, if it does not already have it.
  • Stonestance. In stonestance, your attacks are focused on absolute output. When you land an attack in stonestance, the damage that you roll for that attack is doubled. Additionally, for the duration of this stance, you gain advantage on Saving throws against being grappled.
  • Bloodstance. In bloodstance, you attack as if you are in a desperate frenzy. When you are dealt damage by a creature within range, you are able to use your reaction to retaliate and attack in return.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack[edit]

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Rhythm of War[edit]

At 5th level, while under the effects of Stormlight, whenever you attack you may spend 2 Stormlight Points to double the bonus damage dealt by your Stormlight Die.

Second Ideal[edit]

At 6th level, you have faced trials and reflection to find the Words, and you swear the Second Ideal of the Knights Radiant, the first of the Ideals unique to your Order.

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend stormlight to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for 2 Stormlight Points expended, plus 1d8 for each 2 Stormlight Points after the first ones, to a maximum of 6d8.

Improved Stormlight Burning[edit]

At 7th level, you master the stormlight that flows through your veins. So long as you are burning stormlight, you have the following bonuses:

  • You gain a bonus to your Passive Perception that is equal to your Order modifier.
  • Your natural Armor Class gets a bonus of +2.

Slow Stormlight Burning[edit]

At 9th level, you have learned how to burn your Stormlight at a reduced rate to use while adventuring. By paying 10 Stormlight points per hour you gain the following benefits:

  • You can add your proficiency bonus to initiative rolls.
  • You can travel at a fast pace without gaining disadvantage on Wisdom (perception) checks.
  • You regain 10 Hit Points every hour.

Third Ideal[edit]

At the 10th level, you achieve the will and the wisdom to further yourself as a Radiant. During combat, you may choose any party member or non-player characters to be your squire until the beginning of your next turn. As long as your squire is within 100 feet of you, they gain the ability to use the Surges of your Order. Squires do not gain their own spren, nor do they gain any ability to command your own. Surgebinders or squires of another Order may not become your squires.


At 10th level, your bond with your spren has grown strong enough that you can pull them into the material plane. As an action on your turn, you can pull your spren into this plane as a shardblade and make one attack. The shardblade appears to be made out of a light, yet indestructible silvery material. This shardblade can take the form of any weapon, tool or shield. You can use a bonus action to change its shape as long as it meets the above requirements. Attacks with this weapon are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks. Attacks with your shardblade get a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Shardblade can be dismissed at any time (no action required). The shardblade has the following characteristics:

  • It deals the same damage as the weapon it copies, but it is radiant type.
  • It can only be summoned if your spren is within 30 feet of you.
  • Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. When you score a critical hit on a creature that is above half of its Hit Point maximum, they must succeed a Constitution Saving throw using your Knight Radiant Save DC, or take an additional necrotic damage equal to four times what you rolled on your Stormlight Die for that attack. When you score a critical hit on a creature that is below half of its Hit Point maximum, they must succeed a Constitution Saving throw using your Knight Radiant Save DC, or they die instantly.
  • As a reaction when you are targeted by an attack, you can morph your shardblade into a shield provided you weren’t already wearing one. This grants you the usual benefits of wearing a shield. After the attack is made the shardblade returns to its previous form

The shardblade emits bright light in a 5 feet radius and dim light in another 5 feet. The color of this light depends on your Radiant Order. Additionally, it doesn't leave any injuries in the creatures you hit with it, nor does ever get dirty. When you kill a living being with it, its eyes burn into black smoke. When you are using your shardblade, you can communicate with your spren telepathically.

Fourth Ideal[edit]

Starting at 14th level, your oaths and bond are strong enough that you can summon shardplate to your body using a bonus action as long as you are using no armor or light armor. You can also summon you shardblade in the same bonus action if you hadn't summoned it earlier. Shardplate sheds dim light in a 10 feet radius. The shardplate is a piece of heavy armor you are proficient with and it has the following characteristics:

  • The shardplate has Hit Points equal to twice your Knight Radiant level + your Order modifier.
  • It has an AC of 13 + half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) + your Order modifier.
  • This armor increases your walking speed by 10 feet and doubles your high and long jump distances.
  • You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
  • The shardplate's Hit Points regenerate after a long rest. You can also spend Stormlight Points as an action while it's summoned to cause the shardplate to regain Hit Points equal to your Order modifier (minimum of 1) for every 3 Stormlight Points consumed.
  • You can control the light emanating from your plate. As a bonus action, you can extinguish the plate’s light or increase it to bright light in a 20 feet radius and dim light for another 20 feet.
  • Non-magical bludgeoning, slashing, piercing damage is reduced by 1 while you wear this armor.

The shardplate disappears if it runs out of hit points, but you can dismiss it using a bonus action.

Improved Shards[edit]

When you reach 15th level, your shardplate grants you advantage on any saving throw against spells and magical effects as long as it has at least 1 hit point also it's base AC is 14. Meanwhile your Shardblade becomes a +2 magic weapon.

At 18th level your Shardplate base AC becomes 15 and your Shardblade is a +3 magic weapon.


At 20th level, you learn how to release the raging storm within you. As an action, you can surround yourself in a Highstorm. In a 20 feet by 20 feet cube centered on you swirling clouds appear. They make the area lightly obscured to everyone else and difficult terrain. Ranged attacks in and out are impossible. The first time an enemy creature enters the storm's area or starts its turn there it takes 3d6 thunder damage and 3d6 lightning damage, and they must make a saving throw equal to your Knight Radiant save Dc or take 1d4 bludgeoning damage (half on a successful save, minimum 1). Any creature, enemy or friendly, has their movement speed halved. While channeling the Highstorm you can only move in straight lines. The only bonus action you can take is to end the Highstorm. The Highstorm lasts for 1 minute otherwise as long as you maintain concentration. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Radiant Orders[edit]

The Knights Radiant comprised ten different Orders, some of which had several hundred members. Each Order had two Surges associated with it, and each Surge was used by two different Orders. Scholars associated the ten Orders with the Ten Essences as well.


The Windrunners are Surgebinders who use the Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation, and they are associated with the sapphire polestone. They form a Nahel bond with honorspren. The combination of Adhesion and Gravitation results in the three Lashings.

Order modifier: Charisma is your Order ability modifier.


Your spren type is the Honorspren. Honorspren are blue and with a humanoid form. They can choose which person can see them and they are very similar to humans in their customs and manners. Thanks to your bond with a Honorspren you gain proficiency in Dexterity and Strength saving throws.

Additionally if under the effects of Stormlight and with your spren 30 feet from yourself, you gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws, you have a climbing speed equal to your normal speed and you don't take falling damage.

Bonus Proficiencies[edit]

When you join the Windrunners Order, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and martial weapons.

Wind's Grace[edit]

You are ready for battle anytime. You gain a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Charisma modifier.


At 3rd level you gain the abilities of the Gravitation surge.

I Will Protect Those Who Cannot Protect Themselves[edit]

Beginning at 6th level, you can adopt a defensive stand to protect your allies from ranged attacks. When an ally that is within 15 feet of you is attacked by a ranged attack that requires an attack roll, you can use your reaction to consume 20 Stormlight Points. Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Charisma modifier against ranged attacks and every ranged attack that targets a creature within 15 feet of you targets you instead of its original objective.


At 6th level you gain the abilities of the surge of Adhesion.


At 10th level you can draw creatures and objects into a point using your Stormlight. As a bonus action you can expend 30 stormlight points to set up a halt. Pick a point within 30 feet. All creatures and unsecured objects within 10 feet of that point are pulled to it. The halt will not pull anything behind any amount of cover.

Protection Bulwark[edit]

At 14th level, while under the effects of Stormlight, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

Moreover, when you have your shardplate summoned, you can cause it to protect others from harm. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to cause your shardplate to protect them. Until the beginning of your next turn, the target creature gains the benefit of your shardplate as it they were their bearer. During this time, you cannot benefit from your shardplate's features. When this effect ends, you regain your shardplate again without the need to summon it.

Wind Fighter[edit]

When you fight, wind currents surround you, enhancing your abilities. When you reach 18th level, your flying speed increases to 60 feet or your walking speed, whichever is higher, and wind effects don't count as difficult terrain for you when you are under the effects of Stormlight.

Additionally, when you inhale Stormlight, wind gales surround you. Once per turn when you are under the effects of Stormlight, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you may throw a strong burst of wind. The creature you hit and every creature in a 15 feet cone in front of you must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


The Skybreakers are Surgebinders who use the Surges of Gravitation and Division, and they are associated with the Smokestone Polestone. They form a Nahel bond with Highspren. They were the only Radiants who did not break their oaths on the Day of Recreance.

Order modifier: Wisdom is your Order ability modifier.


Your spren type is the Highspren. In the Physical Realm, they take the form of black slits in the air, which can pull open to reveal stars shining within. When they move, reality seems to bend around them. Thanks to your bond with a Highspren you gain proficiency in dexterity and strength saving throws.

Additionally, if under the affects of Stormlight and with your spren within 30 feet of yourself, you gain advantage on dexterity saving throws.

The Ten Surges of Roshar[edit]


Adhesion is the surge of pressure and vacuum. With this surge, you can stick two objects together by pouring stormlight into an object and touching it to another object, including yourself. You can drain stormlight points into an object of your choice to use the surge of adhesion. For every 5 Stormlight points you drain into an object you can stick it to something for two turns (or twenty seconds out of combat). This ability lasts for one more round (or ten more seconds out of combat) first at level 6 and then at level 10, 14, and 18.


Gravitation is the surge of gravity. With this surge, you can manipulate the gravitational pull on a specific object or creature by infusing an object or creature with Stormlight and designating a point for it to move or fly towards, you can infuse yourself. To do this you must drain Stormlight points. For every 5 Stormlight points drained, the designated object or creature moves toward a point you designate in a straight line for 2 turns (or twenty seconds out of combat). This ability lasts for one more round (or ten seconds out of combat) at level 6, 10, 14, and 18.


Division is the surge of destruction and decay.


Abrasion is the surge of friction.


Progression is the surge of growth and healing, or regrowth.


Illumination is the surge of light, sound, and various waveforms.


Transformation is the surge of soulcasting.


Transportation is the surge of motion and realmatic transition.


Cohesion is the surge of strong axial interconnection.


Tension is the surge of soft axial interconnection.

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